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2004 PIAF Report
2003 PIAF Report View the 2003 Policy Internships and Fellowships Summary Report
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Policy Internships and Fellowships (PIAF)

The Policy Internships and Fellowships (PIAF) Program began as a pilot program, placing nine interns and fellows in a host organizations either in federal government departments or voluntary sector organizations, from fall 2002 to spring 2003. PIAF has been managed by the Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development (a joint initiative of the University of Ottawa and Carleton University) and the Centre for Public Sector Studies of the University of Victoria. The program was funded by Human Resources Development Canada and Health Canada through the Capacity Joint Table of the Voluntary Sector Initiative.

The objectives of PIAF were:

  1. To develop policy knowledge, experience and skills in both sectors and
  2. To enable the voluntary sector to become a more viable partner in the development of public policy.

The Internships were integrated operational placements, with a focus on public policy development, the intern was incorporated into an existing work team and assigned regular work tasks. The Fellowships were stand-alone policy research projects in specific policy areas that were anchored to work teams but not part of the regular workflow.

It is anticipated that the benefits of the PIAF experience will have multiple effects as interns and fellows return to their home organizations, enriched and inspired by their experiences, applying what they have learned, and sharing their learnings within and beyond their own organization and sector.

To view the PIAF Summary Reports of June 2003 and June 2004 “Policy Internships and Fellowships – Bridging the Policy Dialogue Between Voluntary Organizations and the Federal Government” please select one of the links below:

June 2003: PDF (323 KB) or HTML

June 2004: PDF (323 KB) or Text-only, unformatted (193 KB)

To view the reports completed by each of the 14 participants please go to the CVSRD site, and scroll down to the "Summary Reports and Final Reports" section.

The Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee is working to improve the voluntary sector’s ability to provide input into policies of the federal government. This work complements the Voluntary Sector Initiative’s Code of Good Practice on Policy Dialogue, which builds on An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector. Policy Internships and Fellowships (PIAF) is one of two projects on policy capacity that the Advisory Committee directed; the other is Participating in Federal Public Policy: A Guide for the Voluntary Sector which was released in Fall 2003. Earlier consultations, through policy workshops across the country in Winter 2002, resulted in the report, Policy Grass Roots: Consultant’s Report on Eleven VSI Policy Workshops Held in All Provinces January to March 2002, which informed the development of these two projects.

For further information on PIAF, please go to or, call (613) 520-7444 or email

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Last Updated: 2006-12-08
View the 2004 Policy Internships and Fellowships Summary Report