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What do you think of the National Video Competition and of the videos on this site? Have you ever participated? What other activities would you participate in to help fight racism?
On 2005/10/09 Sinead from Wales, UK wrote:
I think this website is brilliant an I think racism should be stopped and im saying that as a white person. RACISM.STOP IT!
On 2005/09/21 Eddie from Fairbanks, AK, United States wrote:
I teach anti-racism and other related courses. This is a fantastic website that promotes harmony. Racism is still present in today's society. The younger generation seems to be the one cleaning up the mess that was left behind. It's better than it was in the past. However, there is still a long way to go. Keep up the great work..
On 2005/09/18 James from Battleford, canada wrote:
racism sucks...
On 2005/08/07 Jeffrey from Toronto, China wrote:
The typical response for racism is that it is a part of our nature, a gene impossible to purge. Through many years of art and literature, man is unable to evolve out of these bestial ideas. Racism is a show of how the perpetrator still remains ignorant and the victim remains victimized. Racism. Stop it.
On 2005/07/18 Chantal from Barrie, Canada wrote:
I think that this program is awesome, racism needs to be stopped!
On 2005/06/13 Darrin from The Peg, Canada wrote:
Hey I won this a few years ago and racism sucks
On 2005/06/10 Big Louie from Toronto, Iraq wrote:
Stop Racism! OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo
On 2005/06/09 JG from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
Racism should not be battled with racism, it only adds to the pain and anguish. Educate yourself, do not be ignorant of other people, be understanding of others, because one day, you may be the one being discriminated against. Stop Racism, now and forever.
On 2005/06/03 Terri from Hull, England wrote:
Stop the hate no matter what the colour, we are still flesh and blood. STOP RACISM NOW.
On 2005/05/29 Terri from hul, england wrote:
Racism sucks.Do sumfing about it. If sum 1 is bein racist 2 u at school, tell the teachers.if it is outside school then i fink the goverment should do this thing wer u can tel them who is bein racist 2 u + fine them for bein racist.that wud b a gud idea 2 stop racism.STOP RACISM NOW.
On 2005/05/20 mohamed from kabul, pakistan wrote:
videos rule!!!!
On 2005/05/19 annie from whitby, canada wrote:
racism is rong it shold be stoped it is mean it should be put to a stop! it's not rightto do that to people. It hrts them think of it this way what if you did not get a job because of your hair coulor ,skin coulor,eye coulor I just think its wrong to do that
On 2005/05/17 Alan States from Dartmouth, Canada wrote:
Racism is kept to hush hush and is simply swiped under the table. Thats a huge problem Racism's not a small problem and we need to speek out to express our disagree. Speek out, be loud, show hate towards racism, stop talking in the public forums and speek in public, help turn the "is"m's into "was"m's.
On 2005/05/17 abbi from essex, england wrote:
people say the eyes are the window to the soul, so why do we judge people on the colour of their skin?
On 2005/05/09 C from Pickering, Canada wrote:
My daughter has been called racist names and excluded because she is " a different colour". I need more voices in our community and schools to tell her she is beautiful other than mine. I want more voices to tell the children using racist comments that they are wrong. Our voices need to be louder than those that spread racism.
On 2005/05/05 A from Winnipeg, Canada ( Skilled immigrant) wrote:
PASSIVE AGRESSIVE RACISM is alive in Canadian public sector. Especially in the interview stage where there is usually no clear record of how each candidate was assessed. The biased interviewers can't do much in written test stage as there is a written record of it. They STEREOTYPE in interview stage end result no job. CHECK MATE.
On 2005/04/25 Deep from Toronto, Canada wrote:
It is everyone's responsibility to halp combat racism, not just the teachers, or students, or regular folks. I believe that the owners of Canadian media are reinforcing racism and prejudice with their ignorant mentality. Politicans must also step up to the plate, and not just talk about race when it comes to the election time, but educate everyone.
On 2005/04/20 Edward from Scarborough, Canada wrote:
In today's society, racism still happens and is caused due to misunderstanding and mistrust. I you know the race/ethnic background more better through resources and information that we can get along better no PERFECT. In fact, iet us learn from history and not repeat our mistakes and flaws.
On 2005/04/03 Serena from Quebec, Canada wrote:
I had the opportunity to be present at this years video presentation on March 21st in Ottawa. It was a great experience to see how other canadians my age view racism. I personally think that its a horrible thing and that us as a society should do our best in working together to fight the battle against racism.
On 2005/03/29 Emily from Markham, wrote:
racism is a very important issue that over the years, has improved a great deal. Also, sexism is still a very large issue because young children are exposed to sexist comments daily especailly on tv. how could we stop that?
