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Inventory of Effective Practices in Financing and Resourcing of Voluntary Sector Organizations in Canada

The "Inventory of Effective Practices in Financing and Resourcing of Voluntary Sector Organizations in Canada" aims to improve resourcing in the sector by providing a set of regional case studies that highlight the successful financing practices of several Canadian voluntary organizations. The project was commissioned by the Voluntary Sector-only Working Group on Financing and funded by Human Resources Development Canada through the Capacity Joint Table of the Voluntary Sector Initiative.

These case studies were collected in six regions, encompassing all provinces and territories. The inventory presents examples of the creative ways voluntary organizations are raising, accessing and utilizing funds and resources to strengthen their long-term organizational capacity to meet the needs in their communities. It is hoped that by sharing these successes, other organizations may find ideas to adopt or adapt to their own circumstances.

The Inventory is organized into a database that can be searched by a range of criteria, including type of organization, funding source, category of effective practice, budget and/or province. Please note that the VSI does not purport to endorse the programs or services offered by any organization listed in its inventory. These case studies do not necessarily represent the views of the Government of Canada or the voluntary sector.

Additional information on this project can be found at the following links:


About the VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy | IM-IT | Regulations | Sector Identity
Working & Volunteering | Research | VSI Reports | Contact Us

Funding Code | Accord | Financial Resources | Effective Practices | Capacity Committee | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08