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SEEDS THAT GIVE / Appendix 2: Sources and Resources
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Ronnie Vernooy

Appendix 2


The focus of this book is IDRC's support for research on agricultural biodiversity. For those interested in learning more about the topic in general, there is a great deal of literature, both printed and on the Internet. This appendix offers a selection of resources for further study. The list is structured in the same way as the book, providing resources for each chapter.

This book is also an integral part of IDRC's thematic Web dossier on participatory plant breeding: The full text of the book is available online and leads the reader into a virtual web of resources that explores a decade of research on agrobiodiversity and PPB.

The Issue

For a useful general overview of agricultural biodiversity worldwide, country profiles, qualitative as well as quantitative descriptions of diversity trends (dynamics, causes, and consequences), trade, access, and benefit issues, the following publications are recommended:

Dutfield, G. 2002. Intellectual property rights, trade and biodiversity. Earthscan, London, UK.

FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations). 1998. The state of the world's plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. FAO, Rome, Italy (available in print and on CD-ROM); see also FAO's Web site on plant genetic resources:

Fowler, C.; Mooney, P. 1990. Shattering: food, politics, and the loss of genetic diversity. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, TX, USA; see also the Web site of the Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC), formerly the Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI):

Posey, D.A.; Dutfield, G. 1996. Beyond intellectual peoperty: toward traditional resource rights for indigenous peoples and local communities. IDRC, Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Pretty, J. 2002. Agri-culture: reconnecting people, land and nature. Earthscan, London, UK.

Robinson, R. 1995. Return to resistance: breeding crops to reduce pesticide dependence. IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. 2001. Global biodiversity outlook. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, QC, Canada; see also the Secretariat's Web site:

Ten Kate, K; Laird, S.A. 1999. The commercial use of biodiversity. Earthscan, London, UK.

Thrupp, L.A. 1998. Cultivating diversity: agrobiodiversity and food security. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, USA; more information can be found at the World Resources Institute's Web site:

The Approach

Details about IDRC's Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (SUB) program, and the research projects it supports, can be found by selecting the Biodiversity link at IDRC's networking Web site: . Amongst the many relevant resources accessible from this site is the following review of IDRC's experience in supporting agrobiodiversity research:

Vernooy, R. 2001. Harvesting together: the International Development Research Centre's support for research on agrobiodiversity (results and challenges). SUB Program, IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Experiences from the Field

Extended case studies, research papers, IDRC Reports articles, and other related resources can be found by following the "Case Studies" string at

Participatory barley improvement in North Africa and the Middle East

The projects' Web site is The site presents a number of research documents and an excellent overview of ICARDA's work in "farmer participation."

Ceccarelli, S.; Grando, S.; Booth, R.H. 1996. International breeding programmes and resource-poor farmers: crop improvements in difficult environments. In Eyzaguirre, P.; Iwanaga, M., ed., Participatory plant breeding. Proceedings of a workshop on participatory plant breeding, 26­29 July 1995, Wageningen, Netherlands. IPGRI, Rome, Italy. pp. 99­116.

Ceccarelli, S. 2000. Decentralized participatory plant breeding: adapting crops to environments and clients. In Proceedings of the 8th International Barley Genetics Symposium, 22­27 October 2000, Adelaide, Australia. Department of Plant Science, Adelaide University, Glen Osmond, Australia. Vol. I, pp. 159­166.

Ceccarelli, S.; Grando, S.; Tutwiler, R.; Baha, J.; Martini, A.M.; Salahieh; Goodchild, A.; Michael, M. 2000. A methodological study on participatory barley breeding. I. Selection phase. Euphytica, 111, 91­104.

Maize improvement in southwest China

CCAP's web site is

Song, Y. 1999. "New" seed in "old" China: impact of CIMMYT collaborative programme on maize breeding in southwestern China. Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Song, Y. 2003. Linking the formal and informal systems for crop development and biodiversity enhancement. In Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity: a sourcebook. CIP-UPWARD, Los Baños, the Philippines.

Reshaping agriculture in Cuba

Detailed information on this project can be found at

Ríos Labrada, H. 2003. Farmer participation and access to agricultural biodiversity: responses to plant breeding limitations in Cuba. In Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity: a sourcebook. UPWARD, Los Baños, the Philippines.

Local agricultural research committees in Latin America

Detailed information on the CIALs of Latin America can be found at CIAT's Web site:

Ashby, J.A.; Braun, A.R.; Gracia, T.; Guerrero, M.P.; Hernández, L.A.; Quirós, C.A.; Roa, J.I. 2000. Investing in farmers as researchers: experience with Local Agricultural Research Committees in Latin America. CIAT, Cali, Colombia.

Humphries, S.; González, J.; Jiménez, J.; Sierra, F. 2000. Searching for sustainable land use practices in Honduras: lessons from a programme of participatory research with hillside farmers. Overseas Development Institute, London, UK. AgREN Network Paper No. 104.

Vernooy, R.; Baltodano, M.E.; Beltrán, J.; Espinoza, N.; Tijerino, D. 2001. Towards participatory management of natural resources: experiences from the Calico River watershed in Nicaragua. In Lilja, N.; Ashby, J.A; Sperling, L., ed., Assessing the impact of participatory research and gender analysis. Program for Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, CIAT, Cali, Colombia. pp. 247­262.

