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Bill Carman

ID: 26555
Added: 2003-02-27 13:45
Modified: 2004-06-29 8:09
Refreshed: 2006-01-25 04:12

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If you are an author, editor, employee, or working partner of IDRC looking for information on our publishing activities, like how to get your manuscript published, you have come to the right place! Here, you will find the following information: 


What can I submit for publication?

We will consider for publication any manuscript that is the direct result of IDRC-funded research. Manuscripts that report, wholly or partially, on an IDRC-funded project will also be considered. As well, we will consider for publication any manuscript that is the result of an activity administered by IDRC or produced by IDRC staff.

How do I submit a manuscript?

The Managing Editor will be happy to advise you on the route you should follow in preparing your manuscript for publication. IDRC Books' Guide to Authors provides detailed guidelines on manuscript preparation.

How will IDRC Books review my submission?

You are encouraged to send the Managing Editor draft versions of your manuscript for review. Once a suitable comprehensive draft of your manuscript is received, it will be peer reviewed. The comments and advice of these experts will be passed on to you by the Managing Editor.

How does IDRC Books decide on publication?

The final decision on publication is made by the IDRC's Communications Committee. This Committee will base its decision on an analysis of manuscript quality, relevance of the topic to IDRC priorities and the publication plan of IDRC Books, target audience and markets, and available resources (human and financial).

What sort of marketing support can I expect for the book?

New titles are announced via email to the thousands of researchers, government officials, development professionals, and academics that have subscribed to IDRC's mailing list. Announcement are also sent to review journals and our worldwide network of sales agents. On a case-by-case basis, advertisements will be placed in various media and conference displays will be arranged. Most importantly, we will listen to your needs and do our best to fulfill them.

How can I help in this process?

The first and most important contribution you can make to the publication process is the submission of a well-written, well-organized, and properly presented manuscript. To help you in this task, IDRC Books has prepared its Guide to Authors; we also have our Guide to Contributors, a shorter piece intended for participants at IDRC-supported workshops and authors contributing to a collection of essays or research papers. You can also help by providing us with a list of potential review journals, dates and locations of conferences or other events at which the book could be launched or displayed, and information on other interested publishers. The job of the author does not end with manuscript submission; in book publication, the author is the best promoter.

Where do I go for more information?

For more information, send an email to Bill Carman, Managing Editor of IDRC Books.

Postal address: IDRC Books, PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON, Canada  K1G 3H9
Phone: (613) 236-6163 ext. 2089
Fax: (613) 563-2476

Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscripts for Submission to IDRC Books

The Guide to Authors is meant to help youprepare your manuscript for submission to IDRC Books. It is full of useful information on the publication process and helpful hints on how to assemble and format your manuscript. The following topics are covered:

Instructions for the Preparation of a Paper for an IDRC Workshop

The Guide to Contributors provides advice and assistance to those researchers who have been asked to prepare a paper for an IDRC-supported workshop or to write a chapter for a book manuscript. It covers many of the same things as the Guide to Authors, but in an abbreviated way:

For Editors and Proofreaders of IDRC Books

The main purpose of the Style Guide for Editors and Proofreaders of IDRC Books is to ensure that material published by IDRC Books is presented in a coherent and consistent manner, upholding the high standards of the Centre, the world of international scholarly publishing, and the English language. Its secondary purpose is to serve as a reference tool for IDRC staff who wish to clarify questions of style in the English language and for other scholarly publishers and editing professionals around the world.

IDRC Books does not have an equivalent style guide in French. For French-language style points, see the Directives pour la préparation d'un manuscrit à soumettre aux Éditions du CRDI.

The IDRC Books style guide is constantly evolving. It has undergone countless modifications in format and content, and is now exclusively available online. If you wish to have a paper copy, please feel free to download and print all of the files listed below. The online style guide encapsulates many years of hard work and experience on the part of the staff of IDRC Books, particularly its editorial staff. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this guide, send an email to Bill Carman, the Managing Editor of IDRC Books.



Chapter 1. Words

Chapter 2. Serial comma and other devices Chapter 3. One to nine and beyond Chapter 4. References Chapter 5. Language bias Chapter 6. Graphics, tables, and lists Chapter 7. Abbreviations and addresses Chapter 8. Footnotes and quotes Chapter 9. Electronic manuscripts Chapter 10. Proofreading References and resources


As in any publishing operation, IDRC Books has, over the years, developed a number of useful tools for authors, editors, and IDRC staff and partners. None of us particularly like to fill out forms or follow detailed specifications, but it is true that half an hour spent completing one form or ensuring that specifications are met can save days of work and possible production delays later on.

Publication Forms

  • IDRC Author Questionnaire: To be completed in the early stages of manuscript development and submitted to the Managing Editor with a synopsis of the manuscript.
  • IDRC Transfer of Copyright: To be completed and signed by the copyright holder as instructed by the Managing Editor.
  • IDRC Permission to Publish: To be completed and signed by the copyright holder as instructed by the Managing Editor.
  • IDRC Manuscript Checklist: Part of the Guide to Authors, this checklist is a handy form that can be used to keep track of the parts of your manuscript.
Publication Tools

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