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Looking Back on the 2006 Hurricane Season. Despite relative calm in 2006, the risks and impacts from increasingly severe tropical storms remain. (December 15, 2006)
Protecting Coral by Managing Land Use. A new study of land use helps farmers in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico reduce their damage to the Western Hemisphere's largest coral reef. (December 12, 2006) Map of sediment delivery to Mesoamerican Barrier Reef
The Importance of Small and Mid Sized Enterprise in Emerging Economies. Two forums and a joint Citigroup/EIU report highlight the successes and challenges of SMEs in developing countries. (December 8, 2006)
Brazil Expands Protected Forest Areas. 42 percent of the Brazilian Amazon is now under some form of protection. (December 7, 2006) New designated protected areas, Brazil (December 2006)
ATMs for India's Poor. Biometric technology gives poor and illiterate communities access to financial services. (December 6, 2006)
The Value of Coastal Ecosystems. EarthTrends' November 2006 Monthly Update. The Cost of Mangrove Conversion in Southern Thailand
How U.S. State GHG Emissions Compare Internationally. U.S. emissions are greater than Great Britain, Canada, Russia, India, Brazil & South Korea combined. This map shows how emissions add up. (October 2, 2006) Map of U.S. Regional GHG Emissions
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Watershed Analysis for the Mesoamerican Reefs
Energy Security and Climate Change: Alternatives for the Clean Car Evolution
Target: Intensity. An Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Intensity Targets
Switching to Green: A renewable energy guide for office and retail companies
Hot Climate, Cool Commerce: A Service Sector Guide to Greenhouse Gas Management
World Resources 2005 -- The Wealth of the Poor: Managing ecosystems to fight poverty
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GHG Protocol
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January 21-26, 2007
Transforming Transportation