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HEALTH / Appendix: Sources and Resources
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Jean Lebel



This book focuses on the research that IDRC has supported on ecosystem approaches to human health, or Ecohealth. For those interested in learning more about Ecohealth in general, there is a great deal of published literature, both in print and on the Internet. This appendix offers a selection of resources for further study. The list is structured in roughly the same way as the book, providing resources for each chapter.

This book also forms an integral part of IDRC's Ecohealth Web site The full text of the book is available online and leads the reader into a virtual web of resources, including many of those listed here.

The Issue

For a useful general overview of ecosystem approaches to human health, including background and various methodologies, tools, and case studies, the following publications are recommended:

Forget, D. 2003. Jean Lebel: penser globalement, agir localement. Découvrir, mars­avril 2003. Association francophone pour le savoir, Montréal, QC, Canada.

Forget, G.; Lebel, J. 2001. An ecosystem approach to human health. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 7(2), S1­S38.

Forget, G.; Lebel, J. 2003, Approche écosystémique à la santé humaine. In Gérin, M.; Gosselin, P.; Cordier, S.; Viau, C.; Quénel, P.; Dewailly, É., ed., Environnement et santé publique: fondements et pratiques. Diffusion and Edisem, St Hyacinthe, QC, Canada. Chapter 23, pp. 593­640.

Lebel, J.; Burley, L. 2003. The ecosystem approach to human health in the context of mining in the developing world. In Rapport, D.J.; Lasley, W.L.; Rolston, D.E.; Nielsen, N.O.; Qualset, C.O.; Damania, A.B., ed., Managing for healthy ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA. Chapter 83, pp. 819­834.

Smit, B.; Waltner-Toews, D.; Rapport, D.; Wall, E.; Wichert, G.; Gwyn, E.; Wandel, J. 1998. Agroecosystem health: analysis and assessment. University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada.

Waltner-Toews, D. 1996. Ecosystem health: a framework for implementing sustainability in agriculture. Bioscience, 46, 686­689

The following documents and events are mentioned or referred to in this book:

Agenda 21:

Comité d'études sur la promotion de la santé. 1984. Objectif santé : rapport du comité d'étude sur la promotion de la santé. Conseil des affaires sociales et de la famille, Gouvernement du Québec, Québec, Canada.

CPHA (Canadian Public Health Association). 1992. Human health and the ecosystem: Canadian perspectives, Canadian action. CPHA, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Epp, J. 1986. Health for all. Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Forget, G. 1997. From environmental health to health and the environment: research that focuses on people. In Shahi, G.S.; Levy, B.S.; Binger, A.; Kjellström, T.; Lawrence, R., ed., International perspectives on environment, development and health: toward a sustainable world. Springer, New York, NY, USA. pp. 644­659.

Hancock, T. 1990. Toward healthy and sustainable communities: health, environment and economy at the local level. Paper presented at the 3rd Colloquium on Environmental Health, Québec, Canada, 22 November 1990.

ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute). 2001. Enhanced human well-being through livestock/natural resource management: final technical report to IDRC. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

International Forum on Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health:

Lalonde, M. 1974. A new perspective on the health of Canadians: working paper. Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Lucotte, M. 2000. Collaborative research network program on the impacts of atmospheric mercury deposition on large-scale ecosystems in Canada: the COMERN Initiative -- Research Network Proposal to NSERC. Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) Project. 2002. Breaking new ground: mining, minerals and sustainable development. Earthscan, London, UK.

Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm 1972):

Rio Declaration on Environment and Development:

Tansley, A.G. 1935. The use and misuse of vegetational terms and concepts. Ecology, 16, 284­307.

United Nations Environment Programme. 2002. Global environmental outlook 3 (GEO3). Earthscan, London, UK,

WHO (World Health Organization). 1998. Health and environment in sustainable development: five years after the Earth Summit. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.

World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. Our common future. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

World Summit on Sustainable Development:

The Approaches, Lessons, and Successes

Key references and Web sites related to the projects presented in these chapters are listed below. All of these projects have submitted detailed interim or final technical reports, many of which can be found online at or requested by contacting

Mercury Exposure, Ecosystem, and Human Health in the Amazon

This long-running series of projects is featured at and has produced the following publications:

Amorim, M.I.; Mergler, D.; Bahia, M.O.; Dubeau, H.; Miranda, D.; Lebel, J.; Burbano, R.R.; Lucotte, M. 2000. Cytogenetic damage related to low levels of methyl mercury contamination in the Brazilian Amazon. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc., 72(4), 497­507.

