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CIP Application Form
Library and Archives Canada
Cataloguing in Publication Program

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Privacy Notice Statement

If you have questions about this form, please call Library and Archives Canada's CIP Office:

  • Toll free  1-866-578-7777
  • Direct line  (819) 994-6881

First time applicants are encouraged to read the Explanatory Notes on the main CIP page for an explanation of the process.

Please select the CIP agent this form is submitted to:
Library and Archives Canada (Trade)
Library and Archives Canada (Federal Government)
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

* Indicates Mandatory Field

Section Title : Contact Information
1. Publisher
    *Postal Code
    *Telephone Ext.:
    Web site URL
2. Contact Person for this application
    Preferred means of communication
    Address, telephone and fax numbers if different from information provided above for Publisher
3. Person to whom the CIP entry should be sent if different from Contact Person named above.
    Preferred means of transmission
    Please provide e-mail address, postal address or fax number as appropriate

Section Title : The Publication
4. *Planned date of publication   
5. *Date CIP record for this title is needed   
6. If title page has been finalized, please submit as an attachment
    If not, when will title page be finalized?  
Please answer question 7
7. Complete transcription of all information as it will appear on the title page
    Edition statement
    *Author(s), editor(s), illustrator(s), translator(s), etc.
    Publisher's imprint
    Place of publication
8. Full name, date of birth and nationality of author(s), editor(s), illustrator(s), translator(s), etc.
    Please report this information as shown in the following examples:
   Smith, John, 1960-04-21, Canadian
   Smith, Jane, 1960-04-21, American
9. Format of publication   
10. If this title has been published before in a different edition or version
    Title(s) of previous edition(s) 
    ISBN(s) assigned to previous edition(s)   
    Publication date(s) of previous edition(s) 
    Is this edition a reprint of an unchanged text? Yes    No
    If this work is a translation, provide title of original publication
11. If this book is issued as part of a series
    Name or title of series
    ISSN for the series
12. If the series is numbered
    Number applied to this title
13. *ISBN(s) assigned to this publication. Please list different formats and bindings separately and indicate the price of each.
14. If this title is part of a multi-volume work
    How many volumes are planned?  
    ISBN assigned to work as a whole 
15. If the book contains the proceedings of a conference that is named in the publication
    Name of conference 
    Place where conference was held 
    Date(s) of conference   
16. Does the book contain a bibliography or bibliographic references?
Yes  No
17. Does the book contain an index? Yes   No
18. *Genre of publication    
19. *Primary audience for this book   
20. * What is this book about?
21. Does the book contain
    an introduction?
    a preface?
    a table of contents?
    Copies should be submitted as an attachment to this form or mailed or faxed to the CIP office
22. If the book is bilingual or multi-lingual, please indicate languages and proportion of each language (e.g. 50% English, 50% French)

Section Title : Ordering Information
23. Where can individuals obtain a copy of this title?
Directly from the publisher using the contact information noted above
Other (Please provide details)
24. Where can booksellers, libraries, etc. obtain copies?
Directly from the publisher using the contact information noted above
Distributor (Please provide contact information)

Other (Please provide details)

Section Title : New Books Service

The New Books Service is an enhancement to the Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) program that assists publishers in promoting their latest titles, and helps readers to discover them. All you need to do is to complete the New Books portion of the CIP form below, and we will create a record of each of your new releases featuring the graphics and promotional text you provide, along with the traditional authoritative Cataloguing in Publication data prepared by our experts. For more information about the Service, please refer to the notes in the guide.

Please enter URL addresses of all attachments submitted with this application. (Please note: if you have attached files for the table of contents and introductory text in sections 21-23 above, please re-attach them below if you wish to have them included in your New Books record.)

Images to be saved in JPG or GIF format
All other material to be saved in JPG, GIF or PDF format


Cover art (Front)

Table of contents

Introductory text : e.g, Introduction, Foreword, Preface (attach as one file)

Sample chapter or other excerpt

Information about the author

Information about the illustrator



Information about readings


PLEASE NOTE: If you have attached files in the New Books Service section above, you must complete the permission section below to proceed. If you have not included New Books material, press the send button below now.

Permission is hereby irrevocably granted to Her Majesty in right of Canada, her servants and agents to use, reproduce, adapt, communicate to the public by telecommunications or distribute online on the Internet, and, to perform any other act that Her Majesty may deem necessary with the above information, works and trademarks about the new publication, submitted as attachments to this electronic form. This permission is granted solely for the purposes of Library and Archives of Canada's "New Books Service" to which the Publisher wishes and agrees to participate.

The Publisher warrants that it owns the intellectual property rights or has obtained all necessary consents from the intellectual property rights holders to authorize the above permission and that it has the power to enter into this Agreement.

The Publisher accepts and agrees that Her Majesty shall not be liable for any unauthorized, inappropriate or improper use of the Licensed Material, downloaded from Her Majesty's websites by third parties.

The Publisher shall indemnify and save harmless Her Majesty, the Librarian and Archivist of Canada, her servants and agents from and against any damages, costs or expenses or any claim, action, suit, or other proceedings which they or any of them may at any time incur or suffer as a result of or arising out of any breach of any the Publisher's representations, warranties and obligations contained in this Agreement.

Please check
*Permission is hereby granted to Library and Archives Canada to distribute the above information about this publication by
(Name of Publisher)

I am duly authorized to act on behalf of
(Name of Publisher's representative)