The Bridge

  British Columbia Quebec
Prairie Atlantic
Ontario International

CERN Image

Overview of (CERN)

CERN Newsletter - May/June 2005   CERN Newsletter - March 2005

Ruptures, Continuities And Re-Learning:
The Civic And Political Participation Of
Latin American-Canadians

Deadline: May 16, 2005

  Call for presentations for the
2005 CSSE annual conference
Deadline for submissions is 1 November 2004
l'invitation à présenter des communications pour le
congrès annuel 2005 de la SCÉÉ

La date limite pour les soumissions est le 1 novembre 2004

CSSE - The Herbert T. Coutts
Distinguished Service Award
Call for Nominations

Prix de services émérites
Herbert T. Coutts
Appel de mises en candidature

  • Building feminist movements and
organizations: learning from experience
A Call for Contributions

E-Newsletter from citizED Project
January 2005

  CISNEWS - January 2005
An article against citizenship education published this week
in the telegraph (UK).
Citizens can't be made in class.
  Carnegie Newsletter
January 4, 2005
CSSE News has been placed on the CSSE Web site
Le prochain numéro du bulletin de la Société, "Nouvelles SCÉÉ", est
maintenant disponible sur notre site Web (
  Education, Democracy, Identity and Conflict,
to be held at Bethlehem University,
Palestine Authority,
July 4 - 15, 2005
2005 Nathalie Des Rosiers
Audacity of Imagination Award

Bourse Audace de l’imagination
Nathalie Des Rosiers 2005
  The seventh European Conference of the Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe) Thematic Network “Teaching Citizenship”
Thursday May 19th –
Saturday May 21st 2005
Ljubljana , Slovenia
Call for Papers and Invitation
Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity in Civic and Economic Education
Deadline for submission is April 1, 2005
Call for Papers
  Seventh European Conference - Teaching Citizenship - 19-21 May 2005
An activity of the CICE network: Children's Identity & Citizenship in Europe.
Call for submissions
The Manitoba Government has a new grant for teachers entitled:
"Manitoba Grants for Innovation in Citizenship Education".
*The maximum award amount is $1000 per teacher.
  The International Conference on Environmental, Cultural,
Economic and Social Sustainability
25 -27 February 2005

East-West Center, Hawaii
Parkland Institute's
8th Annual Conference

November 18-21, 2004

University of Alberta Campus
May 28-31, 2005

2005 CSSE XXXIII Annual Conference
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario Canada
Call for Papers - Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2004
2005 CIESC Annual Conference
May 28-31, 2005
Call for Papers
  Citizenship and Teacher Education News 2005 -
The 2005 meeting of the CSAA is at the University of Western Ontario
from May 31 to June 3.
La rencontre annuelle de la SCSA pour 2005 se tiendra à l'Université Western Ontario
du 31 mai au 03 juin.
  • Multicultural Days: An International Perspective - June 23-25, 2005
Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Call for Papers
• Human Rights in a Globalizing Era?
August 4-6, 2005
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Call for Papers
  • Canadian Theses and Dissertation on Diversity(1980-2001)

Annotated Bibliography
Executive Summary and Analysis


CERN Newsletter Archive

To access a list of CERN participants, with associated biographical information, click here.

 Citizenship Education Research Network: Evolution Report -- March 1998 - July 2002
         Full Document (Word)   Appendixes (Word)

Event Proceedings
Meetings of the network have taken place in Kananaskis, Alberta, and Ottawa, Ontario and  Sherbrooke, Quebec, Washington, D.C. and Edmonton, Alberta.

Related Studies

Conceptual Framework for an Analysis of Citizenship in the Liberal Democracies. (.pdf)
Volume 1: Conceptual Framework and Analysis.
Volume 2: Approaches to Citizenship in six Liberal Democracies

Cadre Conceptuel D'Analyse de la Citoyennete dans les Democraties Liberales. (.pdf)
Volume 1: Cadre Conceptuel et Analyse.
Volume 2: Les Approches de la Citoyennete dans six Democraties Liberales.

Other Links of Interest

- Immigration Reading

- Americas Forum - Volume IV, Number 5 - June 2004 /
Volúmen IV Número 5 - Junio 2004

- The website of the Canadian Education Association ( gives lists of events: see this address to find the Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy, October 29, 2004. And this one for the entire section of News & Announcements

- Cartoon:  Citizenship... according to...

- Unisersity of Leicester, Centre for Citizenship Studies in Education

- ITT CITIZ ED - October 2002 newsletter, November 2002 newsletter

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