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Nadine Robitaille

ID: 86409
Added: 2005-08-17 9:17
Modified: 2006-01-25 9:00
Refreshed: 2006-01-25 20:20

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About IDRC Archive
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Request for Expressions of Interest to Research and Write a History of IDRC 2006-07-26
IDRC is seeking expressions of interest from qualified and experienced individuals, firms, consortia, NGOs, or research centres to research and write a scholarly history of the Centre. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2005. Open file

Canada Hosts Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention (COP 11) 2005-11
From 28 November to 9 December 2005, Canada hosts the inaugural meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Montréal in conjunction with the eleventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention (COP 11).

Reforming the United Nations - Two IDRC Books Offer Insight 2005
As the United Nations (UN) prepares for reform, IDRC presents two books that examine globalization, and the current state of the world.  Both offer recommendations on how the UN could better respond to the 21st century, more effectively serve its member states, and fulfill its mission to address the problems of humanity.

Focus Pocus: Some Critical Thoughts About the Future of Aid Organizations 2005
In his paper, published in June’s issue of Development and Change, Lauchlan Munro, IDRC Director of Policy and Planning, analyzes the arguments in favour of greater focus by aid organizations.

Anti-Retroviral Therapy: A Powerful Tool for Coping with HIV/AIDS 2005
In response to the AIDS epidemic, South Africa's government now provides anti-retroviral therapy, which can dramatically reduce mortality, and prolong and improve the lives of HIV patients. Three articles examine the impact on South Africa's health system.

IDRC and the World Trade Organization Ministerial 2005
The Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference is being held in Hong Kong, China, 13–18 December 2005

IDRC Annual Report 2003-2004 2004
IDRC's Annual Report 2003-2004 was tabled in Canada's House of Commons by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pierre Pettigrew, on October 26th. Open file


World Food Day — October 16
Click on the title above to visit the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) web site. To access IDRC food-related links, click on the link below:

World Habitat Day 2005 -- 3 October 2005
The Millennium Development Goals and the City


UNRISD launches its report Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World 2005-12
On 1 December 2005, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) held the Canadian launch of its report Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World at IDRC's headquarters in Ottawa. Launch at the World Summit for the Information Society 2005-11-09
This new, locally driven global network will enable community telecentres to increase their capacity and promote digital development at local and regional levels.

IDRC Welcomes New Governor to Its Board 2005-11
Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew has announced the appointment of former Auditor General of Canada Denis Desautels to IDRC's Board of Governors.

IDRC President Appointed to Expert Panel 2005-10-14
Maureen O'Neil has been appointed to the Expert Panel on Partnership Programming.

Habitat JAM 2005-10
A 72-hour online conversation on the challenges faced by cities today and the possible solutions. Input will be used to help shape the focus of next June's World Urban Forum (WUF) in Vancouver, Canada.

New Governors Appointed to IDRC's Board 2005-10
Robert Greenhill, President of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA);  Ahmed Galal, Executive Director and Director of Research at the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies; and Angela Cropper, Co-founder and President of the Cropper Foundation, have been appointed to IDRC's Board of Governors.

IDRC Partners Win Awards for Their Work in Preventing Hunger 2005-09
M.S. Swaminathan, Chairman of the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, has been awarded the Chugoku Soka Gakkai’s Hiroshima Peace Award, and scientist
Modadugu Gupta has won the 2005 World Food Prize.

Atlantic Canada Tour -- Wired for a World in Transition: How ICTs Are Changing the Development Equation 2005-09
Richard Fuchs, IDRC’s Director of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) program, toured Atlantic Canada 11-14 October 2005 prior to the second World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). He spoke on the role of ICTs in shaping more prosperous and open societies.

The Andean Community Signs an Agreement to Prevent Biopiracy 2005-09
The General Secretariat of the Andean Community (Comunidad Andina—CAN) and the Peruvian Society for Environmental Rights (Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental—SPDA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will provide Andean countries with the tools needed to prevent biopiracy or wrongful appropriation of their genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

Bridging Research and Policy in International Development 2005-09
This special issue of the Journal of International Development presents papers and conclusions from the 2004 Development Studies Association conference on Bridging Research and Policy in International Development.  Included is the paper « What Determines the Influence That Research Has on Policy-Making» by IDRC President, Maureen O’Neil.

IDRC Governor Jean-Guy Paquet Awarded L'Ordre national du Québec 2005-07-29
On 22 June 2005, Mr Paquet was honoured as a "grand officer" of L'Ordre national du Québec in recognition of his contribution to the flourishing of the province.

First Global Health Watch Report Launched 2005-07-20
The Global Health Watch (GHW), civil society’s alternative to the World Health Report, was launched 20 July 20, 2005. The GHW monitors the performance of global health institutions and advances a social justice, people-centred approach to public health.

En Route to the G8 Summit, July 6-8, 2005 2005-07-06
The G8 world leaders are meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland July 6-8, to tackle two priorities: the challenges facing Africa and climate change.

IDRC has been investing in progress in Africa for more than 30 years. IDRC works with African partners to find innovative approaches to reducing poverty, improving health, resolving conflicts, addressing trade issues, and conserving natural resources.

IDRC Dedicates CA$2 Million to Health Research in Latin America and the Caribbean 2005-06
IDRC is awarding CA$1 million to a network of Latin American, Caribbean, and Canadian researchers to reduce exposure to environmental poisons and improve collective human health in the region. The second pledge of CA$1 million will fund research into the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases.

IDRC announced these commitments at the Meeting of Health and Environment Ministers of the Americas (HEMA) in Mar del Plata, Argentina, June 16 and 17, 2005.

IDRC adopts new strategy and program direction for 2005-2010 2005-05
On April 1, 2005, IDRC adopted a new Corporate Strategy and Program Framework. Approved by IDRC’s Board of Governors, the document outlines the Centre’s planned direction for the next five years. 

BACKGROUNDER: Since 1976, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has contributed more than CA$15 million to close to 50 projects to combat malaria, one of the leading causes of illness and death in the developing world. These funds have helped researchers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America find solutions to pressing local problems.

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