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Appendix C: Research Instruments

Draft Interview Guide Participants/Family members

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

My name is _________ and I work for PwC Consulting. You were asked by the program co-ordinator of (program name) to see if you would participate in an interview with me to discuss how you find the program.

I am working with the provincial and federal governments to evaluate the (program name). What you tell me will help me learn what you think about the program. What worked for you? What did not? And why?

The information you give us as well as that given to us by other program participants will be written up in a report to help the people running this program get a better sense of what people think of the services they provide.

Before we begin, I would like to reconfirm that this interview is voluntary. So, if you choose not to go on with the interview, you will not lose any of the supports you receive by the program or any other supports.

Just so that you know, everything you tell me will be kept confidential and no names will be marked on any interview notes.

The interview should take approximately 45 minutes to an hour. Are we okay to proceed?

Do you have any question before we get started?

Note to Interviewer: Regular font — Questions for Participants
  Italics — Questions for Family Members
  Bold — Questions for both Participants and Family Members


  Former participants  
1.   Could you begin by telling me how you found out about this program and what made you decide
to participate?
2.   How long have you been participating in the program? What kinds of services are you receiving
from this program?
formula How long did you...
  formula What services did you...
3.   At this time, do you have a job as a result of this program? formula Did you get a job...
4.   (If yes), Are you doing the kind of work you like? formula  


  Former participants  
5.   What do you hope to get out of this program?    
6.   (If currently employed) How does this program continue to help you? formula How did this program...
7.   Have you been involved with any other programs that are similar to this one? If so, how does this program differ from the other one? formula  

Success and Challenges

  Former participants  
8.   What kinds of barriers make it difficult for you to get and/or keep a job/work? Please describe. How has this program helped you with these barriers/difficulties? formula  
formula How did this program...
9.   Has this program helped you (your family member) to feel more comfortable / confident in
finding work or going to work? Do you have any experiences you can share?
formula How did this program...
10.   Since you (your family member) started in this program, have you noticed any changes inwork related skills? formula After you finished the program, did you notice...
11.   Do you use any supports? Are these supports readily available to you? (i.e., transportation, day-care, adaptive aids, support groups, etc...) formula  
12.   Does your participation in this program mean that you get less income support from the government? formula When you participated in this program, did you...  
13.   Has your participation in this program changed the support you receive? (i.e., transportation, day-care, adaptive aids, support groups, etc...) In what way has it changed? formula Did your participation...
14.   Do you feel that there is enough program staff to help you when you need it? Please explain and provide examples if possible. formula Were there...

Critical Success Factors (Challenges Remaining/Suggested Improvements)

  Former participants  
15.   What do you like about this program? Please describe. formula What did you...
16.   Should anything be changed? formula  
17.   What improvements, if any, could be made to the structure of the program?    
18.   How would these changes benefit you and your family member's needs?    

The Future

  Former participants  
19.   How long do you think you would like to be involved with this program?    
20.   Would you recommend this program to your friends or family? formula  

Thank you very much for your time. Do you have any questions or comments?

Draft Interview Guide

Program Administrators/Third Party Deliverers/Employers

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

My name is _____________ and I work for PwC Consulting in Ottawa. As you may know, PwC Consulting has been contracted by Human Resources Development Canada and your provincial government to evaluate the success of the (program name). This evaluation is an important first step in building a knowledge base regarding the program's operational effectiveness that will contribute to more comprehensive evaluation activities in the future.

The (program name) has been selected as a 'Promising Practice' in promoting and facilitating employment / employability for people with disabilities. As such, your program is regarded as highly successful in addressing issues commonly facing people with disabilities, using practices that are applicable in other settings and capable of producing measurable client impacts.

The objectives of this interview are to identify and document your success and challenges.

Before we begin, I would like to reconfirm that this interview is voluntary and should take approximately 45 minutes to an hour.

Also, this is a confidential interview and the information you provide will only be presented in an aggregated form so that comments cannot be attributed to a specific individual. No name will be marked on any interview notes. Once the interviews are complete, we will develop a summary report that synthesizes key findings.

Do you have any question before we get started?

Note to interviewer: Regular font — Questions for Program Administrators/Third Party Deliverers
Italics - Questions for Employers
Bold - Questions for both Program Administrators/Third Party Deliverers and Employers


1. How long have you been actively involved with this particular program? What is your current role/function in relation to the program?

2. Could you please provide me with a brief description of the (name of program)? (Including: background and context, target group, any delivery agents, etc...)


3. What is your understanding of the program goals and objectives?

3.1 Are the goals and objectives measured in this program? How are they measured?

4. In what way does this program represent an innovative or unique approach to employability programming for people with disabilities?

