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Business Development Bank of Canada | Export Training | Women's Enterprise Initiative: Western Canada | Contact! The Canadian Management Network | Performance Plus

Management and Skills Development
Business Development Bank of Canada
The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) not only provides flexible, innovative and accessible financial services but, through BDC Consulting Group, it also delivers affordable, customized and effective management solutions. The BDC Consulting Group helps entrepreneurs assess, plan and implement winning strategies, especially in the areas of growth, quality and export. Its customized business solutions, covering aspects that are vital to growing a productive, innovative and successful small business, enable entrepreneurs to enhance their management skills in the global, knowledge-based economy.

Growth Objective

BDC Consulting Group is supporting entrepreneurs at each stage of their business's growth. It helps small and medium-sized businesses gather the relevant and crucial information to allow them to develop their growth strategy. The data collected will be used to structure the actions of all businesses in terms of strategic, financial, business, human resources and sales planning. The businesses will then be able to define concrete and feasible steps that will translate into tangible results, enabling them to uphold demanding growth challenges, including the increase in profitability and productivity; viability towards target markets; changes related to the introduction of new technologies; and the improvement of the distribution network..

Quality Objective

BDC Consulting Group consultants offer entrepreneurs a full range of customized business solutions that helps them effectively improve quality in their business. The consultants will evaluate the existing business processes of a small business, with a view to defining growth opportunities. They will then advise the company on the implementation of quality assurance systems and procedures, such as the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards or the internationally recognized Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, designed for companies involved in the agri-food industry.

Once these quality standards have been established, the management consultants will help small business entrepreneurs to convert their strategies into tangible results. Whether these strategies involve better management practices, improved processes and product quality, new technologies integrated into current work procedures or better quality assurance and cost control, BDC Consulting Group management consultants will support small businesses at any stage in their quality approach to help them stay competitive and continue to grow.

Export Objective

Acknowledging the growing importance of export markets in the current context of trade liberalization and global economies, BDC Consulting Group provides businesses that wish to uphold this global challenge with all the information they need to be ready to penetrate a foreign market. At the initial stage, small businesses will benefit from a complete assessment of their products or services and outlets, their exporting experience and capabilities, and their export strategic plan.

Once they have acquired proper knowledge of the export process, small businesses will establish (together with BDC consultants), the appropriate export strategies, including developing trade partnerships with American and Mexican corporations or with other foreign companies, participating in trade missions or developing an awareness of the cultural aspects of a given market. If businesses successfully plan these strategies, they will be easier to implement. Rigorous financial planning or the establishment of an efficient and cost-effective distribution network will translate into tangible results, favourably positioning these businesses within promising export markets.

The Business Development Bank of Canada is delighted to organize and sponsor special events that promote and support Canadian entrepreneurship while encouraging growth and innovation among small businesses across Canada.

    Special Initiatives

    Small Business Week®

    Every year, BDC organizes Small Business Week® events across the country in cooperation with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, local chambers of commerce, boards of trade, provincial government departments and other public and private sector partners.

    Held during the last week of October, Small Business Week® encourages the development of entrepreneurship across the country and pays tribute to the accomplishments of Canadian entrepreneurs and their significant contributions to job creation and economic growth.

    Young Entrepreneur Awards and Mentor Program

    BDC honours the achievements of dynamic young Canadian businesspeople aged 30 years and younger through BDC's Young Entrepreneur Awards. As it has done every year since 1988, outstanding entrepreneurs representing 13 businesses® one from each province and territory®are selected by independent committees composed of business professionals, entrepreneurs, educators and business media representatives.

    The Young Entrepreneurs Mentor Program pairs award winners with prominent business leaders who act as mentors for one year, sharing knowledge, experience and insight. These mentors arrange for meetings between the young entrepreneurs and experts capable of providing specialized advice to further enhance the success of their businesses.


This free, thematic, tri-yearly publication, available from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), provides information of interest to small and medium-sized businesses, and on BDC's products and services.

Head Office
Suite 400
BDC Building
5 Place Ville Marie
Montréal QC
H3B 5E7

Toll-free: 1-888-INFO-BDC (1-888-463-6232)

Web site:


Author: Industry Portfolio Office
Date of Publication: 2001-04-04
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