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Social and Economic Policy

Social and Economic Policy: International Development Research Centre

The Social and Economic Policy Program Area focuses on public policies that can help to reduce poverty and enhance social equity in developing countries.  It works to strengthen long-term research capacities, to support policy-relevant research on issues of immediate policy concern, and to facilitate public accountability by helping researchers and civil society organizations participate effectively in policy debates at the local, national, and international levels.   The Program Area will focus on the following key themes for the 2005-2010 period:  

  • Peace, Conflict, and Development
The Peace, Conflict, and Development (PCD) Program Initiative supports research to understand the causes and consequences of violent conflict, and to strengthen transitions from conflict to lasting peace.   PCD also works in close collaboration with the Middle East Unit, which facilitates the Middle East peace process by supporting research on refugee issues, and on broader issues of “good governance” in the region. 
  • Globalization, Growth, and Poverty
The Globalization, Growth and Poverty (GGP) Program Initiative supports policy reforms in developing countries aimed at promoting inclusive growth and poverty reduction, and appropriate international integration strategies, by generating necessary evidence and analysis, and by strengthening the capacities for their production and use in democratic policy making.
  • Equitable Access to Health and Social Services
The Governance, Equity, and Health (GEH) Program Initiative works to ensure equitable provision of health and health care services, especially to marginalized and underserved populations.  GEH also supports follow-up to the Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP), a now-completed project that demonstrates the potential to improve the delivery of health services using simple, low-cost solutions.   Research for International Tobacco Control (RITC) is working to minimize the threats posed by tobacco consumption and production in developing countries.
  • Women’s Rights and Citizenship
The Women's Rights and Citizenship supports research geared to understanding – and eliminating – the barriers to women’s exercise of their rights as citizens.
  • Environmental Economics
SEP collaborates with IDRC’s Environment and Natural Resource Management (ENRM) Program Area to support research on environmental and resource economics, through the Environment and Economy Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) and related programs.

Topic Explorer
  • Globalization, Growth and Poverty (GGP)
    GGP is a program initiative of IDRC, launched on 1 April 2006, aimed at enabling developing countries to design appropriate domestic policies and international integration strategies for promoting more inclusive and equitable growth.
  • Governance, Equity, and Health
    The Governance, Equity, and Health (GEH) Program Initiative works toward the goal of an equitable, fair, and just provision of public services in developing countries.
  • Women's Rights and Citizenship
    IDRC's WRC program contributes to bringing Southern voices into current debates in the international gender and development field.


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Research on Poverty and Economic Policy: Experiences from the Field 2005-10
More than 150 researchers from 40 African, Asian, and Latin American countries attended the Fourth General Meeting of the Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research, 13-17 June 2005 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Read the papers presented at the conference.


Estelle Laferriere

Added: 2003-09-05 15:36
Modified: 2007-11-08 11:55
Refreshed:2007-11-15 00:34

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