On 2005/03/29 RD from Peterborough, Canada wrote:
There is a huge misunderstanding of the term "racism' Don't confuse it with Culturalism' Few people dislike someone due to their colour, it is usually a dislike based on a culture's behaviors, traditions etc.Anybody who blames their skin colour on a failure to succeed, better wake up
On 2005/03/24 Kenneth from Castries, St. Lucia wrote:
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and he taught his disciples that everyone is equal in God's sight, so why should we judge others because they look different or share different ideas or ideals from us. Multicultralism should always be promoted. I would like to see a little more diversification among canada's immigrants.
On 2005/03/22 RAM SAHOTA from DUDLEY, U.K wrote:
On 2005/03/21 Bashar from Windsor, Canada wrote:
Racism is very bad when you feel that. stop it. I take a stand against every one who supports racism. fight it!
On 2005/03/21 VERONICA from WINDSOR, CANADA wrote:
The racism is a sickness, so let`s be the doctors and eradicate this!!!!!
On 2005/03/21 Muneeb from Pickering, Pakistan - Now Canada wrote:
If the Government is really serious in eliminating racism, it should review first if the federal government employees reflect the demographics of our society. The same applies to jobs at the provincial level.
On 2005/03/21 Brit from Ontario, Canada wrote:
racism is a horrible, horrible thing that affects many EVERY DAY! We need to be more aware of the things we do. And we need to know how easily a little thing we say or do can offend or hurt a person both physically and mentally. ~~~REMEMBER.... ONLY -YOU- CAN STOP RACISM!!!
On 2005/03/21 RAHEL from WINNIPEG, MB wrote:
On 2005/03/21 Anthony from Windsor, Canada wrote:
For racism to be eliminated it must start at the very top, that is with our government, ensuring that minorities have a fair chance of obtaining jobs within the public sector.
On 2005/03/21 Amandeep from Winnipeg, Manitoba wrote:
I think that it's really awsome that everyone cares about Racsim..... This is a really Great site.
On 2005/03/21 rahel from winnipeg, manitoba wrote:
i think that its really ausome that everybody cares abput racism.. this is a really good website
On 2005/03/21 pedram vaghefinazari from Los Angeles, CA wrote:
Today is My BIRTHDAY!!!!! Yes...... March 21st. I came across this website, and thought I would write a few lines and say that one of the best birthday presents one could ever recieve is knowing the fact that there are people who care; people who care about others. These people are the ones who look at other people's smile, not their color.
On 2005/03/21 EMILY from river john, canada wrote:
we think this is horrable to diffrent people we shed stop it NOW!
On 2005/03/21 morgan from river john, canada wrote:
I think racism is horable people should be accepted for who they are,not how they look!:-)
On 2005/03/21 Grade 7 Class from Louisbourg, Canada wrote:
We enjoyed the numerous videos presented on this site. We had an excellent discussion during our Social Studies class on Monday, March.21st on the topic of racism, discrimation and diversity.
On 2005/03/21 Wendy from Queen Charlotte Islands, CANADA wrote:
This is a wonderful site!! There should be more than just one day. STOP the steriotyping. We are all individual's..
On 2005/03/19 Kristy from Ponoka, Canada wrote:
I am a teacher at a First Nations school and believe that fighting racism is extremely important. Many students at the school are victims of racism and they, themselves have become intolerant. Hate crimes are on the rise, school violence is as well. Raising awareness of racism and anti-discrimination is essential for promoting peace and unity.
On 2005/03/18 Carrie from yorkton, Canada wrote:
i agree to stop racism
On 2005/03/18 Deng from St Marys, NSW, Australia wrote:
I haven't seen the video. I have participated in many multicultural excursions, organised recreational activities.
On 2005/03/17 Beckie from CBS, Canada wrote:
I think Racism is stupid...everyones the same on the inside no matter what their color is...or how they look. I really like how others are tryin to stop racism all over the world...its something that no one should put someone down beacuse of color. We cant help that.
On 2005/03/16 louie from poole, dorset wrote:
racism is rong
On 2005/03/15 Josie from Mississauga, Canada wrote:
There is racism at my boyfriend's work place; Mississauga Transit. He overheard a few cooworkers making negative comments against Jews. He did not speak up against it. Well I have to say something, it really bothers me that this prehistoric behavior still goes on in the work place. It must stop.
On 2005/03/15 Prefer not to disclo from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
I work for the government (in Hull, Quebec) and am the only one in my group who is non-white and am always excluded from a lot of things... I believe educational sessions on stopping racism should be made mandatory to government employees.
On 2005/03/15 JacobMal from Charlottetown, Canada wrote:
An action plan to creat employment equity at all levels of governments. This will promote the visibility of minoritiesat the positions of authority and decision making. Followed by the private sector. No systemtic racism.
On 2005/03/15 Mike (Spike) from Brampton, Canada wrote:
I am a Equity repersenative at a large company with many different cultures. In order to maintain a healthy work environment I encourage all our members to respect one another because we are all form one RACE the Human Race.
