Official Languages Support Programs Branch

Langues officielles / Official Languages

Programmes d'appui aux langues officielles



Official Languages in Canada:
Changing the Language Landscape


Stacy Churchill


Table of Contents



1. The Context

2. Thirty Years of Federal Leadership

3. Provinces and Official Language Minorities

4. The New Landscape of Official Languages in Canada

[Hidden] Success Story No. 1: Public Support

[Public] Success Story No. 2: The Youth Option

[Dramatic] Success Story No. 3: Building Momentum for Language Change

Epilogue: Canada as a Post-Modern Nation-State


Appendix A: Note on First Nations

Appendix B: Section 23, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect federal government policy or opinion.

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Churchill, Stacy, 1939-

Official Languages in Canada: Changing the Language Landscape

(New Canadian perspectives, ISSN 1203-8903)

Text in English and French on inverted pages.

Title on added t.p.: Les langues officielles du Canada

Co-published by Canadian Studies Program and Official Languages Support Programs

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 0-662-63501-9

Cat. No. CH3-2-7/1998

1. Language policy -- Canada.
2. Bilingualism -- Canada.
I. Canada. Canadian Heritage.
II. Canadian Studies Program.
III. Canada. Canadian Heritage. Official Languages Support Programs.
IV. Title.
V. Title: Les langues officielles au Canada
VI. Series

P119.C3C47 1998 306.44'971 C98-980135-7E.


Date modified: 2004/02/06
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