Dolbec, J.; Mergler, D.; Larribe, F.; Roulet, M.; Lebel, J.; Lucotte, M. 2001. Sequential analysis of hair mercury levels in relation to fish diet of an Amazonian population, Brazil. The Science of Total Environment, 271(1-3), 87­97.

Dolbec, J.; Mergler, D. ; Sousa Passos, C.J. ; Sousa de Morais, S. ; Lebel, J. 2000. Methylmercury exposure affects motor performance of a riverine population of the Tapajos River, Brazilian Amazon. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health, 73(3), 195­203.

Farella, N.; Lucote, M.; Louchouan, P.; Roulet, M. 2001. Deforestation modifying terrestrial organic transport in the Rio Tapajos, Brazilian Amazon. Organic Geochemestry, 32, 1443

Guimaraes, J.R.D.; Meili, M.; Hydlander, L.D.; Castro, E.S.; Roulet, M.; Mauro, J.B.N.; Lemos, R.A. 2000. Net mercury methylation in five tropical flood plain regions of Brazil: high in the rootzone of floating saprophytes mats but low in surface sediments and flooded soils. The Science of Total Environment, 261(1/3), 99­107

Guimaraes, J.R.D.; Roulet, M.; Lucotte, M.; Mergler, D. 2000. Mercury methylation along lake forest transect in the Tapajos River floodplain, Brazilian Amazon: seasonal and vertical variations. The Science of Total Environment, 261, 91­98

Lebel, J.; Mergler, D.; Branches, F.J.P.; Lucotte, M.; Amorim, M.; Larribe, F.; Dolbec, J. 1998. Neurotoxic effects of low level methylmercury contamination in the Amazon Basin. Environmental Research, 79(1), 20­32.

Lebel, J.; Mergler, D.; Lucotte, M.; Amorim, M.; Dolbec, J.; Miranda, D.; Arantès, G.; Rheault, I.; Pichet, P. 1996. Evidence of early nervous system dysfunction in Amazonian population exposed to lowlevels of methylmercury. Neurotoxicology, 17(1), 157­168.

Lebel, J.; Mergler, S.; Lucotte, M.; Dolbec, J. 1996. Mercury contamination. Ambio, 25(5), 374.

Lebel, J.; Roulet, M.; Mergler, D.; Lucotte, M.; Larribe, F. 1997. Fish diet and mercury exposure in a riparian amazonian population. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 97, 31­44.

Mergler, D. 2003. A tale of two rivers: a review of neurobehavioral deficits associated with consumption of fish from the Tapajos River (Para, Brazil) and the St. Lawrence River (Québec, Canada). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, in press.

Mergler, D.; Bélanger, S.; Larribe, F.; Panisset, M.; Bowler, R.; Baldwin, M.; Lebel, J.; Hudnell, K. 1998. Preliminary evidence of neurotoxicity associated with eating fish from the Upper St. Lawrence River Lakes. NeuroToxicology 19, 691­702.

Roulet, M.; et al. 1998. The geochemistry of Hg in the Central Amazonian soils developed on the Alter-do-Chao formation of the lower Tapajos River valley, Para state Brazil. The Science of Total Environment, 223, 1­24.

Roulet, M.; Guimaraes, J.R.D.; Lucotte, M. 2001. Methylmecury production and accumulation in sediments and soils of an Amazonian floodplain effect of seasonal inundation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 128, 41­61.

Roulet, M.; Lucotte, M.; Canuel, R.; Farella, N.; Goch, Y.G.F.; Peleja, J.R.P.; Guimaraes, J.R.D.; Mergler, D.; Amorim, M. 2001. Spatio temporal geochemistry of Hg in waters of the Tapajos and Amazon rivers, Brazil. Limnology and Oceanography, 46, 1158­1170.

Roulet, M.; Lucotte, M.; Canuel, R.; Farella, N.; Guimaraes, J.R.D.; Mergler, D.; Amorim, M. 2000. Increase in mercury contamination recorded in lacustrine sediments following deforestation in Central Amazonia. Chemical Geogology, 165, 243­266.

Roulet, M.; Lucotte, M.; Canuel, R.; Rheault, I.; Farella, N.; Serique, G.; Coelho, H.; Sousa Passos, C.J.; de Jesus da Silva, E.; Scavone de Andrade, P.; Mergler, D.; Guimaraes, J.R.D.; Amorim, M. 1998. Distribution and partition of total mercury in waters of the Tapajos River basin, Brazilian Amazonia. The Science of Total Environment, 213, 203­211.

