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Restoring Balance between Canadian Society and the Environment
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Restoring Balance between Canadian Society and the Environment

Duncan M. Taylor

IDRC 1994
ISBN 0-88936-710-8
148 pp.

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Disponible en français

The concept of sustainable development was set out in the Brundtland Report in 1987 and since has become part of the environmental and political vocabulary of the South and the North.

Author Duncan M. Taylor argues, however, that the term sustainable development is often misused. He uses the crisis in Canada's forestry and agriculture to show the need to rethink contemporary economic and environmental policies, and offers recommendations for a strategy of resource sustainability for Canada.

Off Course shows that we must accept the imperatives of environmental sustainability, and adapt human and institutional behaviour to those imperatives.


Duncan M. Taylor is an assistant professor of environmental studies at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. He is a founder and director of Earth Day Canada.

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Preface Duncan M. Taylor 1994

Acknowledgments 1994

1. The Need for Remedial Action 1994

2. Canada in a Global Context 1994

3. Canada's Vulnerability 1994

4. How Canada Has Misused Its Environmental Endowment 1994

5. Toward Sustainability 1994

6. Principles of Sustainable Development 1994

7. The Transition to a Sustainable Canadian Society 1994

8. Canada as an Organic Society 1994

Bibliography 1994

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