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The United Nations and Indigenous Peoples

The United Nations has undertaken many activities regarding the rights of indigenous peoples, including a Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and a draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. For more information, consult the Web site of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

International Day of the World's Indigenous People

In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly chose August 9 as the International Day of the World's Indigenous People; it marks the day of the first meeting, in 1982, of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. The day is observed every year during the International Decade of the World's Indigenous People (1994-2004).The objective of the Decade is to strengthen international cooperation to find solutions to problems such as human rights, health, environment and education, which indigenous populations face around the world.

Recognizing the Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada

The Canadian Constitution recognizes the rights of Aboriginal peoples in Canada (which include Indian, Inuit and Métis) to protect their culture, customs, traditions and languages. Section 25 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes it clear that other rights included in the Charter must not interfere with the rights of Aboriginal peoples. For example, where Aboriginal peoples are entitled to special benefits under treaties, persons who do not enjoy those benefits cannot argue that they have been denied the right to be treated equally under section 15. In addition to section 25 of the Charter, section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that the existing Aboriginal and treaty rights of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada are recognized and affirmed.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada is responsible for ensuring the Government's fulfillment of its obligations to First Nations and Inuit peoples, such as helping to develop stable and sustainable communities. The Department also negotiates specific land claims and self-government agreements on behalf of the federal government. It is responsible for delivering to Status Indians on reserves services similar to those provided by the provinces, such as education, housing, and community infrastructure.

In addition, the Department of Canadian Heritage's Aboriginal Affairs Branch supports an Aboriginal infrastructure at national, regional and community levels, for Indian (status and non-status), Métis and Inuit people who are, for the most part, not resident on reserves in Canada, to facilitate their participation in resolving issues that affect the quality of their lives.

Aboriginal Canada Portal

The Aboriginal Canada Portal is a milestone in the Connecting Aboriginal Canadians initiative, ensuring that Canada's Aboriginal peoples benefit from new technologies. The successful development and continuing evolution of the Portal demonstrates how, working together, national Aboriginal organizations and the Government of Canada are making progress on connectivity for Aboriginal people and closing the digital divide. The Portal is a unique Internet gateway to a vast array of information for and about Aboriginal people in Canada. Users will find one-stop access to information about health, housing, business, employment, communities, culture, claims and treaties, economic development, education, training, Aboriginal associations, groups, bands, businesses, organizations, communities, news, people, and more.

Date modified: 2004/03/15
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