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FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS / Appendix 1. Acknowledgments
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A project of this magnitude and timescale benefits from the contributions of an enormous number of people. First, we would like to draw attention to some of TEHIP's key supporters and contributors. This is followed by a more complete list of contributors.

Members of the International Advisory Committee, chaired by Dr Joe Cook, provided direction and support during the initial EHIP design phase. We wish to particularly highlight our appreciation for the significant conceptual contributions made by the late Jose Luis Bobadilla of the World Bank. Valuable design inputs were also provided by members of the Scientific Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr Demissie Habte. We are indebted to the former EHIP executive directors Joel Finlay and Irene Mathias and for IDRC liaison through Drs Eva Rathgeber, Connie Freeman, and Christina Zarowsky and to former EHIP staff, most notably Karen Madden and Kaye Meikle.

At the Tanzanian Ministry of Health, TEHIP has benefited from the unflagging support of the Honourable Minister Anna M. Abdullah, the former Ministers Dr Aaron Chiduo and Ms Zakia Meghji, Permanent Secretary Ms M.J. Mwaffisi, Chief Medical Officer Dr G.L. Upunda, and Ministry of Health Directors Dr G. Mliga, Mr E.N. Manumbu, and Dr Ali A. Mzige. We are grateful for the contributions of Dr Peter Kilima, former Director of Preventive Services and District Medical Officers, Dr Harun Machibya and Dr Saidi Mkikima, and their District Health Management Teams. Rufiji District Executive Director Mr F.Q.M. Fissoo and Morogoro District Executive Director John Gille have been key partners. Extending TEHIP's gains to the rest of the country is a task in the able hands of Ministry staff from the zonal training centres, notably Drs S.R. Fundikira, S. Ndeki, C. Jincen, and B.Y. Ndawi.

Funding was provided by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the World Bank, and the Ministry of Health of Tanzania. The Tanzanian Ministry of Health is currently undertaking a regional roll-out of TEHIP tools with funding contributed by the United Nations Foundation and administered by the World Health Organization (WHO). TEHIP would not have been possible without the vision and efforts of the former IDRC Director of Health Sciences, Dr Maureen Law. Thank you to TEHIP's administrative and financial team, under the direction of Mr Godfrey Munna. We also gratefully acknowledge assistance from the Canadian High Commission, the CIDA office in Dar es Salaam, and the WHO Tanzania office, particularly former WHO country representatives Dr Dirk Warning and Dr Wedson Mwambazi and current representative Dr Edward Maganu.

TEHIP's successes have relied on the specific expertise of many people. Among them are Dr M.V. Meshack and his team at the University College of Land and Architectural Studies, who contributed to the community rehabilitation tool. Mr Jacques Wilmo of CT/BA Ltd provided excellent software design for cost tracking. WHO contributed technical support for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses program through Dr Leslie Mgalula and the Iringa Primary Health Care Institute was responsible for adapting WHO's manual for strengthening health management in districts and provinces. We thank Dr Andrew Kitua, Director General of the National Institute for Medical Research, and his predecessor, Prof. Wen Kilama, for permission to conduct the research.

TEHIP's National Steering Committee drew its members from the Government of Tanzania, IDRC, WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, and CIDA. Tanzanian technical partners include the Ifakara Health Research Development Centre under the leadership of Dr Hassan Mshinda, the Muhimbili College of Health Sciences, the Institute of Public Health through the late Dr George Lwihula, and the University of Dar es Salaam's Institute of Development Studies through Dr Peter Kamuzora. Mr William Lobulu, assisted by Mr Sydney Kwiyamba, provided excellent editorial work for TEHIP communications. IDRC's Communications Division facilitated the creation and production of this book and the associated Web portal: http://www.idrc.ca/tehip.

Finally, we also thank the people and health workers of Rufiji and Morogoro, who contributed greatly to the rebuilding of their districts' health care systems and who now benefit from the ongoing health care reforms.

It is impossible to acknowledge every single contributor to TEHIP's achievements but we particularly want to highlight both the individuals and teams set out below.

Conceptual design

The overall conceptual design of EHIP was put in place by its initial Steering Committee: Jose Luis Bobadilla, World Bank; Joe Cook, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation; Don de Savigny, IDRC; Joel Finlay, IDRC; Tore Godal, WHO; Demissie Habte, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh; Dean Jamison, World Bank; Michel Jancloes, WHO; Steve Jarrett, UNICEF; Maureen Law, IDRC; Ernest Loevinsohn, CIDA; Tom Nchinda, WHO; Ebrahim Samba, WHO; Rogatian Shirima, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Jim Tulloch, WHO.

As EHIP took root in Tanzania, the International Steering Committee evolved to an International Advisory Committee: Agnes Aidoo, UNICEF; Joe Cook, Edna-McConnell Clark Foundation; Joel Finlay, IDRC; Charles Griffen, World Bank; Maureen Law, IDRC; Irene Mathias, IDRC; Don McMaster, CIDA; Raymond Mrope, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Eva Rathgeber, IDRC; Ebrahim Samba, WHO; Jim Tulloch, WHO; Dirk Warning, WHO.

Once work commenced on the ground in Tanzania, the International Advisory Committee evolved to a National Steering Committee: Adeline Kimambo, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Emmanual Malangalila, World Bank, Tanzania; R. Mariki, Tanzania Planning Commission; Ben Moses, Prime Minister's Office, Tanzania; Raymond Mrope, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Victoria Mushi, CIDA Tanzania; S. Sijaona, Prime Minister's Office, Tanzania; Gabriel Upunda, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Dirk Warning, WHO Tanzania.

