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Beyond the Box
Grantmaking Toolkit
Business Case for Grantmakers
  Business Case for Nonprofits Access the presentation "Not-for-profits and Technology, A Business Case for Strategic Thinking"
Funding Slide

Changing Technology Funding Practices

From Boxes and Cables to Connected Communities: the strategic use of technology in Canada’s voluntary sector

The Internet and other networked technologies have become central to the ways Canadian voluntary organizations work with each other and work for the communities they serve. Of course, these new ways of working have led to both changing funding needs for voluntary sector organizations and new challenges for Canadian grantmakers.

As one of the projects of the Voluntary Sector Initiative, the Changing Technology Funding Practices project has listened to grantmakers and grantseekers alike, in a series of conversations about the strategic use of technology to achieve the mission work of the voluntary sector. From those conversations, some common needs were identified and tools developed to address those needs, such as: how to make compelling requests for technology funding, how to assess needs, how to plan upgrades and to determine cost-effectiveness. These tools consist of:

  1. Beyond the Box: thinking strategically about technology grantmaking in Canada’s voluntary sector - a concise background paper that looks at the challenges facing grantmakers in funding technology, and offers some guidelines for grantmakers in assessing technology funding requests.
    HTML Version | PDF Version (712 KB)

  2. Technology Toolkit - a comprehensive collection of materials for grantmakers and grantseekers alike.
    HTML version | PDF Version (387 KB)

  3. Technology Grantmaking - A Business Case for Strategic Thinking - a presentation designed for “champions” of the strategic use of technology in compelling presentations to grantmakers about why support for the strategic use of technology is critical to achieving program objectives.
    MS Powerpoint Version (1,645 KB) | PDF Version (584 KB)
    * Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint presentation. To view the file online simply click on the powerpoint link. To download the file, right click on the PowerPoint link and select Save Target As...This will allow you to Save the PowerPoint file to your computer. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

  4. Not-for-profits and Technology - A Business Case for Strategic Thinking - a presentation designed for grantseekers to make smart and compelling cases for technology funding support to grantmakers.
    MS Powerpoint Version (1,622 Kb)| PDF Version (541 KB)
    * Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint presentation. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

  5. Plug and Play Slides - six condensed slides from the two business cases, which can be inserted into other presentations on issues addressing the voluntary sector.
    MS Powerpoint Version (706 KB)| PDF Version (195 KB)
    * Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint presentation. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.
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Last Updated: 2006-12-08
Access the report "Beyond the Box: Thinking Strategically About Technology Grantmaking in Canada’s Voluntary Sector " Access the report "Technology Grantmaking Toolkit: Practical Tools for Technology Grantmaking in Canada's Voluntary Sector " Access the presentation "Technology Grantmaking, A Business Case for Strategic Thinking" Access the plug and play Funding Slides