Enriching maize and rice in Nepal

LI-BIRD's Web site is

PRGA (Program for Participatory Research and Gender Analysis). 2001. An exchange of experiences from South and Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the international symposium on participatory plant breeding and participatory plant genetic resource enhancement. PRGA, CIAT, Cali, Colombia.

From this book, the following three papers emanate from the Nepalese research project:

Subedi, A.; Joshi, K.D.; Rana, R.B.; Subedi, M. 2001. Participatory plant breeding in diverse production environments and institutional settings: experience from a Nepalese NGO. pp. 75­86.

Joshi, K.D.; Sthapit, B.R.; Witcombe, J.R. 2001. The impact of participatory plant breeding (PPB) on landrace diversity: a case study for high-altitude rice in Nepal. pp. 303­310.

Subedi, M.; Shrestha, P.K.; Sunwar, S.; Subedi, A. 2001. Role of farmers in setting breeding goals. pp. 311­318.

The global program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis

The PRGA program maintains a very resource-rich Web site: Documents available on this site include the recently pulished PRGA 5-year Synthesis Report and the program's Annual Report, 2002. (

Eyzaguirre, P.; Iwanaga, M., ed. 1996. Participatory plant breeding. Proceedings of a workshop on participatory plant breeding, 26­29 July 1995, Wageningen, Netherlands. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.

PRGA (Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis). 1999. Crossing perspectives: farmers and scientists in participatory plant breeding. PRGA, CIAT, Cali, Colombia.

Learning from Experience, Recommendations,
and Future Vision

The following publications present edited collections of crop-conservation and crop-improvement studies from around the world. The studies were funded by a variety of donors, including IDRC.

Almekinders, C.; de Boef, W., ed. 2000. Encouraging diversity: crop development and conservation in plant genetic resources. ITDG Publishing, London, UK.

Brush, S.B., ed. 2000. Genes in the field: on-farm conservation of crop diversity. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA; IPGRI, Rome, Italy; IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

CIP-UPWARD (International Potato Center, User's Perspectives with Agricultural Research and Development). 2003. Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity: a sourcebook. CIP-UPWARD, Los Baños, Philippines.

Cleveland, D.A.; Soleri, D., ed. 2002. Farmers, scientists and plant breeding: integrating knowledge and practice. CABI Publishers,Wallingford, UK.

Cooper, H.D.; Spillane, C.; Hodgkin, T. 2001. Broadening the genetic bases of crop production. CABI Publishers, Wallingford, UK; FAO, Rome, Italy; IPGRI, Rome, Italy.

Crucible Group. 1994. People, plants, and patents: the impact
of intellectual property on trade, plant biodiversity, and rural society. IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Available online:

Crucible II Group. 2000. Seeding solutions. Volume 1: Policy options for genetic resources (People, plants, and patents revisited). IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada; IPGRI, Rome, Italy; DHF, Uppsala, Sweden. Available online:

------ 2001. Seeding solutions. Volume 2. Options for national laws governing access to and control over genetic resources. IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada; IPGRI, Rome, Italy; DHF, Uppsala, Sweden. Available online:

de Boef, W.; Amanor, K.; Wellard, K.; Bebbington,. A., ed. 1993. Cultivating knowledge: genetic diversity, farmer experimentation, and crop research. ITDG Publishing, London, UK.

Friis-Hansen, E.; Sthapit, B., ed. 2000. Participatory approaches to the conservation and use of plant genetic resources. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.

Jarvis, D.; Sthapit, B.; Sears, L., ed. 2000. Conserving agricultural biodiversity in situ: a scientific basis for sustainable agriculture. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.

Partap, T.; Sthapit. B., ed. 1998. Managing agrobiodiversity: farmers' changing perspectives and institutional responses in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region. International Center for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Prain, G.; Bagalanon, C.P., ed. 1998. Conservation and change: farmer management of agricultural biodiversity in the context of development. UPWARD, Los Baños, Philippines.

Sperling, L.; Loevinsohn, M., ed. 1997. Using diversity: enhancing and maintaining genetic resources on-farm. IDRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Online only:

More information

More information about some of the projects and organizations supported by IDRC and mentioned in this book can be found at the following Web sites: The Community Biodiversity Development and Conservation program is a global initiative aimed at supporting the ongoing efforts by farming communities to conserve and develop agricultural biodiversity. The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center conducts research on maize and wheat to help people overcome hunger and poverty and to grow crops without harming the environment. CIMMYT is one of the 16 IARCs. The mandate of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, one of the 16 IARCs, is to enhance the livelihoods of the poor in semi-arid farming systems through integrated genetic and natural resource management strategies. The mandate of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute is to advance the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources. IPGRI is one of the 16 research institutions that make up the CGIAR. The Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment is a regional research and advocacy NGO focusing on community-based conservation, development, and utilization of plant genetic resources.

The Publisher

The International Development Research Centre is a public corporation created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 to help researchers and communities in the developing world find solutions to their social, economic, and environmental problems. Support is directed toward developing an indigenous research capacity to sustain policies and technologies developing countries need to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.

IDRC Books publishes research results and scholarly studies on global and regional issues related to sustainable and equitable development. As a specialist in development literature, IDRC Books contributes to the body of knowledge on these issues to further the cause of global understanding and equity. The full catalogue is available at

Publisher : IDRC

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