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VIII. Selected Bibliography HRDC Evaluation Studies on Disability Policies and Programs

  1. Final Report: Evaluation of the Federal Contractors Program, June, 1992.
  2. Final Report: Evaluation of the Legislated Employment Equity Program, June, 1992.
  3. Living with Disability in Canada: An Economic Portrait, 1996.
  4. Interdepartmental Evaluation of the National Strategy for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, 1995.
  5. Evaluation of the Canada Pension Plan (Disability Component): Final Report, September 1996a.
  6. Evaluation of the National Vocational Rehabilitation Project, 1996b.
  7. Returning to Work: Removing the Barriers, 1996c.
  8. Evaluation of the Employability Improvement Program. Final Report, December 1995a.
  9. Evaluation of the HRDC Initiatives Under the National Strategy for Integration of Persons with Disabilities (NSIPD): Phase II, June, 1995b.
  10. CPP Disability Incidence Study: Main Report, 1995c.
  11. Improving Social Security In Canada. Persons With Disabilities: A Supplementary Paper, 1994.
  12. Canada Pension Plan. Fifteenth Actuarial Report, December 31, 1993.
  13. A Review of the Disability Management Pilot Project, 1996.
  14. Evaluation and Future Directions for the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) in Canada. Final Report, 1995.
  15. Exploring the Effectiveness of Canada Employment Centres for People With Disabilities. Final Report, 1994.
  16. The Future of JAN: Evaluation and Identification of Future Options. Final Report, 1990.
  17. Analysis of Corporate Data on the Implementation of the Designated Group Policy. Phase l, 1994.
  18. Assessment of the Implementation of the Designated Group Policy. Phase II Report, 1994.
  19. An Evaluation of the Program for the Employment Disadvantaged, March 1984.
  20. Evaluation of the National Vocational Rehabilitation Project, 1996.

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