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Heritage Programs

Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program (TREX), through this program, the Government of Canada assumes financial risk for damage or loss of objects in eligible travelling exhibitions. The objective of the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program is to increase access for Canadians to Canada's and the world's heritage through the exchange of artefacts and exhibitions in Canada.

Movable Cultural Property Program (MCP) protects objects of cultural significance to Canada, pursuant to the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, by regulating their export; entering into international agreements that prevent the illicit trafficking of cultural property; and designating well-managed custodial institutions and public authorities to be eligible to apply for grants to acquire cultural property and to apply to the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board to have donations certified as cultural property for income tax purposes.

Museums Assistance Program (MAP) provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions, for museum activities that support the objectives of Canada's museum policy.

The Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program helps arts and heritage organizations improve their management and develop greater financial stability.

Young Canada Works in Heritage Institutions gives young Canadians valuable working experience while they learn about Canada's rich heritage.

An additional program, Cultural Spaces Canada, administered by the Arts Policy Branch in the Department, improves Canada's cultural infrastructure. A particular focus is the repair and upgrading of arts and heritage facilities.

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Success Stories
Heritage Programs
Policy Development
Heritage Publications
Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board

Date modified: 2006/01/26
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