On 2005/03/14 Macy from Boston, Massachusetts, USA wrote:
Absolutely! My 5 year old son is in kindergarten and was the recent recipient of prejudicial and hurtful comments from a 6 YEAR OLD classmate! Hate starts at home and should be stopped early in school.
On 2005/03/10 Florence from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
On 2005/03/10 Inshana from Ramsammy, Canada wrote:
What an excellent site. I see so much racial discrimination/hatred in the high scjool where I work. Some kids just refuse to open their hearts and their minds to diffence in any regard. I think March 21 should be more publicized because we are in need of knowledge to allow change.
On 2005/03/08 Rachel from London, Canada wrote:
Hi! My name is Rachel. I got bullied for 5 and a half years. And when my teacher told me about this website I went on it right away! Then when I Shelby, she whent on this website. Now no one bullies me anymore! Thanks!
On 2005/03/08 BLANK from Dinosaur Land, Chile wrote:
I think racism is BAD. I am doing a project on how to STOP it. I liked the videos. They showed me that there are still people who belive in stopping racism.
On 2005/03/07 Sahar from Calgary, Canada wrote:
On 2005/03/06 Spencer from Parksville, Canada wrote:
Hey, my name is Spencer Tyson and I hate racism! I have many friends that ahve been affected by Racism and it made me so made that when it came for our school to do speeches I instantly thought "I'll do it on Racism!" and this site helped me get the last information I needed for it!
On 2005/03/01 John from Toronto, Canada wrote:
I am sick and tired of looking at people getting hurt because of racism...we should stop it no matter what. It's for our own goods.
On 2005/02/28 rebecca from muskegon, USA wrote:
hey i a junior in high school we have a class called goverment WE had to pic topic that we fell alot about and we chose racial discrimination we are takeing ideai to put in our project when you protest this please help us with ideais that might help us we are willing to take other ideais and intrupt them into please please help us thank you
On 2005/02/25 Katelyn from Bedford, Canada wrote:
wanna know what? racism just isnt cool. its kinda pointless actually... being racist towards someone wont eliminate their race. so why cant we just accept them all and get over it? o, and btw, when will we find out who won this years competition? i participated and so did some of my friends. i want to know who won! : ] *
On 2005/02/24 Alex from Winnipeg, Canada wrote:
I just found out yesterday that my project have been chosen as one of the 10 videos that were chosen as winners for this contest. I hope that our video will affect people and make them think twice about Racism and what it can do to others.
On 2005/02/23 Furber from Port Hope, Canada wrote:
Jesus loves everyone...Share the wealth! I Love you all! We are all God's people...Im a Christian
On 2005/02/23 Anj from Peterbrough, Canada wrote:
We hate Racisim! Especially when people portray characters of different culutres (sterotypes)and they think it is funny. The thing is, it is not funny and it hurts alot to sit in the audience and watch it...
On 2005/02/21 Gesche from Cologne, Germany wrote:
We need far more historical awareness. What happend in the past, Germany, in Africa, in America, anywhere, should teach us everthing about the danger of racism. We need strong kids that know how to deal with conflicts in constructive ways. Every culture can add so much to a more colorful way of lifeits worth a struggel !
On 2005/02/18 Leah* Thurston from sarnia, CANADA wrote:
How is racism still such a prominant issue among us??!! It is disgusting and rediculous. We are all the same. We really really are...all just people. Beautiful people who need to love each other, help each other, and build a positive future. Racism is uneccessary and stupid. ONE LOVE !!!!!!!!!
On 2005/02/10 Rene from Cocumboi, Niger wrote:
Hello, I am a black and I hate it when people stop me from achieving what I want because of my skin color!!! And put me down too! STOP RACISM!!
On 2005/02/10 Rene from Battleford, Canada wrote:
Racism is not cool!
On 2005/02/09 Sharif Khan from Toronto, Canada wrote:
I'm a professional speaker and author of, "Psychology of the Hero Soul," an inspirational book on awakening the hero within. In my talks I share how growing up under extreme racism affected my life as a youth and I'd like to speak out on March 21. Sharif Khan
On 2005/02/07 Layal from Ontario, Canada wrote:
Hi my name is Layal Mohamed. some one shoud stand up and say stop we are the same. lets not fight. STOP IT
On 2005/02/03 Arop Mathiang Amiy from Brooks, Alberta, Canada wrote:
It is true, every year, thousands of Canadians take part in hundreds of events across the country to commemorate March 21, but in Brooks Alberta the racism and segregations still exist we need action against racial discrimination. Especially in Brooks Alberta.
