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Submissions Registry

Submission No. A14-2000-01
Submitters Alianza por los bosques de Chile

Comité Nacional Pro-Defensa de la Fauna y Flora (CODEFF)

Sociedades Sustentables
Red National de Acción Ecólogica (RENACE)

Instituto de Ecología Politica (IEP)

Represented by: Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente (FIMA)
Matter addressed The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile's environmental law with regard to the Cascada-Chile wood chip and structural panel manufacturing plant.

See summary

Date received 27/6/00
Party Chile
Process status Acknowledgment of receipt -- 7/07/00

National Secretariats notified the submitters that their submission meets Article 14(1) criteria -- 2/08/00. The submission was forwarded to the Joint Submission Committee in order to decide whether the submission merits requesting a response from the government of Chile.

The Joint Submission Committee requested a response from the government of Chile in accordance with Article 14(2) -- 28/11/00.

The response was submitted according to Article 14(3) --11/01/01.

See summary

The Joint Submission Committee recommended not to develop a factual record -- 26/04/01.

The process is now terminated.

Submission No. A14-2001-01
Submitters No. 12 Neighborhood Association of Chepiquilla

Acción Tongoy Ecolologica

Centre Québécois du Droit de l'environnement

Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales
Matter addressed The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile’s environmental law with regard to the establishment and operation of the Andacollo Cobre mining project.

See summary
Date received 30/03/01
Party Chile
Process status Acknowledgment of receipt -- 30/04/01

National Secretariats notified the submitters that their submission meets Article 14(1) criteria - 27/06/01. The submission was forwarded to the Joint Submission Committee in order to decide whether the submission merits requesting a response from the government of Chile.

The Joint Submission Committee requested a response from the government of Chile in accordance with Article 14(2) -- 21/11/01.

The response was submitted according to Article 14(3) --21/12/01. See summary

The Joint Submission Committee considered that, in light of the response from the Government of Chile, the submission A14-2001-01 warrants the development of a factual record. (10/06/02)

Council decided not to direct the preparation of a factual record. (07/11/02)

See Council Resolution 02-02

The process is now terminated.

Submission No. A14-2001-02
Submitters Luis Mariano Rendón Escobar

Patricio Herman Pacheco

Larisa de Orbe González

Jorge Cisternas Zañartu

Enrique Siefer Eilcr

Jacobo Schatan Weitzman

Antonio García Vareta
Matter addressed The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile’s environmental law with regard to public consultation in the amendment of the Plan for Prevention and Atmospheric Decontamination of The Metropolitan Region.

See summary

Date received 23/04/01
Party Chile
Process status Acknowledgment of receipt -- 6/06/01
The National Secretariats notified the submitters that their submission did not meet Article 14(1) criteria and were given 30 days to resubmit -- 29/06/01.

The submitters provided the National Secretariats with additional information -- 30/07/01.

The National Secretariats notified the submitters that the additional information did not allow their submission to be processed appropriately according to the Guidelines for Submission on Enforcement Matters. In addition, the submitters were asked by the National Secretariats to resubmit their submission according to the guidelines -- 02/10/01.

The National Secretariats notified the submitters that since they had failed to resubmit, the process had been terminated -- 10/12/01.


Submission No. A14-2002-01
Submitters Waldemar Monsalve U.

Instituto de Ecologia de Chile — Austral

Corporacion Rio Contaco

Centro Austral de Derecho Ambiental (CEADA)
Matter addressed The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile's environmental law with regard to the construction of the Southern Coastal Highway Project.

See summary

Date received 21/06/02
Party Chile
Process status

Acknowledgment of receipt -- 9/07/02

National Secretariats notified the submitters that their submission meets Article 14(1) criteria -- 18/07/02. The submission was forwarded to the Joint Submission Committee in order to decide whether the submission merits requesting a response from the government of Chile.

The Joint Submission Committee requested a response from the government of Chile in accordance with Article 14(2) - 07/04/03.

The response was submitted according to Article 14(3) -- 04/06/03

The Joint Submission Committee considered that, in light of the response from the Government of Chile, the submission A14-2002-01 did not warrant the development of a factual record. (29/01/04 ) See Joint Submission Committee Determination.

The process is now terminated.


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