5. In your opinion, has this program produced the positive results anticipated for participants? How/why?

6. What kind of feedback have you solicited from participants to verify that you have produced positive results? (Surveys, letters, interviews, etc.)

7. How do you ensure that participant skills and interests are matched to employers' requests?

7.1 How well do you think participants' skills and interests match your requests?

8. Has this program been proven to be cost effective? What quantitative measures, if any, have been used to determine this?

Success and Challenges

9. How does the program reach its target population? What activities are essential to reach and maintain the target population?

10. Would you say that this program is 'individualized' or tailored to meet the specific needs of each person? How is this done?

11. Is the current staff arrangement adequate to deliver the program/services efficiently and effectively?

12. What barriers preventing the full participation of people with disabilities in the workplace does your program try to minimize?

12.1 What barriers preventing the full participation of people with disabilities in the workplace has your organization minimized through your participation in the program?

13. Have you created/adapted positions within your organization to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities? How?

14. How responsive are employers and other stakeholders in supporting this program? In what way has the awareness of the program been promoted in the community?

14.1 How were you made aware of this program? In what way is this program promoted?

15. Have you noticed an increase or decline in the participation/enrolment in the program? What main reasons are cited for withdrawal from the program?

16. Is on-going support provided to participants after their initial goals have been met? If so, what does this support consist of? (follow-up assessments, support groups, awareness, communications, etc...)

17. Is the level of communication between the various stakeholders adequate to ensure seamless service? (Federal/provincial governments, employers, advocates, various types of participants, program staff, official languages related) Where are there communication gaps, if any?

18. Does your provincial government provide you with the information and support that you need to deliver services to your participant group? How?

19. What are the biggest challenges in successfully operating this program?

20. What has your experience been in terms of hiring an employee from this program?

21. How would you describe the interaction between program participants and other members of your staff?

Critical Success Factors (Challenges Remaining/Suggested Improvements)

22. In your opinion, what do you see as critical for ensuring continued success of this program?

23. Since this program has been in existence, what lessons have you learned? (project management, human resource management, attrition and retention, awareness, partnership with community employers, participant groups, etc.)

The Future

24. What is needed to maintain or expand the program?

25. Do you think aspects of your program can be successfully adopted by other organizations to provide similar services to people with disabilities? Which ones and why or why not?

26. What are the long-term goals of your program? What are the things you need to do to get there (short-term goals)?

Do you have any documentation you could share with us that would be useful in writing up the case study? Such documents can include annual reports, strategic plans, assessment and evaluation reports, etc.

Thank you very much for your time. Do you have any questions or comments?

Draft Interview Guide

Provincial Government Representatives

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

My name is _____________ and I work for PwC Consulting in Ottawa. As you may know, PwC Consulting has been contracted by Human Resources Development Canada and your provincial government to evaluate the success of the (program name). This evaluation is an important first step in building a knowledge base regarding the program's operational effectiveness that will contribute to more comprehensive evaluation activities in the future.

The (program name) has been selected as a 'Promising Practice' in promoting and facilitating employability for people with disabilities. As such, this program is regarded as highly successful in addressing issues commonly facing people with disabilities. We expect to find that your program uses practices that are applicable in other settings and is capable of producing measurable client impacts.

The objectives of this interview are to identify and document challenges and solutions, and results.

Before we begin, I would like to reconfirm that this interview is voluntary and should take approximately half an hour.

Also, this is a confidential interview and the information you provide will only be presented in an aggregated form so that comments cannot be attributed to a specific individual. No name will be marked on any interview notes. Once the interviews are complete, we will develop a summary report that synthesizes key findings.

Do you have any question before we get started?


1. How long have you been actively involved with this particular program? What is your current role/function in relation to the program?

2. Could you please provide me with a brief description of the (name of program)? (Including: background and context, target group, any delivery agents, etc...)


3. What are the factors that make/ made you nominate (program name) a "Promising Practice"? How is it innovative and/or unique?

Barriers and Challenges/Strengths

4. From your perspective, what makes an employment related program for people with disabilities successful? (Probe: different client types)

5. How can the (program name) be improved upon?

Critical Success Factors (Challenges Remaining/Suggested Improvements)

6. What critical success factors must be in place in order to enhance employment and employability opportunities and supports for persons with disabilities?

7. What are the areas where different orders of government need to continue working together on? (i.e., multilateral frameworks, harmonizing disability related benefits, workers' compensation, etc...)

The Future

8. What future developments will be necessary to ensure employment opportunities for people with disabilities? What barriers must be overcome and what must be done to break these down?

Thank you very much for your time. Do you have any questions or comments?

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