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Latin America and the Caribbean



Middle East

    Research Activities : Subject Index    

Social and Economic Equity

Social, Economic, and Environmental Policies


International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS)
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
Peacebuilding and Reconstruction (PBR)
Micro Impacts of Macroeconomic and Adjustment Policies (MIMAP)
Trade, Employment and Competitiveness (TEC)


African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)
African Technology Policy Secretariat (ATPS)
Tanzania Essential Health Intervention Program (TEHIP)
Trade and Industrial Policy Research in South Africa (TIPS)
Secretariat for Economic Research in Africa (SISERA)


Asia Development Research Forum (ADRF)
Economy and Environment Program for SE Asia (EEPSEA)
Viet Nam Economic and Environment Management (VEEM)

Latin America

Peru Consortium for Economic and Social Research (CIES)


Micronutrient Initiative (MI)
Governance, Equity, and Health
Ecosystems Approaches to Human Health (ECOHEALTH)
Tanzania Essential Health Intervention Program (TEHIP)
Research for International Tobacco Control (RITC)

Environment and Natural Resource Management

Community-based Natural Resource Management

Managing Natural Resources (Africa and the Middle East - PLAW)
Managing Natural Resources (Asia - CBRNM)
Managing Natural Resources (Latin America and the Caribbean - MINGA)
Nagaland Environment Protection and Economic Development Project
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (SUB)
International Model Forest Network (IMFN)

Environmental Management

Cities Feeding People (CFP)
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
Ecosystems Approaches to Human Health (ECOHEALTH)
Environmental Management Secretariat (EMS)
Mining Policy Research Initiative (MPRI)
Office for Central and Eastern Europe Initiatives (OCEEI)
International Network on Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)

Information and Communications Technologies for Development

Communities and ICT's for Africa (ACACIA)
Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA)
Pan Americas
Pan Asia

Other Research Areas

African Consulting Capacity Building (ACCB)
Research on Knowledge Systems (ROKS)



en français


Subject List

Social and Economic Equity

Environment and Natural Resource Management

Information and Communication Technologies for Development


As a reference

Program Initiatives are the Centre's primary vehicle for funding research in developing countries. They are managed by multidisciplinary teams from within the Centre. They are also working networks that link researchers to address specific problems and set a research agenda.

International Secretariats. Critical avenues of research often require more effort and resources than IDRC alone can provide. In such cases, IDRC often acts as a catalyst for the funds and resources needed to create an international secretariat. Secretariats provide the necessary financial and administrative infrastructure to undertake a long-term research agenda. Research priorities are set by independent steering committees.

Corporate projects. IDRC has, in the past — and will likely, in the future — responded to opportunities for which we have a proven expertise and where we believe we can make a difference. Corporate projects provide IDRC with the flexiblity to respond to these opportunities in a timely, thoughtful way.

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Last updated 2002-12-18
Copyright 2002 © International Development Research Centre
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