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What will you be doing on November 17th?
  Playing my new PlayStation 3
  Cursing everyone who managed to pre-order the PS3 before me
  Scouring eBay for a PS3
  Going to a buddy's house to play their PS3
  Going from store to store, in the off chance I find a PS3
  Waiting patiently for two more days when Wii comes out
  Playing Gears of War

Results| Story

Monday Nov 20 2006

WHAM sneaks a PS3 peek
WHAM! takes you behind the scenes of the PS3 launch in Toronto. To watch the video, click here.
Anger Management
A man and a “pimp” take their frustrations out on a PS3. To watch the video, click here.
  • Wii were there
  • Tilley on the Wii
  • Exclusive: Reggie talks.

  • 'Truck' Excites the Wii
    By -- Senior Editor, WHAM! Gaming
    If you are old enough to remember the original NES, you may recall a little ditty called Excitebike. It was a simple side-scrolling motor cross game that was as addicting as heck. Full Story

    Hinn campaigns for disabled gamers
    By NEIL DAVIDSON - Canadian Press
    Game developers take Michelle Hinn's phone calls these days. But they may not always like what she has to say. Full Story

    Battle of the game consoles
    Napoleon fought wars. MacArthur fought wars. Video game machines don't fight wars. They're just the ammunition in some very, very big guns. Full Story

    Wii sells out
    By PETER SVENSSON - Associated Press
    Nintendo Co.’s entry into the game console wars, the Wii, went on sale Sunday and quickly sold out in many stores despite stocks that far surpassed those of the rival PlayStation 3, which went on sale two days earlier. Full Story
    We like the Wii
    Gamers Wii bit excited
    Wii to offer weather, news services
    Nintendo hopes for console comeback
    Whee wee Wii
    Wii came, Wii saw, Wii conquered

    Tiny springs let controllers sense motion
    By PETER SVENSSON - Associated Press
    With a tilt of your wrists, the dragon you’re riding dives toward the water below. With another movement of your hands, as if pulling back on imaginary reins, the scaly beast pulls out of the dive into level flight, flapping its wings. Full Story

    Mom camps for son
    Bev Fantauzzi stood in line enduring the rain and cold for days to get the new PlayStation 3, but says every minute will be worth it when she sees the look on her son's face as he opens his present on Christmas morning. Full Story
    PlayStation 3 on the house
    Trekkers got game
    Pair buy a PS3 --and then smash it
    Game, set, smash!
    No major incidents at PS3 sales in Canada
    PS3 owners grappling with question: keep or sell?

    Recent Headlines
    Too few new Sonys
    PS3 launches in Canada
    Let the console wars begin!
    Retailers brace for console launches
    Bungie goes Halo-crazy
    EBay puts limits on PS3 sales
    Superman demo souring onto Live
    PS3 not playing some older games
    Marvel versus DC: The Console Wars

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