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Canadian Wildlife Service

Migratory Birds Conservation Division


Partners in Flight – Canada
Canadian Landbird Conservation Program

Landbirds include some of the most familiar and best-loved birds in Canada. But populations of this group, representing about 220 species of birds, have shown long-term declines over the last 30 years. Loss and degradation of wildlife habitat are believed to be the primary causes of these declines.

In response to concern for these birds, the Canadian Wildlife Service, with its mandate for migratory bird conservation, is working with partners to build a national landbird conservation program.

  Partners in Flight Canada Logo

Consultations with interested parties resulted in the development of the Canadian Landbird Conservation Program in 1994. Those discussions supported the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada (CWS) in taking the lead to develop a framework for implementing landbird conservation at the national level.

The goal of Partners in Flight – Canada (PIF) is to ensure the long-term viability of populations of native Canadian landbirds across their range of habitats. Implementation of this goal will occur at national, regional and local levels to help keep our common birds common. This approach will help prevent the addition of birds to the list of species at risk.

Work at the national level is overseen by the National Working Group. It includes representatives from government and non-government conservation agencies and regional PIF programs, and welcomes participation from industry, academia, and other interested stakeholders. Activities and products of the National Working Group support landbird conservation at international, national, regional and local levels. To date, these include the Framework for Landbird Conservation in Canada that provides the context for a Canadian landbird conservation program, the Canadian Landbird Monitoring Strategy which highlights existing surveys and discusses how to fill gaps in our knowledge of landbird populations, and the National Action Needs for Canadian Landbird Conservation which outlines priority research and monitoring needs for specific landbird species.


Photo of a Scarlet Tanager
Scarlet Tanager

Photo of a Chestnut-sided Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Photos: J.R. Graham,
Parks Canada

Landbirds include hawks, eagles, and falcons; partridges, grouse, and quail; pigeons and doves; cuckoos; owls; nightjars; swifts and hummingbirds; kingfishers; woodpeckers; and passerines.

Regional and provincial/territorial landbird conservation efforts will be undertaken independently through conservation plans developed by partnerships at those levels. As the landbird component of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative, Partners in Flight – Canada encourages regional efforts to use Bird Conservation Regions as the geographic framework for conservation plans. Where possible, implementation of regional landbird conservation will be integrated with efforts to conserve other species of birds.

Please send comments or questions to:

Partners in Flight – Canada
c/o Canadian Wildlife Service,
Environment Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H3
Fax: (819) 994-4445