On 2005/01/29 *Kennishia* from *Hamilton*, *Canada* wrote:
I think that the competition and the videas are really reaching out to the young youth to see how we can STOP RACISM! Racism is a descructive and harsh reality in our world. Why Can't people see that the dif.colors of our skin make a beautiful rainbow that make the world&diversity; wut it truly is! STOP RACISM FOR ME AND 4 U!
On 2005/01/20 Stacey from Moose Jaw, Canada wrote:
Great Site. As a Christian .. God sees no Race. We are all the SAME in His eyes. Stop Racism!
On 2005/01/17 Layal from london, canada wrote:
hi my name is layal mohamed. i am really disapointed because racism is al around the world. racism hurts it causes bullying. we are all the same in the insid. STOP IT
On 2005/01/17 SHANICE from LONDON, CANADA wrote:
hello my name is shanice i'm on this web site 4 the 123,456,789,10,11,12,13 time!hahahahahah lololololololololololololololololi'm a brown and i have two muslim friends layal and leila. i a white best friend named martina i have a white cousin named amanda and my cousin did hold back on dating here cause she white so put A STOP TO RACISM PLEASE!!
On 2005/01/17 LAYAL from ontario, Canada wrote:
hi my name is Youssef mohamed. i am from london and i am sick of racist people. i thin this is bad and i really want 2 help. i want to stop racism. RACISM STOP IT!
On 2005/01/17 Layal from london, canada wrote:
i think racism is wrong because we are all different from the out side but the same in the inside. some one should stand up and say we are all the same so we should get a long. STOP RACISM!!!!!. THANK U
On 2005/01/15 Ashley from Jetersville, United States wrote:
It hurts people when you say something about them, That is why you should watch what you say. On another hand, If something mean is going to come out of your mouth don't say it!
On 2005/01/08 Emily from Calgary, Canada wrote:
This site is an excellent idea, it gives me inspirations for poems and helps me understand racism more. By the way, THE MOVIES ROCK!!!
On 2005/01/07 shanice from london, canada wrote:
my name is shanice and i have been called a racist name many times it hurts to be called a racist name some one once spoke up to stop racism and it change some people but not all so mstop racism. plesae
On 2005/01/07 layal from london, canada wrote:
I think every one in this world should be friends. we are all the same so might as well get a long. dosent matter what culture you are or what color of skin you haf or how big you are. The point is RACISM IS WRONG. Wa are all yhe same
On 2005/01/07 kamle from ontario, canada wrote:
hey my name is kamle and i think this site rox. STOP RACISM! HOW WOULD U LIKE IT IF THEY DID THAT TO U
On 2005/01/07 ahmed from london, ontario wrote:
hi guys! my name is ahmed i want to say that people should have 0 tolerence with racism
On 2005/01/07 juli from london, canada wrote:
Hey awsome site!!These vidios are really touching! And we might not be able to STOPracism but maybe we can make a differance!!! Julia
On 2005/01/07 tiffany from london, canada wrote:
STOP RACISM &thissiterox;!!!!!!!!!!!
On 2005/01/07 Mikyla McEwen from london, Canada wrote:
Neat site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On 2005/01/07 JAMES from LONDON, CANADA wrote:
I thinkracism is bad 4 the world and there should be none ofit zero tolerance
On 2005/01/07 Tyler from London, Canada wrote:
HI how are you guys today?? well i think ur site is pretty good and ya STOP RACISM!!!! and my name is Tyler Noble so have a good day
On 2005/01/07 Tiffany from london, canada wrote:
this site is kool STOP RACISM!!!!!!
On 2005/01/06 SAM from NEWCASTLE, ENGLAND wrote:
On 2004/12/19 iman bukhari from calgary, canada wrote:
yo, this site is just awsome man! i think everyone has a right!...well keep up the good work people and STOP RACISM!! bya ;)
On 2004/12/16 Bob from Toronto, wrote:
Wonderful site!!!!
On 2004/12/13 manda from Madeira Park, Canada wrote:
these videos really touch you. They make you want to make your own to get it through thick headed people!
On 2004/12/13 Darrin from Winnipeg, Manitoba wrote:
Together we can all beat racisim lets do it GO EAGLES R.B. Russell Rules
On 2004/12/10 Denise from Wikwemikong Unceded First Nation, Canada wrote:
I believe that making these videos are a positive step towards the elimination of racism. Racism is found everywhere, in our government systems, education systems, communities and for some, internalized racism. All we have to do as youth is keep our heads up, and continue to fight against Racism.
On 2004/12/07 Mohambi from Mississauga, Sri-Lanka wrote:
Racism does no good but hurt people. I believe that everyone should stand up for what they believe in. Don't stand by. Stand up.
On 2004/12/06 jomama from Moose Jaw, CANADA wrote:
March 21 ROXORS!! Racism is the least cool thing on this planet.