Roulet, M.; Lucotte, M.; Farella, N.; Serique, G.; Coelho, H.; Sousa Passos, C.J.; de Jesus da Silva, E.; Scavone de Andrade, P.; Mergler, D.; Guimaraes, J.R.D.; Amorim, M. 1999. Effects of human colonization of the presence of mercury in the Amazonian ecosystems. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 113, 297­313.

Roulet, J.; Lucotte, M.; Rheault, I.; Guimaraes, J.R.D. 2000. Methalylmercury in the water, seston and epiphyton of the Amazonian River and its flood plains, Tapajos River, Brazil. The Science of Total Environment, 261, 43­59.

Livestock and Agroecosystem Management for Community-based Integrated Malaria Control (East Africa)

Kabutha, C.; Mutero, C.; Kimani, V.; Gitau, G.; Kabuage, L.; Muthami, L.; Githure, J. 2002. Application of an ecosystem approach to human health in Mwea, Kenya: participatory methodologies for understanding local people's needs and perceptions. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya.

Mutero, C.M.; Kabutha, C.; Kimani, V.; Kabuage, L.; Gitau, G.; Ssennyonga, J.; Githure, J.; Muthami, L.; Kaida, A.; Musyoka, L.; Kiarie, E.; Oganda, M. 2003. A transdisciplinary perspective of the links between malaria and agroecosystems in Kenya. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya.

Regional IDRC/Ford Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Competition (Middle East and North Africa)

Kishk, F.M.; Gaber, H.M.; Abdallah, S.M. 2003. Environmental health risks reduction in rural Egypt: a holistic ecosystem approach. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Global Development Network, 15­21 January 2003, Cairo, Egypt.

Enhanced Human Well-being Through Livestock/Natural Resource Management (East African Highlands)

Jabbar, M.A.; Mohammed Saleem, M.A.; Li-Pun, H. 2001. Evolution towards transdisciplinarity in technology and resource management research: the case of a project in Ethiopia. In Klein, J.T.; Grossenbatcher-Mansuy, W.; Haberli, R.; Bail, A.; Scholz, R.; Myrtha Welti, A., ed., Transdisciplinarity: joint problem solving among science, technology and society. Birkhauser, Basel, Switzerland. pp. 172­167.

Jabbar, M.A.; Peden, D.; Mohamed Saleem, M.A.; Li-Pun, H., ed. 2000. Agroecosystems, natural resources management and human health related research in East Africa: proceedings of an international workshop held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11­15 May 1998. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Jabbar, M.A.; Tekalign, M.; Mohamed Saleem, M.A. 2000. From plot to watershed management: experience in farmer participatory Vertisol technology generation and adoption in the Ethiopian Highlands. In Syers, J K.; Penning de Vries, F.W.T.; Nyamudeza, P., ed., The sustainable management of vertisols: IBSRAM Proceedings No. 20. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.

Okumu, B.; Jabbar, M.A.; Coleman, D.; Russel, N. 1999. Water conservation in the Ethiopian Highlands: application of a bioeconometric model. Paper presented at the open meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, 24­26 June, Tokyo, Japan.

Okumu, B.; Jabbar, M.A.; Coleman, D.; Russel, N.; Mohammed Saleem, M.A.; Pender, J. 2000. Technology and policy impacts on economic performance, nutrients flows and soil erosion at the watershed level: the case of Ginchi in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Global Development Network 2000 Conference, 11­14 December, Tokyo, Japan.

Urban Ecosystem Health (Nepal)

National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Centre. 1999. Urban ecosystem health status in Ward 19­20 of Kathmandu. National Zoonoses & Food Hygiene Research Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Technical publication of the National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Centre and SAGUN, Kathmandu, Nepal:

  • Tamang, B. 1999. Introduction to PAR­urban ecosystem health project and preliminary action plan.
  • Tamang, B. 1999. Stakeholder's action plan and monitoring.
  • REFLECT manual.
  • Gender sensitization training manual.
  • Urban ecosystem health awareness manual.
  • Animal slaughtering and meat marketing practices in Nepal.
  • Urban echinococosis in health transition in Nepal

Mapuche Environmental Resource Management

Duran Pérez, T. 2002. Antropologia interactiva: un estilo de antropologia aplicada en la IX Region de La Araucania, Chile. In CUHSO: cultura, hombre y sociedad. Centro de Estudios Socioculturales, Universidad Catolica De Temuco, Temuco, Chile. pp. 23­57.

