Welcome to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)


Science Highlights

We focus on the use of bio-, nano- and electro-active materials in fibrous structures to create high-value products.

Our specialised weather forecasts offer valuable information for industry and community.

ECOS is Australia's most authoritative magazine on sustainability in the environment, industry and community and is published bi-monthly by CSIRO both in print and online.
  Cover of the Total Wellbeing Diet Book 2.

National Research Flagships

This A$1 billion plus 'Flagship' initiative is focusing the best of Australia’s scientific resources on the most critical challenges that we face as a nation.

Media Centre

Browse our collection of media releases, audiovisual resources, feature articles and contacts.

Awards, Fellowships & Scholarships

CSIRO offers programs designed for students and graduates to gain work experience and employment  in science related fields.


CSIRO is improving our understanding of bushfires, to save lives and limit damage.