On 2004/11/15 sonia from Surrey, Surrey wrote:
I think this site is great. There is a lot of resourceful information on this. I think it's great that youth are getting more involved in getting out the message to "STOP RACSIM". Keep up the great work!
On 2004/11/12 friend from ventura, U.S.A wrote:
ok its okay but i need more info on why do this but Iam all for it
On 2004/11/08 Jessica from Kitchener, Canad wrote:
Our voice is stronger than we think! TEll them too stop!!!!! Put an End to RACISM!!!!!!
On 2004/11/08 Jayme from Toronto, Canada wrote:
Racism is just wrong if u have somthing to say about someone that is racist keep it to yourself just because ur rude and feel that u have to put other people down to make urself feel good than just be quiet...STOP RACISM!!!!!!!!
On 2004/11/01 Sherri from Charlottetown, Canada wrote:
Great website, excellent idea. I work at the Island Media Arts Co-op, Charlottetown, PEI. Last year we helped Island youth put together a video about stopping racism. If any of our youth in PEI are interested in submitting a video to this competition, contact us, we can help.
On 2004/10/14 Dom from  , Canada wrote:
Stop Racism!! GO CANADA GO!!
On 2004/10/12 Zephyr from  , United States wrote:
Racism is very bad. Let's come together to stop the madness.
On 2004/09/15 Baljit from Kitimat, Canada wrote:
Hi I'm from a group called STAR, Students Together Against Racism, and i know that this is a great website to help stop racism. I don't get why people have to be so mean to eachother becuase there different on the outside, but this website might get people to stop doing what they are doing....spred the word
On 2004/09/04 Arop Mathiang from Brooks, Canada wrote:
Well there is a new wave of new immigrants to the rural area of Alberta, thanks to the community of Brooks for accommodating them; we need immigrants in the dying rural areas, cultural sensitivity is the answer...O.O.O Canada.
On 2004/08/12 Chris from Lethbridge, Canada wrote:
WOW!! Great input on the site! I think we are slowly making a difference but like all great things its going to take time. The mountains were not made over night, and its the same with peoples attitudes! Take time and we will all change the world . . . one person at a time!
On 2004/08/09 Amid Orokzay from London, Canada wrote:
Stop it ! do you know what does it mean ? I know what means Racism and i know how it feels.
On 2004/07/12 Julee from Kansas City, USA wrote:
I am doing a project for a class at my university. An Action Project on how to change racism. This site has helped me out a lot and I hope that there are more people out there that also see why racism needs to stop! I just don't know though as an individual how I can do my part to stop it or where to begin.
On 2004/05/26 Telquaa,Helen from Harrison Hot Springs, Canada wrote:
I have been working hard to stamp out racism and discrimination. At times it seems so futile. Our generation was so full of hate, it took our children to begin to love and find peace. Our website is Help each other to find peace and love and justice, for all humanity.
On 2004/05/21 Bob from Edmonton, Canada wrote:
I think it is a good idea. viva le canadian!
On 2004/05/18 Carolyn from Markham, Canada wrote:
My school is holding a multicultural caravan with food, performances, costumes, crafts... As for the videos, I think that they are fantastic!
On 2004/04/29 Lindsay from Ross, Canada wrote:
I think that if people have a problem with the color of your skin they should have to give you a resin... that is shore to put them in there place!
On 2004/04/21 Kennishia from Hamilton, Ontario wrote:
I thnk this site is awesome and i have participated in da competition, it was a great experience for me and my friends. we will definately enter again!RACISM STOP IT DONT STAND BY STAND UP!I am also writing a speech on racism and will include my xpierence in da compitition 4 sure
On 2004/04/07 David from Dieppe, Canada wrote:
Racism is a form of ignorance, it is one that is egotistical and negative. Everyone has the right to live free from hatred and discrimination. Let's continue to speak out and say "NO" to racism and people who are racist. We are a civilized society, let's act like one.
On 2004/04/06 Robert from St.Hubert, Quebec, Canada wrote:
The Next Best communications tool available. E-mail Link to these videos. It is one thing to have these videos in an archive somewhere gathering dust, or it is essential that the world know that the caretakers of tomorrow are ready to take action to " PUT A STOP TO RACISM TODAY" Lets encourage them to do so.
On 2004/03/25 Peter from Winnipeg, Canada wrote:
I think that racisim is akin to evil things, and I like the word akin.
On 2004/03/25 Raymond from Winnipeg, Canada wrote:
Why is there still racism in this country. People are people. We are no different. If a "white" person was in Africa for years and his grandsons and great-grandsons were born they would probably be black.
On 2004/03/24 Ben from Windsor, Canada wrote:
Different culture make the world so beautiful.
