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Policy Options for Genetic Resources (People, Plants, and Patents Revisited)
Prev Book(s) 78 of 193 Next

Policy Options for Genetic Resources (People, Plants, and Patents Revisited)

The Crucible II Group

ISBN 0-88936-926-7
120 pp.

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Disponible en français / Disponible en español

Seeding Solutions brings readers up to date on what has changed — scientifically, politically, and environmentally — since the publication in 1994 of the landmark People, Plants, and Patents.

Volume 1 offers policymakers a clear description of the facts, the fights, and the fora relevant to the ownership, conservation, and exchange of genetic resources. Readers new to these issues will learn from this book why germplasm is important and how it relates to trade negotiations, intellectual property disputes, and food and health security, both nationally and internationally.

Volume 2 discusses legal mechanisms to address three key issues: (1) the need to conserve and exchange germplasm for the benefit of present and future generations; (2) the need to encourage innovation in the conservation and enhancement of germplasm; and (3) new options for securing and strengthening the rights and interests of indigenous and rural peoples in their role as creators and conservers of biological diversity.


The Crucible II Group is:

  • From civil society organizations (including indigenous peoples' organizations): Alejandro Argumedo, Margarita Florez, Glen Hearns, Dan Leskien, Atencio Lopez, Andrew Mushita, Gurdhial Singh Nijar, Rene Salazar, Priscilla Settee, Hope Shand

  • From private sector and industry: Don Duvick, Klaus Leisinger, Brian Lowry, Radha Ranganathan, P.V. Subba Rao, Tim Roberts, Reinhard Von Broock

  • From the public sector: Tewolde Egziabher Gebre Behran, Lim Engsiang, Geoffrey Hawtin, Mita Manek, Nora Olembo, Vo Tuan Xuan, Nuno Pires de Carvalho, Gesa Horstkotte-Wesseler, Louise Sperling

  • From academia: Assiah Bensalah Alaoui, Carlos Correa, Michael Flitner, Cary Fowler, Jaap Hardon, Francisco Martinez-Gomez, Michael Pimbert

  • The management committee: Susan Bragdon, Chusa Gines, Christine Grieder, Michael Halewood (co-ordinator), Pat Mooney, Olle Nordberg, Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, Carl-Gustaf Thornström, Beate Weiskopf, Joachim Voss (chair)

  • Prev Book(s) 78 of 193 Next


    Preface july 30 2003

    Acknowledgements july 30

    List of Crucible Recommendations JULY 30

    Introduction july 29

    Part One: Context
    A Wider Lens for Considering Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Issues
    july 29

    Changes in Molecular Bioscience: What Impact on Science and Biodiversity? july 29

    Part Two: Outstanding Issues
    Access, Exchange, Knowledge, and Innovation
    JULY 29

    Access and Exchange july 28

    Knowledge july 28

    Innovation july 28

    Other Developments july 28

    Concluding Remarks july 28

    Abbreviations july 28

    Notes july 28

    Viewpoints 2004

    Policy Primers 2004

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