Duran Pérez, T.; Carrasco, N.; Prada, E. 2002. Acercamientos metodologicos hacia pueblos indigenas. Una exeriencia reflexionada desde La Araucania, Chile. Centro de Estudios Socioculturales, Universidad Catolica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile.

Ecosystem Health (Tanzania)

Kilonzo, B.S.; Mvena, Z.S.K.; Machangu, R.S.; Mbise, T.J. 1997. Preliminary observations on factors responsible for long persistence and continued outbreaks of plague in Lushoto District, Tanzania. Acta Tropica, 68, 215­227.

Human Health and Changes in Potato Production Technology in the Highland Ecuadorian Agroecosystem

Anger, W.K.; Liang, Y.-X.; Nell, V.; Kang, S.-K.; Cole, D.C.; Bazylewicz-Walczak, B.; Rohlman, D.S.; Sizemore, O.J. 2000. Lessons learned: 15 years of the WHO-NCTB. Neurotoxicology, 21, 837­846.

Antle, J.; Stoorvogel, J.; Bowen, W.; Crissman, C.C.; Yanggen, D. 2003. Making an impact with impact assessment: the tradeoff analysis approach and lessons from the tradeoff project in Ecuador. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, in press.

Basantes, L. 1999. Reunion con grupo de mujeres, San Francisco de la Libertad. Sistematizacion, analisis e interpretacion de resultados. CIP-INIAP, San Gabriel, Ecuador.

Basantes, L.; Lopez, M.; Sherwood, S. 2000. Eco-Salud: case study on pesticide impacts in Carchi. Paper presented for the Andean Course on Ecologically Appropriate Agriculture, 9 October 2000, DSE/Germany.

Basantes, L.; Sherwood, S. 1999. Health and potato production in Carchi. Paper presented at the 2nd international meeting of the Global Initiative on Late Blight, 4­8 March 1999, Quito, Ecuador.

Berti, P.; Cole, D.C.; Crissman, C. 1999. Pesticides and health in potato production in highland Ecuador. Paper presented at the Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Workshop, November 1999. CRDI/CSIH, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

CIP/INIAP. 1999. Impactos del uso de plaguicidas en al salud, produccion y medio ambiente en Carchi, Compendio de Investigaciones, Conferencia del 20 de octubre de 1999, Hostería Oasis, Ambuquí.

Cole, D.C.; Sherwood, S.; Crissman, C.C.; Barrera, V.; Espinosa, P. 2002. Pesticides and health in highland Ecuadorian potato production: assessing impacts and developing responses. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 8, 182­190.

Crissman, C.C. 1999. Impactos economicos del uso de plaguicidas en el cultivo de papa en la Provincia de Carchi. CIP-INIAP, Quito, Ecuador.

Crissman, C.C.; Yanggen, D.; Espinosa, P., ed. 2002. Los plaguicidas: impactos en production, salud, y medio embiente en Carchi, Ecuador. Abya Yala, Quito, Ecuador.

Espinosa, P. 1999. Estudio de línea base sobre el conocomiento y manejo de los pesticidas en el Carchi. CIP-INIAP, Quito, Ecuador.

McDermott, S.; Cole, D.C.; Krasevec, J.; Berti, P.; Ibrahim, S. 2002. Relationships between nutritional status and neurobehavioural function: implications for assessing pesticide effects among farming families in Ecuador. Poster presented at the First Annual Global Health Research Conference: Achieving Leadership in Global Health Research, 3­4 May 2002, Toronto, ON, Canada. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Mera-Orcés, V. 2000. Agroecosystems management, social practices and health: a case study on pesticide use and gender in the Ecuadorian highlands. IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada.Technical report.

Mera-Orcés, V. 2001. Paying for survival with health: potato production practices, pesticide use and gender concerns in the Ecuadorian highlands. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 8(1).

Paredes, M. 2001. We are like fingers of the same hand: a case study of peasant heterogeneity at the interface with technology and project intervention in Carchi, Ecuador. Wageningen University, Netherlands. MSc thesis.

Sherwood, S.; Basantes, L. 1999. Papas, pests, people, and power: addressing natural resource management conflict through policy interventions in Carchi, Ecuador. Paper presented at the conférence Ruralidad Sostenible Basada en la Participacion Ciudadana, 13­15 October 1999, Zamorano, Honduras.