On 2004/03/23 MALAK from NIAGRAFALLS, CANADA wrote:
On 2004/03/23 Snoopy from Toronto, Canada wrote:
In my opinion, racism is the most hurtful EVER. It's no joke, and it separates us apart from everybody. We should be able to accept people for who they are on the inside, not on the outside!
On 2004/03/23 Mitch Vail from Thornburry, Canada wrote:
I think racism sucks no one should be mean to outher caltuers.
On 2004/03/23 joe from oakville, canada wrote:
I think racism sucks no one should be mean to outher caltuers.
On 2004/03/23 Romano from Mississauga, Canada wrote:
How did it start and why? Can someone let me know who knows about racism? Going back to history, and the near-future, nothing will ever change that. You know it well. Facts live forever, some tolerated, others untolerated. Look what's happening around you today.
On 2004/03/22 Rhonda from Coquitlam, Canada wrote:
Excellent Video message from N.W.T. (It Starts with you) Our dear First Nations People are Canada's Shame, Let's work on all Shames (race, religion, gender, narrow mindedness, etc. etc. etc.) Smiling and kindness are free!!!!!
On 2004/03/21 RR Pete from Red River Valley -, Canada wrote:
Like other learned behaviour - just say no to RACISM!
On 2004/03/21 Roxy.A.Peterson.MF from London, The United Kingdom of Great Britain wrote:
You have shown me true wonders and beauty. In a year's time I plan to move to Canada to teach as soon as I have finished school. My eyes are now open. When I day-dream I look to the west, I long for Canada. My heart is still there and soon my soul will join it. Thank you.
On 2004/03/21 Roxy.A.Peterson.MF from London, The United Kingdom of Great Britain wrote:
Four years ago today we got to say what we feel about the limitations and disgrace that racism causes. Thank you, Canada.
On 2004/03/21 Roxy.A.Peterson.MF from London, The United Kingdom of Great Britain wrote:
We were flown all over Canada, from the east to the west coast. We were teamed with the most beautiful people I know. They were the Newfoundland delegation.........
On 2004/03/21 Roxy.A.Peterson.MF from London, The United Kingdom of Great Britain wrote:
RACISM! STOP IT! 21st of March. "BEHOLD! PEACE! for it is that which is sacred!" R.A.Peterson.MF. 2001 AD. Four years ago today the British youth deligation and I embarked on a magical journey from my home country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain to the great land of Canada..........
On 2004/03/20 R Rahman from Toronto, Canada wrote:
I appreciate the Government's effort for this! Thank you Canada.
On 2004/03/20 mike from ham, canada wrote:
Racism sucks. I go to a mostly Black school and I'm called names because I'm white and it sucks!!
On 2004/03/19 jessica from montreal, canada wrote:
I really don`t see the point. It`s not the colour that matters, it`s the person. I mean, get it through your head, people. I got in a fight because one of my friends was being called a nieger. That was it, I had it. What is wrong with racists?
On 2004/03/19 Tammy from Edmonton, Canada wrote:
The buttons handed out several years ago that had a crocus on them and said, "Spring Free From Racism" were very nice and grabbed a lot of attention. I received many comments on the one I wore. I would like to see these again. They were something that could be worn year 'round.
On 2004/03/13 Stefanie from Port Stanley, Canada wrote:
The National Video Competition is a great way to get adolescents involved in changing this world. Young people have the chance to show their creative and intellectual skills, while proving their interest in social justice and human equality. I have not participated in the competition, but I give credit to those who do!
On 2004/03/11 Anastasia from Grasswood, Canada wrote:
God made us all equal but we are all different. Just because someone is a different colour why should they be made fun of? I mean, my favourite colour is green. Should I not be allowed to be with those whose favourite colour is blue?
On 2004/03/07 Cate from Calgary, Canada wrote:
Until we stop believing in the concept of different races, racism will continue. We have to tell our youth the truth - that the idea of "race" is a social construct not a scientific one.
On 2004/03/05 Chris from Slave Lake, AB, Canada wrote:
My father fought in WWII to ensure that this country remained free and that people would not be oppressed based on race, colour, or religion. Racism is a toxin that pollutes this country and must stop. Remember…3.21 – RACISM STOPS
On 2004/03/05 alisha from Fredericton, Canada wrote:
Can't wait to view the videos for this year. Maybe all can be posted and not just the winners!!
On 2004/03/04 Joel from Surrey, Canada wrote:
I think this is a great learning site for kids who need to do projects.
On 2004/03/04 Joel from Surrey, Canada wrote:
I think that people from all over the world shouldn't say these bad words. If you get said one of these bad words stick up for yourself and say "I don't like it when you call me that name, it hurts my feeling's". If they keep doing it, that is when you tell someone like an adult. That is my comment. Thank you.
On 2004/03/04 Ally from Gatineau Québec, Canada wrote:
Racism sucks! I've experienced it and it's one of the worst things to experience.
