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  Location: Home - International Relations and Policy Development - International Relations and Policy Development - Cultural Diversity @ La Francophonie 2006/01/28  

La Francophonie and cultural diversity

Canada's participation in the international Francophonie confirms Canada's commitment to promoting cultural diversity both nationally and abroad. The international Francophonie is a privileged forum for cooperation and dialogue, where Canada can and must promote the democratic, cultural and economic values that Canadians want to share.

Through the various influential forums and tools the Francophonie has set up since its inception, Canada has access to the world's rich cultural environment, which it uses for the benefit of all citizens. Canada's involvement in TV5, for example, provides our audiovisual industry and creators with a showcase in more than 150 countries, and in return, Canadians can keep in touch with Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas on a daily basis via their television screens.

Through its participation in the various official bodies of the Francophonie, Canada also advocates globalization that respects culture. The Ministerial Conference on Culture in Cotonou in June 2001 was a key step in making our partners in the Francophone community aware of the importance of protecting and supporting their unique cultures in these times of global trade and economic integration.

In Cotonou, the Francophonie took an important step by officially supporting the principle of a legal instrument to protect and promote cultural diversity (Cotonou Declaration (only available in French)), an innovative contribution to the ongoing international debate on our collective capacity to counter the detrimental effects of globalization. The Francophonie, with Canada's support, further endorsed this approach during the Francophone Summit in Beirut (October 18 to 20, 2002) which incidently focused on the dialogue between cultures. Indeed, the Beirut Declaration announces the Francophonie's will to contribute working toward the adoption of an International Convention on Cultural Diversity housed at UNESCO.

The International Francophonie Directorate works closely with the International Relations and Policy Development Directorate.

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Canada's Commitment to Cultural Diversity
New International Instrument on Cultural Diversity
International Network on Cultural Policy
La Francophonie and Cultural Diversity
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Canada @ UNESCO
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Date modified: 2003/02/21
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