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NRC Highlights

January 2006   

Insight by NRC President Pierre Coulombe

Chemical reaction from the molecule's point of view

NRC-led Team First to Watch a Chemical Reaction from the Molecule's Point of View

An international research team led by NRC has, for the first time, "filmed" a chemical reaction in real time from the molecule's point of view. The technique is described in the December 15 Web release by the world's leading scientific journal, Science.

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Insight by NRC President Pierre Coulombe

2004-2005 marked a year of outstanding achievements for NRC as it moved forward with new initiatives designed to build Canada's innovation capacity in the 21st century.


 Celebrating NRC Achievements in Physics

Since its creation in 1916, NRC has supported physics in Canada, and beginning in 1925, NRC conducted physics and astrophysics research in its own laboratories. Over the years, NRC has helped to create pioneering Canadian facilities in physics and astrophysics.


 Picking a Telescope

A telescope is a marvelous tool for exploring the night sky, providing you pick the right one. The trouble is that there are lots of "wrong ones" out there, so one needs to be careful.

Photo of the Month
Gemini North – a Seven-Nation Collaboration, Including Canada's NRC

Gemini North – a Seven-Nation Collaboration, Including Canada's NRC

The 673-tonne, 46-metre tall steel observatory dome on the Gemini North telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii is a scientific fortress.

   View more photos from NRC Picture Perfect Science

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Date Modified: 2006-01-03
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