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23 January 2006
Canadians choose change and accountability
13 January 2006
Harper releases plan rooted in Canadian values
12 January 2006
Harper outlines plan to increase supply of affordable housing
11 January 2006
Harper announces plan for roads, highways, and infrastructure
06 January 2006
Harper plan to create 125,000 new child care spaces
05 January 2006
Stephen Harper announces plan to Stand up for Security
04 January 2006
Harper pledges action on immigrant credentials and aggressively reducing the Right of Landing Fee
03 January 2006
Harper will end lucrative polling contracts to government insiders
29 December 2005
Harper transit plan to benefit environment
28 December 2005
Harper Pledges Support for Pacific Gateway
27 December 2005
Harper to boost defence on West Coast to protect Canadian sovereignty
22 December 2005
Harper Stands Up for Arctic Sovereignty
21 December 2005
Harper to replace CAIS and boost ethanol and biodiesel
19 December 2005
Harper Announces Conservative Platform for Québec
17 December 2005
Harper unveils Stand Up for B.C. platform`
14 December 2005
Harper to initiate reforms to elect senators and set fixed election dates
13 December 2005
Harper Calls for Boost to Canadian Forces
12 December 2005
Conservative government will support sports activities for kids
09 December 2005
Harper will ensure security for seniors
08 December 2005
Harper to Boost Apprenticeship and Postsecondary Education Assistance
07 December 2005
Conservatives release Opportunity Plan for Small Business
05 December 2005
A new $1,200 Choice in Child Care Allowance for pre-school kids
02 December 2005
Conservative leader Stephen Harper pledges Patient Wait Times Guarantee
30 November 2005
Harper announces Independent Director of Public Prosecutions
29 November 2005
Address by the Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
29 November 2005
Remarks by the Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
28 November 2005
24 November 2005
“That This House Has Lost Confidence in the Government”
08 November 2005
04 November 2005
The Federal Accountability Act

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Copyright © 2006 Authorized by the Registered Agent of the Conservative Party of Canada. Last updated at 10:00 pm EST January 22, 2006