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Bank of Canada

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Date: 21/01/02
$1 CAN = 0.6179 US
Date: 21/08/57
$1 CAN = 1.0614 US
Date: 05/12/06
$1 CAN = 0.8746 US
Date: 05/12/06
$1 CAN = 0.8787 US

Date format = dd/mm/yy

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Exchange Rates

CAN$/US$ Exchange Rate Lookup

About this tool

This tool lets you search for specific CAN$/US$ exchange rate values 1. It can indicate when the rate was at a given level, when it changed by a given amount, and what the highest and lowest values were during a given period.

1 High/low by date:

What were the highest and lowest CAN$/US$ rates during the following period?

Start Date:
End Date:
2 When was the CAN$/US$ rate last:
equal to greater than less than:  
Enter a number, 1 to 4 decimal places (valid range: 0.6179 to 1.0614 )
Round up/down
Select this to obtain less precise matches. HELP.
3 When did the CAN$/US$ rate last change by an amount:
equal to greater than less than:  
Enter a positive or negative number, 2 to 4 decimal places
(valid range: -0.0338 to 0.0440 )
Round up/down
Select this to obtain less precise matches. HELP.

1. IMPORTANT NOTE: This tool searches through four US exchange rate series:

US dollar (noon): as measured at noon
US dollar (close): as measured at the close of the day
US dollar (low): lowest level during a given day ("intraday low")
US dollar (high): highest level during a given day ("intraday high")

If you search for a specific level 2 or change 3, you will see results returned for all four of these series.

Option 1 returns results for the intraday high and intraday low.