Sherwood, S.; Larrea, S. 2001. Participatory methods: module for the MSc program in community-based natural resource management. Pontificate Catholic University of Ecuador.

Sherwood, S.; Nelson, R.; Thiele, G.; Ortiz, O. 2000. Farmer field schools in potato: a new platform for participatory training and research in the Andes, ILEA.

Thiele, G.; Nelson, R.; Ortiz, O.; Sherwood, S. 2001. Participatory research and training: ten lessons from farmer field schools in the Andes. Currents (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), 27, 4-11.

Viteri, H. 2000. Efectos neuropsicologicos del uso de plaguicidas en el Carchi. In INIAP et CIP, ed., Herramientoa de aprendizaje para facilitadores. INIAP/CIP, Quito, Ecuador.

Yanggen, D.; Crissman, C.C.; Espinosa, P., ed. 2002. Los plaguicidas: impactos en produccion, salud, y medio ambiente en Carchi. Abya Yala, Quito, Ecuador.

Environmental and Health Impacts of Small-scale Gold Mining in Ecuador

Funsad. 2001. A pequeña mineria del oro: impactos en el ambiente y la salud humana en la cuenca del puyango, sur del Ecuador. IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Final report (executive summary in English).

Manganese Exposure in General Population Resident in a Mining District, Mexico

Rodriguez, H.R.; Rios, C.; Rodriguez, Y.; Rosas, Y.; Siebe, C.; Ortiz, B. 2002. Impacto sobre la salud del ecosistema por las actividades antropogénicas en una cuenca manganesífera: avance de resultados, temporada de secas. ISAT.

Environmental and Social Performance Indicators and Sustainability Markers in Minerals Development

Echavarría Usher, C. 2003. Mining and indigenous peoples: contributions to an intellectual and ecosystem understanding of health and well-being. In Rapport, D.J.; Lasley, W.L.; Rolston, D.E.; Nielsen, N.O.; Qualset, C.O.; Damania, A.B., ed., Managing for healthy ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raon, FL, USA. Chapter 86, pp. 863­880.

Maclean, C.; Warhurst, A.; Milner, P. 2003. Conceptual approaches to health and well-being minerals development: illustrations with the case of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa In Rapport, D.J.; Lasley, W.L.; Rolston, D.E.; Nielsen, N.O.; Qualset, C.O.; Damania, A.B., ed., Managing for healthy ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raon, FL, USA. Chapter 85, pp. 843­862.

Mergler, D. 2003. Integrating human health into an ecosystem approach to mining. In Rapport, D.J.; Lasley, W.L.; Rolston, D.E.; Nielsen, N.O.; Qualset, C.O.; Damania, A.B., ed., Managing for healthy ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raon, FL, USA. Chapter 87, pp. 881­890.

MERN (Mining and Energy Research Network). 2002. Environmental and social performance indicators (ESPIs) in minerals development. Final Report to the Department for International Development (DFID) and Mining and Energy Research Network (MERN) Club of Sponsors. University of Warwick, Warwick, UK.

Noronha, L. 2001. Designing tools to track health and well-being in mining regions of India. Natural Resources Forum, 25(1), 53­65.

Noronha, L. 2003. A conceptual framework for the development of tools to track health and well-being in a mining region: report from an Indian study. In Rapport, D.J.; Lasley, W.L.; Rolston, D.E.; Nielsen, N.O.; Qualset, C.O.; Damania, A.B., ed., Managing for healthy ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raon, FL, USA. Chapter 88, pp. 891­904.

Urban Ecosystem and Human Health in Mexico City

Secretaría del Medio Ambiente. 2001. Ecosistema urbano y salud de los habitantes de la zona metropolitana del Valle de México. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA / Government of Mexico, Mexico DF, Mexico.

Mexico Air Quality Management Team. 2002. Improving air quality in metropolitan Mexico City: an economic calculation. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. Policy Research Working Paper 2785.

Rosales-Castillo, J.A.; Torres-Meza, V.M.; Olaiz-Fernández, G.; Borja-Aburto, V.H. 2001. Los efectos agudos de la contaminación del aire en la salud de la población evidencias de estudios epidemiológicos. Salud Publica Mexico, 43, 544­555.

