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Stephen Harper challenges Gilles Duceppe to a debate
22 December 2005

Duceppe wants head-to-head debate.  This is his chance

OTTAWA – Statement by Conservative leader Stephen Harper:

“Several days ago, Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe issued an invitation for a one-on-one debate with Liberal leader Paul Martin.  Despite his rhetoric about being the man to save Canada from the separatists, Mr. Martin declined.  In the interests of Canadians having at least one federalist leader willing to put words into action and stand up for Canada, I made an offer to Mr. Duceppe to debate him.

“I understand that yesterday Mr. Duceppe responded, saying he feels this election is about Liberal corruption, and that consequently, he does not see a need for the two of us to debate.

“While I understand his perspective, I do believe there is much more at play in this election than just Liberal corruption.  There is much more at stake in this election for the future of Quebecers and all Canadians than just a discussion over corruption.  This is Mr. Duceppe’s opportunity, and I think that he should be prepared to discuss the full range of issues in this election campaign.

“I think that someone who leads a party with an agenda so ambitious as to seek to create a new country should be prepared to debate a leader who may be prime minister after this election.”

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11 February, 2006