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Cooperative Activities

Report of Seminar on
National Enforcement Management Information System
and Intelligence System- NEMISIS
September 14-17, 2004 – Gatineau, Quebec

From September 14-17, 2004, officials from Chile and Canada met in Ottawa to discuss the potential implementation of some features and technical aspects of Canada’s National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence Systems (NEMISIS) in Chile. To this end, Ms. Cecilia Soto and Mr. Gonzalo Asencio, officials of the Chilean CONAMA, visited Canada. These meetings are part of the cooperative activities under the theme “Public Participation in Environmental Management” of the 4th work programme of the Canada-Chile Commission on Environmental Cooperation.

CONAMA’s officials had the chance to continue their analysis of the feasibility of transferring the NEMISIS platform to Chile. During the visit they had the chance to learn more about the design and use of NEMISIS.

Canada’s National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence Systems (NEMISIS) is an electronic information data base for tracking and managing the department’s enforcement activities under federal environmental and wildlife legislation enforced by Environment Canada (EC). As a management tool, NEMISIS can be used to monitor trends, set priorities and prepare regular and special purpose reports. It is available to inspectors, investigators, wildlife officers and managers to record all pertinent information related to occurrence reports, inspections and investigations.

Mr. Agustí Bordas-i-Cuscó, member of the International Relations directorate at Environment Canada, initiated the afternoon session by explaining the purpose of the NEMISIS seminar and giving the opportunity to all attendants to introduce themselves.

Mr. Gonzalo Asencio followed Mr. Bordas-i-Cusco’s opening remarks by giving a short presentation on the Current System for Managing Enforcement Information currently in operation in Chile.

Mr. Chris Free from the Enforcement Support Division gave a general overview of Environment Canada’s Enforcement Program, covering issues such as: Federal legislations regulated by EC; overview of enforcement (inspection/investigation) processes; and, finally, Ms. Lynn Walters from Information Management Services Division presented how NEMISIS is used to follow the enforcement processes. In the last part of the session, Ms. Katherine Blais, Manager of Information Management Systems at Environment Canada, gave a presentation on the Impacts of NEMISIS on Enforcement at Environment Canada. Ms. Blais explained the state of information management prior to NEMISIS and compared it to the current state of the information management with NEMISIS.

On Wednesday morning, Ms. Walters, provided a demonstration on how the NEMISIS application works. Discussions were around different features of the application; mainly on the collection and reporting of companies. In the afternoon, Mr. Shawn Leafloor from Information Management Services Division presented a technical overview of NEMISIS. An in-depth explanation of the data model and software components was provided. By the end of day, a standalone demonstration copy of NEMISIS was prepared and installed onto a laptop for Mr. Ascencio.

On Thursday morning, September 16, Mr. Jonathan Gee from Information Management Services Division presented on the challenges of bringing in disparate data sources. Mr. Martin Brassard from Systems and Integration Directorate and Ms. Katherine Blais gave a presentation on system hardware, software and the infrastructure. Later on, the Chilean officials had the chance to visit the IT operation rooms where the Terminal Server and SQL Servers were hosted.

In the afternoon, Mr. Charles Burgeons from Systems and Integration Directorate provided an overview of the wide area network used by Environment Canada. In the last session on Thursday, Ms. Jennifer Bernt, from Regional Support Services Division, gave a presentation on inspections and investigations techniques and how informatics applications are used to support the enforcement program. She discussed in depth, the procedures that follows in conducting inspections and investigations.

On Friday, September 17, Katherine Blais gave a presentation on Business/Administrative aspects which included identifying user requirements to the development process touching on resource and financial requirements as well as training requirements in terms of planning, designing and delivering. Mr. Chris Free, as Head of the national Environmental Protection Intelligence Program, provided a presentation on how EC’s Intelligence program functions and on the use of the “Watson” application as a tool for analysing information and transforming it into intelligence. In the afternoon session, Ms. Nadine Levin, Policy Specialist at National Programs, offered a glimpse into Canada’s legal framework for enforcement.

The week long set of seminars was concluded with closing remarks made by Ms. Katherine Blais, Manager of Information Management Systems at Environment Canada. The Chilean delegation presented the specific areas for which further exchange of information would be beneficial to their endeavours. Nadine Levin on behalf of the Enforcement Branch presented token gifts to the Chilean delegation.


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