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Stephen Harper releases plan rooted in Canadian values
13 January 2006

Integrity, family, respect for work, achievement – Canada strong and free

Today in Oakville, Ontario Stephen Harper today released Stand up for Canada, the Conservative Party’s election platform, emphasizing that it is based on the values that he and all Canadians share.

The platform is based on the values of integrity, family, respect for work, achievement, and commitment to a strong and free Canada.

“These are the values in which our plan is rooted,” said Mr. Harper. “Values which matter to me, values which I believe matter to all Canadians, values which have endured and will endure.”

The 46-page plan contains policies that were carefully considered and are fully budgeted after months of hard work. Promises such as cutting the GST from 7 to 6 to 5 per cent and delivering a Patient Wait Times Guarantee, are clear and measurable so Canadians will know that a Conservative government has kept its word.

Stephen Harper explained that because Stand up for Canada reflects genuine beliefs, it is an authentic plan which Canadians can count on.

“Instead of making phoney promises of huge benefits that never happen, we will deliver genuine, practical benefits that people experience,” said Mr, Harper, using the example of the Choice in Child Care Allowance. “I believe it’s better to light one candle than to promise a million light bulbs.”

Above all, Stand up for Canada reflects optimism about Canada and our country’s bright future.

“Our opponents want Canadians to believe that this is as good as it gets. I believe that for Canada the best is yet to come,” said Stephen Harper. “There are no limits to Canada's future if we live by the best of Canada’s values, if we reject a campaign of fear and choose a positive agenda.”

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Stephen Harper releases plan rooted in Canadian values
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Harper releases plan rooted in Canadian values (News Release)

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Copyright © 2006 Authorized by the Registered Agent of the Conservative Party of Canada. Last updated at 10:00 pm EST January 22, 2006
11 February, 2006