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Cooperative Activities







02.1.1 National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence Systems (NEMISIS) Phase II

Project Description

This project also builds on work begun in the previous work program under project number 00.1.3. During the first phase officials from Environment Canada visited Chile to demonstrate the features of Canada's National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence Systems (NEMISIS). This is a new electronic information data base for tracking and managing the department's enforcement activities under federal environmental and wildlife legislation enforced by Environment Canada (EC). As a management tool, NEMISIS can be used to monitor trends, set priorities and prepare regular and special purpose reports. It is available to inspectors, investigators, wildlife officers and managers to record all pertinent information related to occurrence reports, inspections and investigations.

Under this phase, CONAMA will conduct an internal feasibility study. This study will aim to assess the applicability of NEMISIS in the Chilean context and will identify all considerations that will need to be taken into account to successfully transfer the platform to Chile. The study will estimate costs involved in modifying the system for Chile and will outline necessary modifications. Canadian officials and technicians will provide advice and support to Chilean officials as needed during the preparation of this study.


02.2.1 Policy Forum on Public Participation in Environmental Management

Project Description

Building on the results of the reports on public participation (1999 and 2001) as well as the Workshop on Public Participation (project number 00.2.2) that occurred in October of 2000, Parties have agreed to hold a workshop on Best Practices in Canada to discuss key issues and state of the art approaches to promoting and enhancing effective public participation in environmental management.

This workshop will showcase a variety of Government of Canada and Environment Canada public participation initiatives. Participants will include representatives from CONAMA as well as representatives from Chile's NGO and academic communities.

Status and Results

The second public participation workshop took place in Santiago, Chile on April 10 and 11th, 2003, and was attended by representatives of government, environmental groups, academia and the private sector. The workshop featured eleven speakers in the five sessions, discussing environmental partnership initiatives in Canada and Chile, strengthening civil society engagement in environmental management, and private sector involvement. The final session brought participants together in small groups to discuss the key elements of creating effective partnerships, followed by an interesting plenary session discussion on the ideas raised in the working groups.


02.2.2 Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

Project Description

The objectives of the project is to assess the feasibility for a Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) system in Chile and to enhance Canada's National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) through a joint project with Chile and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This project is intended to promote public participation and to facilitate access to information on the quality of the environment. In addition, it has been demonstrated that PRTRs can contribute to reducing emissions of pollution to air, water and land, and promote effective environmental management overall.

The project was included in the 2000-2001 work program (project number 00.2.6). It was originally scheduled to take place in October of 2001 but was postponed as a result of the events of September 11th.

Status and Results

This workshop occurred in Chile on May 29, 2002. It involved an initial workshop on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR's) in Chile which included all affected and interested parties from both public and private sectors. The workshop made use of the practical experience gained through the Canadian national and other PRTR programs, the UNITAR's standard guidance and training materials and Chile's experience with emissions inventories work.

02.2.3 Dissemination of Information on Environmental Management

Project Description and Status

Recognizing that access to information on environmental issues is fundamental to effective public participation in environmental management. The Canada-Chile Commission agreed to update and continue activities that were part of previous work programs as appropriate. These activities include:

CCAEC Websites (past activities 00.2.4 and 99.2.4)

Each National Secretariat has created its own internet site on the CCAEC. These sites provide the general public access to the official text of the Agreement, activities of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, joint cooperative projects, and associated documents and publications. The National Secretariats work together to ensure parallel development and maintenance of the sites, and similar structure and content

The website can be found in the three languages of both Parties at:

Action at the Community Level Webpage (past activities 00.2.3 and 99.2.3)

A web-page was created under the 1999 Annual Program highlighting national community level programs in the two countries.

Environmental law and Regulations Database (past activities 00.2.5 and 99.2.5)

The objective of this project was to provide easy access to current Canadian and Chilean environmental legislation. A database containing a full listing and legal references, as well as summaries of federal and national environmental laws and regulations in effect in the two countries with hotlinks to full text on line is maintained on the Canada-Chile website. Chile is still in the process of digitizing its laws and regulations, key laws can be found by visiting the Chilean National Secretariat's website (click on cooperative activities and follow links to the 2000-2001 work program) . Canadian regulations can be found at the following link

Enforcement and Compliance Report (past activities 00.1.1 and 99.1.1)

In order to foster and maintain a good understanding of how each government is enforcing its environmental laws and regulations, the National Secretariats will regularly update and post on the website the content of the 1999 and 2001 reports entitled "Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Frameworks in Canada and Chile". This report is a vehicle for sharing information on inspection functions, constitutional and legislative context, enforcement policies and tools, and compliance promotion.