Cicero-Fernandez, P.; Torres, V.; Rosales, A.; Cesar, H.; Dorland, K.; Muñoz, R.; Uribe, R.; Martinez, A.P. 2001. Evaluation of human exposure to ambient PM10 in the metropolitan area of Mexico City using a GIS-based methodology. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 51, 1586­1593

Urban Ecosystem Health Indicators (Cuba)

Bonet, M.; Yassi, A.; Más, P.; Fernández, N.; Spiegel, J.M.; Concepción, M. 2001. Action research in Central Havana: the Cayo Hueso project. Paper presented at the 129th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, 21­25 October 2001, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Fernandez, N.; Tate, R.; Bonet, M.; Canizares, M.; Más, P.; Yassi, A. 2000. Health-risk perception in the inner city community of Centro Habana, Cuba. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 6, 34­43.

Spiegel, J.M. 2002. Applying the ecosystem approach to human health. Paper presented at the International Population Health Conference, May 2002, Havana, Cuba.

Spiegel, J.M.; Beltran, M.; Chang, M.; Bonet, M. 2000. Measuring the costs and benefits of improvements to an urban ecosystem in a non-market setting: Conducting an economic evaluation of a community intervention in Centro Habana, Cuba. Paper presented at the conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, 5­7 July 2000, Canberra, Australia.

Spiegel, J.M.; Bonet, M.; Yassi, A.; Más, P.; Tate, R. 2001. Social capital and health at a neighborhood level in Cuba. Paper presented at the 129th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, 21­25 October 2001, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Spiegel, J.M.; Bonet, M.; Yassi, A.; Más, P.; Tate, R.; Fernandez, N. 2002. Action research to evaluate interventions in Central Havana. Paper presented at the 9th Canadian Conference on International Health, 27­30 October 2002, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Spiegel, J.M.; Bonet, M.; Yassi, A.; Molina, E.; Concepción, M.; Más, P. 2001. Developing ecosystem health indicators in Centro Havana: a community-based approach. Ecosystem Health, 7(1), 15­26.

Spiegel, J.M.; Bonet, M.; Yassi, A.; Tate, R.; Concepción, M.; Más, P. 2001. Evaluating health interventions in Centro Habana. Paper presented at the 128th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, 12­16 November, Boston, MA, USA.

Spiegel, J.M.; Yassi, A.; Bonet, M.; Concepcion, M.; Tate, R.B.; Canizares, M. 2003. Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to improve health in the inner city community of Cayo Hueso. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, in press.

Spiegel, J.M.; Yassi, A.; Tate, R. 2002. Dengue in Cuba: mobilisation against Aedes aegypti. The Lancet, Infections Diseases, 2, 204­205.

Tate, R.B.; Fernandez, N.; Canizares, M.; Bonet, M.; Yassi, A.; Más, P. 2000. Relationship between perception of community change and changes in health risk perception following community interventions in Central Havana. Paper presented at the 129th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, 21­25 October 2001, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Tate, R.B.; Fernandez, N.; Yassi, A.; Canizares, M.; Spiegel, J.; Bonet, M. 2003. Changes in health risk perception following community intervention in Centro Habana. Health Promotion International, in press.

Yassi, A.; Fernandez, N.; Fernandez, A.; Bonet, M.; Tate, R.B.; Spiegel J. 2003. Community participation in a multi-sectoral intervention to address health determinants in an inner city community in Central Havana. Journal of Urban Health, in press.

Yassi, A.; Más, P.; Bonet, M.; Tate, R.B.; Fernández, N.; Spiegel, J.; Pérez, M. 1999. Applying an ecosystem approach to the determinants of health in Centro Havana. Ecosystem Health, 5(1), 3­19.

Recommendations and Future Directions

In the course of supporting research on the Ecohealth approach, IDRC has regulary worked with a number of partner orgaizations. More information can be found on their respective Web sites:

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA):

Environment and Sustainable Development Unit, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, American University of Beirut:

Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (Mexico):

John E. Fogarty International Centre for Advanced Study In the Health Sciences (USA):

National Institutes of Health (USA):

Pan American Health Organization:

Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, World Health Organization:

United Nations Environment Programme:

Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada):

University of Guelph (Canada):

World Bank:

World Health Organization:

The Publisher

The International Development Research Centre is a public corporation created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 to help researchers and communities in the developing world find solutions to their social, economic, and environmental problems. Support is directed toward developing an indigenous research capacity to sustain policies and technologies developing countries need to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.

IDRC Books publishes research results and scholarly studies on global and regional issues related to sustainable and equitable development. As a specialist in development literature, IDRC Books contributes to the body of knowledge on these issues to further the cause of global understanding and equity. The full catalogue is available at

Publisher : IDRC

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