On 2004/03/02 Denise from  , United Kingdom wrote:
I think racism should be stopped, so we should sort it out and make the world a better place for the future. Please tell me what you think? And what do you think will happen in the future for racism. Will it stop or will it get worse? Please reply for my GCSE Assignment.
On 2004/03/02 Denise from  , United Kingdom wrote:
I don't think racism should be allowed, and we should try to prevent this to make it a better world for the future.
On 2004/02/29 Shaina from Hamilton, Canada wrote:
I think this is a great site and that everyone should be against racism. Everyone should be equal and live in peace.
On 2004/02/24 Roch from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
Dundas, we do get a certificate for participating.
On 2004/02/20 Amid Orokzay from London, Canada wrote:
Why are we people looking for problems all the time? Why do we think dirty about black and white peoples? We must finish this. RACISM please STOP IT! When I saw the world pictures I saw FEAR, SADNESS, POOR people. I couldn't stop crying. Please no more BLOOD. STOP IT!!!
On 2004/02/20 Adam from Grafton, Ontario wrote:
RACISM is dumb and cruel. We had a kid at our school with black skin. One day people were calling her names. I stepped in and told them to back off. They didn't. So I told the teacher. Later the kids came back and beat me up. When everything was sorted out, the principal gave me a certificate for helping this girl out.
On 2004/02/17 Shawn from Edmonton, Canada wrote:
Racism is WRONG!! I think that we should have a cultural day, a national one. On cultural day we would do more culture and wear cultural/regional clothing, and at school youth would present and talk about their religion/culture!!!
On 2004/02/16 DANIEL from THORNHILL, CANADA wrote:
On 2004/02/15 Steph K from London, Ontario wrote:
What else can we do for March 21, besides the video competition?
On 2004/02/11 Roch from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
Also wondering when they announce winners... (please post if you know).
On 2004/02/10 A-fizzle from Dundas, Canada wrote:
When do we find out who won?! Do we get some sort of " Thank you" letter if we didn't win anyway??
On 2004/02/07 Roch from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
When will the winners be announced?
On 2004/02/05 Loukia from Montreal, Canada wrote:
I think the National Video Competition is a great way to voice other peoples opinions. Like that no one would be silenced. No, I haven't participated in such a thing. Right, I am starting something in my school where seniors in grade 11 go around to the other grades and talk to them about anti-racism and about different cultures.
On 2004/02/05 rakesh from edmonton, canada wrote:
I have faced it and I know how bad it is. Please stop it....I like the idea of this site ...good luck.
On 2004/02/02 Michael from Winnipeg, Canada wrote:
I was just wondering when they announce the winners of the national video competition.
On 2004/01/18 S. from kingston, canada wrote:
I think the whole campaign of March 21 is the best thing to come along for the hope of a more tolerant future. I am designing a "purple ribbon" shirt to be covered with quotes about unity, peace and anti-racism (of which there are many!) to celebrate diversity.
On 2004/01/11 Morgan from Yellowknife, Canada wrote:
My friend and I won last year and we are entering this year too. I encourage all of you to submit a video. We didn't expect to win at all, since we come from a remote place...but we made it! I know it has helped us become more confident in standing up for others at school.
On 2004/01/09 Heidi from North Bay, Canada wrote:
I'm entering a video with my friends, so please let us win, because we rule! I don't like racism, nor do my friends. I don't care if we win or not, but I think the video is a great opportunity for people to say what they think about racism. PEACE OUT!
On 2004/01/06 AMY OUDERKIRK from CORNWALL, CANADA wrote:
I am not racist. I want Racial Discrimination to stop! Teach the young not 2 be racist! Teach the old! And teach all in between that racism isn't the answer!
On 2004/01/06 Macy from Chatham, Canada wrote:
On 2004/01/04 Jenni from Surrey, B.C. wrote:
In my opinion, at my school everyone just tries to ignore racism, it's there, they just don't see it...
On 2003/12/31 Leanne from Whitehorse, CANADA wrote:
You guys, I think this whole video competition is AWESOME. We can create something that is creative, expressive and positive and that makes a difference! I'M ALL UP FOR IT I SAY NO TO PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION AND RACISM! I SAY WE'RE ALL THE SAME INSIDE AND NOTHING'S GOING TO CHANGE THAT AND THAT WE SHOULDN'T DIG A DEEPER HOLE THAN WE SHOULD!
On 2003/12/28 stephanie from kingston, canada wrote:
I think that people are all the same and it doesn't matter what you look like or where you're from because everybody is the same to me!!!!!
On 2003/12/28 stephanie from kingston, canada wrote:
I think that this site is very good for the people in Canada and all over the world, and I know that people can stop RACISM because racism should not be allowed in Canada or anywhere in the world!!!!!!!
