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Archived Requests for Funding Opportunities

Funding Access Project
Developing A Portal for the Voluntary Sector
Changing IM-IT Funding Practices in the Voluntary Sector
Information Technology and Information Management (IM/IT) Training & Support Network for the Voluntary Sector
Request for Funding Opportunities (RFO) on "Funding Access Project (FAP)"

The Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) Program of the Voluntary Sector Initiative issued today a Request for Funding Opportunities (RFO) on "Funding Access Project (FAP)”.

The RFO is part of a strategy designed to help voluntary organizations use technology to develop more effective ways of carrying out activities essential to their mission. The strategy is outlined in the report Strengthening Voluntary Sector Capacity through Technology.

The RFO will be posted until August 29, 2003. Organizations wishing to obtain additional information can send an email to until August 4th, 2003. The IM/IT Secretariat will allow 3 weeks to answer organizations’ questions and post the answers on the Web site.

Detailed RFO. (PDF 33KB)

Request for Funding Opportunities (RFO) on "Developing a portal for the Voluntary Sector"

The Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) Program of the Voluntary Sector Initiative issued today a Request for Funding Opportunities (RFO) on "Developing a portal for the Voluntary Sector".

The RFO is part of a strategy designed to help voluntary organizations use technology to develop more effective ways of carrying out activities essential to their mission. The strategy, outlined in the report Strengthening Voluntary Sector Capacity through Technology, will help strengthen the capacity of voluntary organizations to communicate and network. Developing a portal will be a strategic IM/IT resource for the voluntary sector. The portal will provide a central access point to multiple sources and types of information and services.

The RFO will be posted until August 29, 2003. Organizations wishing to obtain additional information can send an email to until August 4th, 2003. The IM/IT Secretariat will answer organizations’ questions within three weeks and post them on the Web site.

Detailed RFO (PDF 47 KB)

Request for Proposals by Industry Canada on "Changing IM/IT Funding Practices in the Voluntary Sector"

The objective of this project is to change current funding policies and practices of funding agencies that either directly or indirectly preclude, complicate or undervalue the importance of providing funding to voluntary organizations for technology such as hardware, software, internet connections, upgrades and training. The Implementation Team will organize and provide support for an awareness campaign to change the policies of funding agencies through use of the Code of Good Practice on Funding as well as the business cases created by the IM/IT Joint Table.

Proposals sent by e-mail must be sent no later than April 25, 2003 at midnight. Proposals sent by mail or courier must be post stamped no later than April 25, 2003.

Detailed RFO

Request for Letters of Intent by Industry Canada to set up an "Information Technology and Information Management (IM/IT) Training & Support Network for the Voluntary Sector"

Through this Letter of Intent (LOI), the IM/IT Secretariat of the Voluntary Sector Initiative wishes to identify organizations that would be interested in establishing a Canada-wide IM/IT support and training network for Canadian voluntary organizations. Proposals are expected to describe an organization's interest in participating in this project and to become part of an IM/IT support and training network for a region in Canada.

The IM/IT Secretariat will accept only LOIs submitted electronically, in either PDF, Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format, sent to: Proposals must be sent no later than April 25, 2003 at midnight.

Detailed Request for Letters of Intent.
Detailed RFO

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Last Updated: 2006-12-08