The Society of American Archivists
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Society of American Archivists
527 S. Wells St.
5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60607
fax 312/347-1452

SAA Staff
SAA Leader List
SAA Archives

SAA's Mission

Education Calendar

US Copyright Law Online Course
1/23/2006–2/24/2006 3/6/2006–4/28/2006

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Los Angeles, CA

MARC According to DACS: Archival Cataloging to the New Descriptive Standard (NEW)
Los Angeles, CA

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Minneapolis, MN

MARC According to DACS: Archival Cataloging to the New Descriptive Standard (NEW)
Minneapolis, MN

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Boston, MA

Managing Literary Manuscripts: Identification, Arrangement, and Description (NEW)
College Station, TX

Understanding Web Technologies
(IT Training for Practicing Archivists)
Atlanta, GA

Networking and Telecommunications for Archivists
(IT Training for Practicing Archivists)
Atlanta, GA

Oral History: From Planning to Preservation
University Park, PA

Style Sheets for EAD—Delivering Your Finding Aids on the Web
Buffalo, NY

Becoming a Film-Friendly Archivist (NEW)
Edwardsville, IL

Real World Reference: Moving Beyond Theory
Birmingham, AL

MARC According to DACS: Archival Cataloging to the New Descriptive Standard (NEW)
Indianapolis, IN

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Albany, NY

Oral History: From Planning to Preservation
Bloomington, IL

Building Digital Collections
San Francisco, CA

Archival Perspectives in Digital Preservation
University Park, PA

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Lexington, KY

Encoded Archival Description
Philadelphia, PA

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Minneapolis, MN

Understanding Photographs: Introduction to Archival Principles and Practices
University Park, PA

Digitization of Archival Materials
(IT Training for Practicing Archivists)
Atlanta, GA

Digital Libraries and Digital Archives
(IT Training for Practicing Archivists)
Atlanta, GA

Basic Electronic Records
East Sacramento, CA

Basic Electronic Records
El Paso, TX

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Atlanta, GA

MARC According to DACS: Archival Cataloging to the New Descriptive Standard (NEW)
Atlanta, GA

Grant Proposal Writing
Columbia, MO

Business Archives...Establishing and Managing an Archives
Chicago, IL

NARA Budget Proposed at $338 Million;
NHPRC in Jeopardy—Again

President Bush’s proposed FY 2007 budget once again zeroes out the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, stating that, “The Budget proposes no new grants funding… so that NARA can focus its resources on its essential Federal records management mission.” NHPRC ultimately was funded at $7.5 million in this year’s budget. View the proposed FY2007 budget here. [NARA Press Release] [More]

SAA Membership Soars!

SAA's membership continued to grow in January, reaching yet another all-time high of 4,433. If you’re an SAA member, thank you for your support! If you’re thinking about joining, there’s no better time. Remember: There’s strength in numbers!

Call for Student Paper and Poster Presentations

The Society of American Archivists' 2006 Student Program Subcommittee is accepting proposals for two special sessions dedicated to student scholarship to take place at the 2006 Joint Annual Meeting of CoSA, NAGARA, and SAA in Washington, DC, July 30-August 6.[More] Deadline: Feb. 10, 2006.

SAA Appointments—Get Involved!

Nominations are now being accepted to fill vacancies in committees and other leadership positions that will be open in 2006 and 2007. You can serve SAA and the profession while building your leadership skills. Click here for more information. Deadline: Feb. 24, 2006.

Honor Thy Colleagues!

Have you or someone you know published a groundbreaking book, written an outstanding article, or developed an innovative finding aid? Know of an individual or organization that has promoted greater public awareness of archives? Need financial assistance to attend a professional conference or institute? Apply or nominate someone for a 2006 SAA award or selection as a Fellow. Deadline: Feb. 28, 2006.

DACS Erratum

Please note the following changes to Describing Archives: A Content Standard: 1) On page 161, 14.1C2 refers to 11.1B5–11.B10; the reference should be to page 108 and rules 11.13–11.17. 2) On pages 220–221, “DACS to MARC21 and EAD” Table C5 of Appendix C—Crosswalks inadvertently contains some incomplete and erroneous mappings from DACS elements to those in the MARC21 format. All of these corrections will be made in future printings of DACS. In the meantime, this erratum (PDF) is provided as a reference for archivists using the first, second, and third printings of DACS.

January/February Archival Outlook Online

The latest Archival Outlook is available online for SAA members. Read about:

  • Heritage Health Index Report
  • Special Funds Contributors
  • How to Get Involved in SAA
  • and much more!

Back issues of Archival Outlook are also available for download.

The Latest American Archivist

The Fall/Winter 2005 American Archivist (vol. 68, no. 2) was mailed the last week in December and should arrive in the mailboxes of members and subscribers sometime in January. The table of contents, book reviews, and Council meeting minutes are available online.

Donate Now! SSA-SAA Emergency Disaster Assistance Fund Expanded; Grants Awarded

The Society of Southwest Archivists and the Society of American Archivists have expanded a fund to provide grants to archival repositories affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. As of October 31, grants have been awarded to the Louisiana Museum Foundation, the Newcomb College Center for Research on Women (Tulane University), the New Orleans Notarial Archives, the Tyrrell Historical Library, the University of New Orleans Earl K. Long Library, the Archives of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Medaille, the Archdiocese of New Orleans, the Dominican Sisters, Cabra, and the Sister Servants of Mary.

To apply for grant assistance or make a donation, click here.

List of major donors

Hurricane Katrina Recovery Information

A*CENSUS Survey Results

Past Headlines:

View all news & announcements
View all SAA position statements & resolutions
Diversity Statement

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Joint Annual Meeting

July 30-August 6, 2006

Call for Student Paper and Poster Presentations (Due Feb. 10)

More than 80 education sessions, the Tech and Info Expos, unparalleled networking opportunities...
Stay tuned for more!

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