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  Location: Home - Arts- Arts Presentation Canada 2006/01/28  

Arts Presentation Canada

General Program Objective

Arts Presentation Canada gives Canadians direct access to diverse, quality artistic experiences through the financial assistance to arts presenters or the organizations that support them. The outcome will be that Canadian communities of all backgrounds will have the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the broadest possible range of artistic experiences.

Who can apply?

Canadian, non-profit organizations incorporated under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act (or under corresponding provincial or territorial legislation) that present, in a professional manner, artistic experiences originating from more than one province or territory or, that strengthen networking activities of Canadian performing arts presenters. Presenters that are provincial/territorial, municipal institutions or First Nation Tribal or Band Council / Inuit Organizations will also be considered.

Summary of program activities

Launched May 2nd 2001, Arts Presentation Canada has thus far financially contributed to more than 1000 events or season presenters of live professional performances and other similar activities in more than 224 cities or communities in 2001-2002, 2002-2003 and 2003-2004.

APC Components

The Program has two components:

  • the Programming Support Component for existing presenter organizations, arts festivals, presenter networks and service organizations;

  • the Development Component to support the emergence or professional development of presenters and presenter networks for under-served communities or artistic practices. (Please contact your regional office for further details on the Development Component).

Deadline and Application Form

Programming Component

For activities that will start after April 1st, 2007, the application deadlines are April 30 and September 30, 2006. Organizations are required to submit their application on the appropriate forms that will be available on this Web site.

Development Component

Please contact the nearest Departmental regional office for other deadlines related to the Development Component.

For more information

Please contact the nearest Department of Canadian Heritage regional office.

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Date modified: 2005/09/30
Important Notices