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IDRC Explore Magazine
Actividades de Investigación
Chief Editor
Michelle Hibler

Identificación: 8513
Creado: 2002-08-29 15:25
Modificado: 2006-01-25 9:00
Refreshed: 2006-01-28 01:50

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Puestos de trabajo del IDRC
En inglés y francés.

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Canada's IDRC: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Canada's IDRC: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

IDRC Informe Anual 2004-2005
IDRC Informe Anual 2004-2005El Informe Anual del IDRC 2004-2005 fue presentado en la Casa de los Comunes de Canadá a fines de setiembre. Disponible en inglés y francés.

IDRC's strategy and program directions 2005-2010

Acerca de IDRC

The Centre

Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC, the Centre) is one of the world’s leading institutions in the generation and application of new knowledge to meet the challenges facing developing countries.


IDRC funds applied research by researchers from developing countries on the problems they identify as crucial to their communities. It also provides technical support to those researchers. IDRC builds local capacity in developing countries to undertake research and create innovations, believing that people from developing countries must take the lead in producing and applying knowledge for the benefit of their own communities. IDRC also fosters alliances and knowledge sharing between scientific, academic, and development communities in Canada and developing countries.

Mission: Empowerment through Knowledge

The mission of IDRC remains “Empowerment through Knowledge”, i.e. to promote interaction, and foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual learning within and among social groups, nations and societies through the creation, and adaptation of the knowledge that the people ofdeveloping countries judge to be of greatest relevance to their own prosperity, security and equity.

A Crown corporation

IDRC is a Crown corporation. As a member of Canada’s international policy community, the Centre works collaboratively with a number of federal government departments, especially Foreign Affairs Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Guided by an international Board of Governors, IDRC reports to Parliament through the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Centre’s status as a Crown corporation has been beneficial to both Canada and the Centre itself. Because of its status, it can support projects that the government of Canada would like to encourage (e.g. the earlydays of democratic transitions in South Africa and Kenya) but may not yet be ready to become involved in for political reasons. Because of its status as a Crown corporation, IDRC can function efficiently: its administrative processes are tailored to its size and operations in Canada and abroad. It can also more easily accommodate financial partnerships with donors from other countries.

According to the Auditor General...

IDRC has been recognized by the Office of the Auditor General and others as a model of good corporate governance. Its strong governance system through and by its Board of Governors, its solid record in managing risk, and its strong audit and evaluation functions have been recognized in Canada and abroad as being global standard setters. Heritage Canada has reported that IDRC serves as an excellent example of a multicultural and bilingual employer. The Economist magazine has cited the “stunning results” of an important health project in Tanzania directed by IDRC with funding from CIDA.

International reputation and partners

As a result of its international reputation, IDRC attracts partnerships with many leading development agencies — including CIDA, the UK Department for International Development, the Ford Foundation, and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation — as well as with private sector partners, including Microsoft Corporation, and several other federal governmentdepartments. IDRC’s Parliamentary appropriation is $119.1 million in 2004/05.


IDRC Governor Margaret Catley-Carlson Named a Trudeau Foundation Mentor 2006-01
Ms. Catley-Carlson joins other accomplished Canadians in working with Trudeau Foundation Scholars, who are outstanding doctoral candidates in the social sciences and humanities.

Two IDRC Partners Recognized for Work to Improve the Lives of Women in Poor Rural Communities 2005-12
Development through Access to Network Resources (D.Net) is the winner of the Gender and ICT Awards 2005 for its Pallitathya Help-Line (Call Centre for the Poor and Underprivileged) project, and Zoubida Charrouf has been awarded the prestigious Trophée de la Solidarité for improving the lives of women in the villages of Tamanar and Tidzi, Morocco.

Select Content on the IDRC Web Site Available in Arabic 2005-10-26

About IDRC Archive 2005
Corporate material, events, and announcements.


About IDRC - Briefing book 2004
All about the Centre: Who we are, what we do, why our work is important, how we work, and where we work.

IDRC Informe Anual 2004-2005 2005-10
El Informe Anual del IDRC 2004-2005 fue presentado en la Casa de los Comunes de Canadá a fines de setiembre. Disponible en inglés y francés. Abrir el archivo

Governance and Corporate Structure 2003-06-03
About IDRC's Board of Governors and the Senior Management Committee

IDRC's strategy and program directions 2005-2010 2005-01
Abrir el archivo

Canada's IDRC: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2004

IDRC — A Brief History 2005-12
On the occasion of its 35th anniversary, IDRC looks back at the ideas, vision, and actions that helped shape the Centre into a world-class organization. The International Development Research Centre: A Brief History traces the Centre's beginnings in 1970 and its evolution in programing and outlines why IDRC is a different kind of public institution. Abrir el archivo

 Sitio web

IDRC glossary, acronyms, and guides for writing and translation
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The United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Report 2005
International cooperation at a crossroads: Aid, trade and security in an unequal world
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