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Measurement Canada Marketplace Monitoring of the Electricity Measurement Trade Sector - Program Overview

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Measurement Canada Marketplace Monitoring of the Electricity Measurement Trade Sector Program Overview, in PDF format, 254 KB

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Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose
2.0 Background
3.0 Program Objective
4.0 Program Scope
5.0 Guiding Principles
6.0 Program Outline
7.0 Program Methods
8.0 Marketplace Evaluation Criteria
9.0 Program Evaluation
Appendix One - Terminology
Appendix Two - Reports


Electricity and Gas Inspection Act (EGIA)

Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations (EGIR)

Measurement Canada, PS-E-09: Provisional Specifications for the Verification and Reverification of Electricity Meters

Measurement Canada, LMB-EG-04: Statistical Sampling Plans for the Verification and Reverification of Electricity and Gas Meters

Measurement Canada, “Implementation Decisions - Electricity Trade Sector Review Recommendations,” 2002-02-28

Measurement Canada, Accreditation Enforcement Policy (MC-QMS-W03)

Measurement Canada Bulletin A-1, “Measurement Canada Conducted Product Audits”

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of Measurement Canada’s Marketplace Monitoring Strategy for the Electricity Measurement Trade Sector. Included is information on the background of the program and a general description of the elements which will form the basis of the program’s structure.

2.0 Background

In 2000 Measurement Canada initiated a review of the Electricity Measurement Trade Sector. The Trade Sector Review, which consisted of comprehensive consultation with a broad cross-section of electricity measurement stakeholders, was completed in 2001. The stakeholders reached consensus on a variety of issues pertaining to Measurement Canada’s intervention in the trade sector. As a result, 16 recommendations were proposed for Measurement Canada to consider in establishing and maintaining its role in the electricity trade sector. One of the key recommendations was the establishment of a marketplace monitoring program.

The general purpose of marketplace monitoring is to establish or maintain certain activities which will provide Measurement Canada with data in order to evaluate the overall status of accuracy and equity in the marketplace. The specific purposes and goals are outlined in greater detail in the Program Objective. The recommendation identified four types of performance indicators, three of which have a direct or indirect correlation to the state of electricity measurement accuracy in Canada. The three performance indicators are: Meter Compliance, (including metering installations), Quality Management Systems, and Meter Dispute Resolution. The recommendation also identified specific data items that should be obtained in order to apply those indicators in evaluating the status of accuracy and equity in the marketplace. The collection and analysis of this data forms the basis for marketplace monitoring. Measurement Canada is not limited to collecting only those data items identified in the recommendation. As the electricity trade measurement marketplace evolves it may be determined that additional data items are more valuable in monitoring the marketplace, or even that some original data items are no longer useful.

The recommendation summarized the various elements of a marketplace monitoring program. The elements include; development of standard performance indicators along with a national reporting system for both industry and Measurement Canada, provision of industry generated performance data to Measurement Canada in raw form as requested and to the public in aggregate form, flexibility to determine or adjust the performance indicators as needed. Marketplace monitoring will also encompass elements related to metering installation inspection. Those elements include; implementation of a national data collection process to determine accuracy compliance levels of installations, identification and explanation of procedures and standards used, provision of compliance results to the Advisory Panel on Electricity Measurement.

3.0 Program Objective

The objective of the Marketplace Monitoring Program is to evaluate the electricity trade measurement marketplace in order to:

1) Assess the effectiveness of Measurement Canada’s programs and methods of ensuring accuracy and contributing to a fair and equitable marketplace.

2) Detect problems in measurement and take appropriate action.

3) Maintain an independent presence in the marketplace and contribute to a level of confidence for electricity consumers.

4) Promote compliance.

5) Facilitate the identification of possible performance improvement goals.

6) Provide information enabling Measurement Canada to determine if the current level of intervention in this sector is adequate.

7) Assist Measurement Canada in comparing electricity measurement performance to other sectors.

This will be accomplished by performing the following functions:

1) Gather data, and communicate annually, on the number of meters and installations inspected and verified, including dispute investigations. This will include activities being performed on Measurement Canada’s behalf pursuant to Measurement Canada programs.

2) Evaluate data to determine the level of compliance of meters and measurement devices with specified requirements including accuracy, installation and use. Evaluation includes trend analysis.

3) Analyse data in order to compare results between organizations.

4.0 Program Scope

4.1 Organizations

Measurement Canada will perform marketplace monitoring through direct interaction with the following stakeholder organizations and associations. Further details of these organizations are identified in section 7.2 Data Contributors.

  • Electricity Distributors and Vendors whose primary scope of business is the sale or distribution of electricity, (ie: not applicable to sub-metering registered contractors at this time).
  • Meter Owners
  • Accredited Organizations
  • Industry Associations
  • Consumer Groups and Associations
  • Provincial Government Departments/Agencies

4.2 Meters

Any type or class of electricity meter, device and/or installation which is subject to the provisions of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act may be subject to evaluation for the purposes of monitoring the marketplace. Monitoring will not occur in aspects of the electricity trade measurement marketplace where Measurement Canada has already determined that no intervention is necessary.

    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-02
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