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Bill Carman

Identificación: 64404
Creado: 2004-08-26 9:16
Modificado: 2005-06-27 12:03
Refreshed: 2006-01-28 01:23

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La Iniciativa de Programa Gobernanza, Equidad y Salud (GES) se esfuerza por alcanzar la meta de una prestación equitativa, solidaria y justa de servicios públicos en los países en desarrollo.

In_Focus: FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMSDon de Savigny, Harun Kasale, Conrad Mbuya, and Graham Reid

Multimedia Building Better Health
Multimedia Evidence for Change
Multimedia Net Solution
Multimedia The Child not the Disease
FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS / Swahili Executive Summary


In 1993, the World Development Report suggested that mortality rates could be significantly reduced if resources were directed more in line with local “burden of disease.” The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP) was founded to test this idea. After a decade of research and experience, the verdict is in: the idea is solid, and has produced some remarkable results. Two districts in Tanzania, for example, have seen child mortality rates fall by more than 40%.

This Web site presents the TEHIP story. It is a story of hope, and holds important lessons that can be applied widely throughout the countries of the developing world, and beyond.

In Africa, and throughout the developing world, health care has been in a state of crisis for several decades. The TEHIP experience offers a ray of hope.

Overview (slide show)

Chapter 1 of Fixing Health Systems: The idea

Resources on the issue

Hypothesis: resolving the health care crisis depends not just upon new funding but also upon applying those funds to cost-effective interventions that address the greatest contributors to burden of disease.

Overview (slide show)

Case studies: Building capacity - Community participation - The Demographic Surveillance System - Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses - Malaria

Resources on TEHIP research

The primary lesson arising from the TEHIP experience is that investing in health systems is an effective way of lowering mortality.

Overview (slide show)

Executive Summary of Fixing Health Systems

Resources on lessons and recommendations

This In_Focus Web site assembles a variety of resources from the Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP). Including slide presentations, case studies, videos, research reports, books, etc., the site presents the TEHIP story: its origins, impact, important lessons, observations, and recommendations for decision-makers and policy analysts.


Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to Invest CA $7 Million in IDRC Project 2005-11
IDRC welcomes the announcement that CIDA will invest CA $7 million over three years to build on the results of the Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP).

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