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A Shared Journey: Midterm Reflections on the Voluntary Sector Initiative
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Voluntary Sector Task Force Final Report
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Voluntary Sector Initiative Secretariat Final Report
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Building Capacity in the Voluntary Sector: Resources from the Capacity Joint Table - September 2003
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Building on Strength: Improving Governance and Accountability in Canada's Voluntary Sector
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Building A Stronger Voluntary Sector
PDF (534 KB)

Research Project on Visible Minority Communities in Canada
HTML | PDF (84 KB)

Partnering for the Benefit of Canadians: Government of Canada - Voluntary Sector Initiative (June, 1999)

Working Together : A Government of Canada/Voluntary Sector Joint Initiative: Report of the Joint Tables (August, 1999)
HTML | PDF (297 KB)



About the VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy | IM-IT | Regulations | Sector Identity
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VSI Goals | Management Structure | History of VSI | Reports
Last Updated: 2006-12-08