Industry Canada

About Us - Spectrum Management and Telecommunications

The Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Sector (S/T) of Industry Canada facilitates access to the radio frequency spectrum by issuing authorities for its use, securing Canada's access to it through international negotiations and by ensuring its continued health, in Canada, through the preparation and enforcement of standards. Three of the sector's branches share this responsibility with the regional and district spectrum offices of the Operations Sector.

The Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch (DGRB) provides national leadership and program direction for the delivery of the spectrum management program across Canada. Under the authority of the Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Acts, the Branch:

The Telecommunications Policy Branch is responsible for the exercise of the government's responsibilities under the Telecommunications Act, and for those powers under the Radiocommunication Act which relate to the allocation of radio spectrum. This branch:

The Spectrum Engineering Branch is responsible for:

Government of Canada Updated: 2005-11-02