On 2003/12/28 Meagan from Halton Hills, Canada wrote:
I love this site and wish that people who are racists could come and see this. I have a girl in my class from India and everyone makes fun of her because people from the far east are uncommon in my town and school.
On 2003/12/25 Ravi Karthik from Toronto, India wrote:
People are born with equal opportunity. As technology brings the peoples of the world closer together and political barriers tumble, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance continue to ravage our societies. The dream of a world free of racial hatred and bias remains only half fulfilled.
On 2003/12/24 Kenishia from Hamilton, Canada wrote:
On 2003/12/23 Julia from Saskatoon, Canada wrote:
The National Video Competition is a great idea!! I participate in ANY activities to fight racism! This is a little off topic but I'm afraid that my video will be 'offensive'. I dont want it to be but I'm afraid it might be.
On 2003/12/22 Josh from Unknown, Canada wrote:
It is not fair when you use negative words towards another person, racism is racism. I think if you've got anything ignorant to say to someone, keep it to yourself, or don't say anything at all. Racism shouldn't take place anywhere, home, school, etc. We are trying to DECREASE THE RANGE OF RACISM NOT INCREASE IT! STOP RACISM!!!
On 2003/12/16 duncan from thornhill, Canada wrote:
You could participate in school activities to stop racism.
On 2003/12/16 omar from thornhill, canada wrote:
People can help by talking about their cultures on television,also by publishing books about their people, cultures and religions. . .
On 2003/12/16 Kyle from Toronto, Canada wrote:
By eliminating racial comments and teaching children at a younger age to not say racial comments or making fun of peoples culture
On 2003/12/16 lVlichelle from THORNHILL, CANADA wrote:
The activities we could help fight racism is to not make fun of people who are different from us
On 2003/12/16 $ean from thornhill, canada wrote:
A good suggestion is for the schools to have a subject for the kids about racism.
On 2003/12/15 Hillary from Kanata, Canada wrote:
It's not fair to have racist people. It's very serious, it's not something to laugh about. It's not right to always have racist comments in music. Even if you're a dark person calling someone else a nigger. There's no exceptions. Everyone should stop, not just white people. STOP RACISM.
On 2003/12/11 Idil Ahmed from RexDale, Canada wrote:
I love this Web site . I wish everyone in the world could stop racism. My class is entering the video competition. I said it once, I'll say it again STOP RACISM !!
On 2003/12/08 Shanelle from Gander, Canada wrote:
I THINK RACISM IS SOOOO WRONG! OH MY GOD! I MEAN GET A GRIP! What would happen if everyone didnt like you and started making fun of you? It would be the same thing as being racist against somone else! Why stand around just thinking about it. DO SOMTHING ABOUT IT! HELP THE WORLD STOP RACISM!
On 2003/12/08 under privilaged from  , Canada wrote:
The videos are great! I watch them every Thursday! because that's when I get computer time with my family. We all share the computer and love one another! This site is one of my favorites on the entire Web!! keep up the great work!!
On 2003/12/08 lego from  , Canada wrote:
this site is awsome!! Great job!
On 2003/12/07 Andrew from Carleton Place, Canada wrote:
This is a great site and people of all ages should take the opportunity to enter the National Video Competition and get the message across that Racism is a word that should be history.
On 2003/12/05 Vijay from Some Place, B.C. wrote:
I think this is a great way to try to stop racism. I'm a leader of a group called STAR. STAR means Students Together Against Racism. We are going to do the video....but it got sent to us a bit late so we really hope that we make it. But your Web site is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On 2003/11/28 Fatness from Moncton, Canada wrote:
I think this is a very good site that imforms people about racism. Racism should be stopped!
On 2003/11/24 Ryan from Winnipeg, Canada wrote:
This site is great. I think National Racism day needs to be expressed not only to kids in school but to everyone! Keep up the good job.
On 2003/11/03 Guess from  , Canada wrote:
This is a really good site. I am doing a project on this and would like to know if you can send me some stuff.
On 2003/11/03 Vanesa from New-Brunswick, Canada wrote:
I think racism sucks. We should all be treated the same no matter what colour, religion or culture we are. Help stop racism!! Great site!
On 2003/10/28 Travis from Janetville, Ontario, Canada wrote:
Although I agree in theory with the steps the federal and provincial governments are taking to combat racism, I cannot totally agree. Only a few years ago, while attending public school, I can recall the confusion surrounding the date. I feel dates like this need to be highlighted and reach a broader audience, not just urban youth.
On 2003/10/27 kelsey from k-town, canada wrote:
I think the videos are great and I have never participated. I would participate in anything to have to do with racism. I am against racism and I think everybody should be accepted for their race and who they are. I like the site.
On 2003/10/17 Bill from Winnipeg, Canada wrote:
Good site :)

Date modified: 2004/11/18 Important Notices