National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Highlights – December 2003

This past year was one of significant growth and outstanding achievement for the National Research Council.
Click on the links below and explore NRC's Annual Report for 2002-2003.

NRC Annual Report 2002-2003
"NRC has truly become an agile, dynamic organization and an essential contributor to the national economy by putting science to work for Canada."
Dr. Arthur J. Carty, President, National Research Council Canada

Read our highlights for the past year.

Outstanding People
NRC PeopleNRC staff are making significant contributions to Canada's knowledge-based economy.
Find out how NRC staff are helping innovation flourish in Canada.

Research Excellence
Research Excellence Leading-edge research and development (R&D) is at the very core of NRC's contribution to Canada and all Canadians.
Read about the research successes of Canada's foremost R&D organization

Technology Clusters
Community-based Innovation Helping stimulate the growth of technology clusters in communities across Canada has become an integral part of NRC's business.
Discover NRC's approach and recent progress in building clusters.

Value for Canada
Value for Canada NRC technology, support and services have a substantial economic impact.
Find out about NRC collaborations, new company creation, licensing and our work with small- and medium-sized firms active in R&D.

Global Reach
Global Reach NRC is an active participant on the world stage, playing a key role in developing international research collaborations and partnerships.
Learn how NRC is connecting Canada to international science and technology opportunities.

Directory of Institutes and Programs
Institutes and Programs NRC has over 20 research institutes, technology centres and national programs.
Consult our Directory of to find more about our research facilities in all parts of Canada.

Date Published: 2003-12-05
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