IDRC Bulletin — December 2005: International Development Research Centre
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Nadine Robitaille

ID: 89479
Added: 2005-10-11 9:33
Modified: 2005-12-15 14:58
Refreshed: 2006-01-25 04:09

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IDRC Bulletin — December 2005
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Two IDRC Partners Recognized for Work to Improve the Lives of Women in Poor Rural Communities
Development through Access to Network Resources (D.Net) is the winner of the Gender and ICT Awards 2005 for its Pallitathya Help-Line (Call Centre for the Poor and Underprivileged) project, and Zoubida Charrouf has been awarded the prestigious Trophée de la Solidarité for improving the lives of women in the villages of Tamanar and Tidzi, Morocco.

Brazilian Youth and Democracy Project

Urban youth would participate more actively in public life — and be more active citizens — if they felt their actions could produce results. This is one of the conclusions of the research initiative Brazilian Youth and Democracy.

UNRISD launches its report Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World
On 1 December 2005, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) held the Canadian launch of its report Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World at IDRC's headquarters in Ottawa.

IDRC Welcomes New Governor to Its Board
Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew has announced the appointment of former Auditor General of Canada Denis Desautels to IDRC's Board of Governors.

WTO Accession: Tough Love or a Heavy Hand?

Thirty-one countries from war-torn Afghanistan to Yemen are queued for membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO). The reasons officials give for staying in the queue range from improved market access for their exports to the positive signal —  a seal of approval really —  that WTO membership sends to the global trading and investment community.

WSIS — Highlights from IDRC's Participation at the Summit

IDRC showcased the work of 70 of its research partners from developing countries at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, Tunisia, 16–18 November 2005 (see slideshow).

Telecentres Driving Development: Interview with Mark Surman

On 17 November 2005, at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, Tunisia,, a new collaborative initiative of IDRC, Microsoft Corporation, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, was launched. Mark Surman,'s managing director, speaks about his experience in Tunis.

Come Together: African Universities Collaborate to Improve Bandwidth

African universities pay dramatically more for Internet access than comparable institutions on other continents. To help increase the flow of information, participants at the Conference on African Research and Education Networking and Infrastructure, held 14 and 15 November 2005 in Tunisia, developed a multifaceted approach for collaboration.

“How Will It Help Veronica?…”

During my trip to Uganda, one individual stayed with me throughout my travels, so much so, that “How will it help Veronica?” became a mantra for the trip. — ICT4D Director, Richard Fuchs.

IDRC — A Brief History

On the occasion of its 35th anniversary, IDRC looks back at the ideas, vision, and actions that helped shape the Centre into a world-class organization. The International Development Research Centre: A Brief History traces the Centre's beginnings in 1970 and its evolution in programing and outlines why IDRC is a different kind of public institution.

IDRC Books
Economic Reform under Mandela and Mbeki

When the African National Congress won the first democratic elections in 1994, South Africa was one of the most unequal societies in the world. How could an organization with no previous experience of governing and little history of economic policy development accomplish both a peaceful transition to democracy and set South Africa on a path toward sustained economic growth and development? This book is an insider's account of the way in which the ANC government addressed the enormous economic task it faced upon taking office and spans the presidency of Nelson Mandela and the first term of President Thabo Mbeki.

IDRC Books Online and In Print
Consult our catalogue of print and free online e-books.

Research and resources
Coping with Climate Variability and Change: Strengthening Community Adaptation through Research

IDRC's responses to climate variability and change.

Climbing the Policy Chain: Ulot Watershed Model Forest Influences Forest Policy in the Philippines
An important objective of model forests is to create a dynamic link between policy and practice as a way to improve both. The Forest Management Bureau of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources is adopting and applying a strategic planning framework influenced by the Ulot Watershed Model Forest.

Bellanet Annual Report 2004-2005

The Bellanet International Secretariat presents a special edition of its annual report for the fiscal year April 2004 to March 2005.

Search IDRC's Improved Project Database IDRIS+
Enhanced access is now available in a new version of IDRC's Web-searchable project information database, launched in October 2005.

CLOSED COMPETITION — Call for Letters of Intent — New Initiative: Global Health Research Initiative Teasdale-Corti Team Grants

Deadline: January 16, 2006 The Global Health Research Initiative invites letters of intent from teams composed of Canadian and low- and middle-income country (LMIC) researchers and research users interested in developing programs to solve pressing health problems in LMICs.

Call for Letters of Intent: Eco-Bio-Social Research on Dengue in Asia
The UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), in collaboration with IDRC, invites letters of intent from research institutions and scientists. Applications must be received by 31 January 2006.

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