02.3.1 Round Table on Trade and Environment


A permanent Round Table on Trade and Environment issues was established in the previous work program (project number 00.3.1). Each Round Table consisted of governmental and public portions. The governmental portion allowed Canadian and Chilean officials from environment and foreign affairs departments to discuss key policy developments and positions. The public portion invited academic, business and NGO representatives to participate in a discussion on key themes. The first three themes of the series were: precaution; environmental assessments of free trade agreements; and certification.

Parties have agreed to continue the Round Tables and their format. The round tables are intended to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and points of view on the trade and environment relationship, and to explore potential areas of cooperation.

The Fourth Round Table on Trade and Environment took place in September 2002. At this round table participants explored the relationship between the WTO and multilateral environmental agreements.

Status and Results

On Monday, April 15th invited experts met with officials from the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (M.RR.EE), Ministry of Economy (MINECON) and National Commission for the Environment (CONAMA) and officials from Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) and Environment Canada for the fifth Round Table on Trade and Environment. The Round Table is a forum for informal discussions between trade and environment officials and experts from academia, business and non-governmental organizations. Views expressed by participants are personal and not for attribution. The theme of this Round Table was eco-labelling. The Round Table began with two presentations from Chile. The first presentation outlined the discussions on labelling that are
on-going under the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. The second presentation provided an overview of the issues surrounding eco-labelling and international trade including various definitions and trends in their use. The Canadian presentation provided an overview of two Canadian eco-labelling programmes and discussed both trade and environment perspectives of issues associated with eco-labelling programmes. An interesting discussion between
participants followed on such issues as forestry certification, organic agriculture and the potential for mis-use of labels. For a copy of the presentation in its original language and format please contact


02.4.1 Policy Forum on Health and Environment

Project Description

Establishing a clear link between environmental problems and their impact on health is a very effective driver for action. A mechanism to discuss, coordinate and collaborate on policy development in the area of health and the environment cannot be overstated. Under this project, Chilean and Canadian government officials from both health and environment sectors will hold a policy forum to discuss key emerging issues in the area of health and environment.

Status and Results

The workshop was held on November 25 and 26, 2002 in Chile, involving officials from CONAMA, MINSAL, EC and HC, and building on the commitments made at Health and Environment Ministers of the Americas Meeting (March 2002). The purpose of the forum was urban air quality with an emphasis on indicators and the health effects on vulnerable populations. Included in the forum were two site visits for officials to observe the MINSAL Sentinela program and a visit to the air monitoring station in Pudahuel hosted by SESMA. The formal part of the Policy forum involved five presentations made by Canadian and Chilean experts on the following topics: the Chilean context of environmental risks to human health, the Canadian context and the drivers for action to reduce environmental threats to health, air quality challenges and indices in Chile and Canada, and finally, vulnerable populations.


02.4.2 Implementation of Basel Convention

Project Description

The primary objective of the Basel Convention is to limit and control the transboundary movement of hazardous waste. This project advances the work that was conducted in the second work program (2000-2001) under project number 00.1.2. During the first phase of the project, a Chilean delegation representing the three institutions mentioned above, visited Canada with the purpose of acquainting themselves with Canadian progress in implementing the Convention. The delegation met with Canadian officials responsible for the enforcement of transboundary movement of hazardous waste and witnessed a site inspection at a border facility.

Status and Results

In Phase II of the project, a workshop took place in Chile October 7th and 8th 2002, to assist Chilean officials in the implementation of their commitments under the Basel Convention and the environmental management of hazardous wastes. The workshop included presentations describing the Canadian experience in implementing the Basel Convention looking at both regulatory and administrative systems as well as enforcement. The workshop also included a presentation on the current system in Chile followed by an informal discussion on the possible steps that could be taken by Chile to improve their implementation of Convention obligations.

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