Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Science Information By:

Region codes

They are the Canadian provinces or of the foreign areas where we have data on the levels of water.

Code Description Last time modified
ANT  Antigua  5/8/2003 2:02:20 PM 
B C  British Columbia  5/12/2003 8:16:53 AM 
DEN  Denmark  5/12/2003 8:17:11 AM 
FRA  France  5/8/2003 2:02:20 PM 
MAN  Manitoba  5/8/2003 2:02:20 PM 
NFL  Newfoundland  5/12/2003 8:17:31 AM 
NWT  Northwest Territories  5/12/2003 8:18:21 AM 
N B  New Brunswick  5/12/2003 8:19:07 AM 
N S  Nova Scotia  5/12/2003 8:19:25 AM 
N Y  New York State  5/12/2003 8:19:32 AM 
ONT  Ontario  5/8/2003 2:02:20 PM 
PEI  Prince Edward Island  5/12/2003 8:20:07 AM 
QUE  Quebec  5/12/2003 8:20:10 AM 
YUK  Yukon  5/8/2003 2:02:20 PM 
USA  United States  5/12/2003 8:20:23 AM 


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