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Background Information

The Capacity Joint Table
The Capacity Joint Table (CJT) was established to improve understanding of the challenges facing the sector and to develop ways of strengthening the sector’s ability to meet the demands placed on it by Canadian society. The Table’s first meeting was held in October 2000; members represented federal government departments and voluntary organizations.

The Human Resources Committee
The committee was tasked by the Capacity Joint Table (CJT) to determine how best to use the CJT dollars allocated to paid human resources in the voluntary sector. The committee identified its goal as strengthening the capacity of the sector to attract, optimize and hold top talent, and has chosen two projects to meet this goal.

National Volunteerism Initiative Joint Table
The National Volunteerism Initiative (NVI) Joint Table was established in late 2000 for a one-year period. During this time it focused its efforts on how to encourage more Canadians to volunteer with, participate in and contribute to voluntary organizations. Its work also addressed how to enhance the ability of voluntary organizations to benefit more from the contributions of volunteers.

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National Learning Initiative | Human Resources | Canada Volunteerism Initiative | Capacity Committee | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08