Research design

Although research and development are inextricably linked, much effort was invested in developing a research design that would hold plausibility for policymakers and planners. The conceptualization of TEHIP research emerged from a series of consultative workshops held in Ottawa in July 1994, Geneva in October 1994, Washington in February 1995, and Morogoro in July 1995 attended variously by Neil Andersson, CIET International; Elizabeth Badley, University of Toronto; Essy Banniasad, Dalhousie University; Enis Baris, IDRC; Fred Binka, Ministry of Health, Ghana; Robert Black, John Hopkins University; Jose Luis Bobadilla, World Bank; Mariam Claeson, WHO; Peter Cowley, World Bank; Don de Savigny, IDRC; Timothy Evans, Harvard University; Joel Finlay, IDRC; Pierre Fournier, University of Montreal; Larry Gelmon, IDRC; Lucy Gilson, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Tore Godal, WHO; Demissie Habte, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh; Margaret Hillson, Canadian Public Health Association; Dean Jamison, World Bank; Harun Kasale, TEHIP; Peter Kilima, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Henry Kitange, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Maureen Law, IDRC; Nicolaus Lorenz, Swiss Tropical Institute; Wilbald Lorri, Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre; Karen Madden, IDRC; Conrad Mbuya, TEHIP; Anne Mills, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Bertha Mo, IDRC; Lawrence Munyetti, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Christopher Murray, Harvard University; Marguerite Pappaioanou, US Centres for Disease Control; Dev Ray, WHO; Peter Riwa, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; David Ross, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Joas Rugemalila, Tanzania National Institute of Medical Research; Steve Sapire, WHO; Sally Stansfield, McGill University; George Stroh, US Centres for Disease Control; Marcel Tanner, Swiss Tropical Institute; Peter Tugwell, University of Ottawa; Gerome van Ginneken, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Unit; Gabriel Upunda, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Cesar Victora, Federal University of Pelotas; Russell Wilkins, Health Canada; Dennis Willms, McMaster University.

The general scope and core protocols for component A (health systems) and component B (health behaviours) were prepared by an ad hoc group convened in Basel in May 1996 by a subcommittee of the Scientific Advisory Committee. The group consisted of Doug Angus, University of Ottawa; Fred Binka, Ministry of Health, Ghana; Don de Savigny, IDRC; David Evans, WHO; Lucy Gilson, University of Witswatersrand; Andrew Kitua, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre; George Lwihula, Muhimbili Medical Centre; Conrad Mbuya, TEHIP; Graham Reid, IDRC; Marcel Tanner, Swiss Tropical Institute; Mitchell Weiss, Swiss Tropical Institute; Dennis Willms, McMaster University.

The approach to component C (demographic surveillance) emerged from a workshop on DSS methods held in Dar es Salaam in February 1996 attended by Joanna Armstrong-Schellenberg, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre; Sandra Baldwin, UK Office for Development Assistance (now the UK Department for International Development); Fred Binka, Ministry of Health, Ghana; Don de Savigny, IDRC; Andrew Hall, Oxford University; Harun Kasale, TEHIP; Peter Kilima, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Japhet Killewo, Muhimbili College of Health Sciences; John Kimario, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre; Henry Kitange, Adult Morbidity and Mortality Project (AMMP), Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Zohra Lukmanji, Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre; Harun Machibya, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Cheick Mbacke, Rockefeller Foundation; Conrad Mbuya, TEHIP; Bruce McLeod, University of Maryland; Leslie Mgalula, WHO/TEHIP; Candida Moshiro, Muhimbili Medical Centre; Sadiki Mshana, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Robert Mswia, AMMP, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Lawrence Munyetti, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Rose Nathan, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre; Chris Nevill, African Medical and Research Foundation; Sylvester Ngalaba, Tanzania Bureau of Statistics; Pierre Ngom, Ministry of Health, Navrongo, Ghana; Jim Phillips, Population Council; David Ross, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Daudi Simba, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Michael Strong, Ethiopia National Office of Population; Nigel Unwin, University of Newcastle; David Whiting, AMMP, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Susan Zimicki, Harvard Institute for International Development.

Overall guidance to the execution of TEHIP research has been provided since April 1996 by a Scientific Advisory Committee: Jose Luis Bobadilla, World Bank; Peter Cowley, US Agency for International Development; Don de Savigny, IDRC; David Evans, WHO; Sandy Gove, WHO; Demissie Habte, World Bank (Chair); Sylvia Kaaya, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences; Andrew Kitua, National Institute for Medical Research; Wilbald Lorri, Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre; Conrad Mbuya, TEHIP; Winnie Mpanju-Shumbusho, Commonwealth Regional Health Community; Fatma Mrisho, United Nations Population Fund; Gernard Msamanga, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences; Lawrence Munyetti, Ministry of Health, Tanzania; Raphael Owor, Makerere University; Eva Rathgeber, IDRC; David Ross, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Daniel Sala-Diakanda, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa; Marcel Tanner, Swiss Tropical Institute; Cesar Victora, Federal University of Pelotas; Dennis Willms, McMaster University.

TEHIP-supported researchers

Health systems research: Dr Peter Kamuzora, Institute of Development Studies, University of Dar es Salaam; Mr Phares Mujinja, Institute of Public Health, Muhimbli University College of Health Sciences; Mr Cyprian Makwaya, Institute of Public Health, Muhimbli University College of Health Sciences; Dr Innocent Semali, Institute of Public Health, University College of Health Sciences.

Health behaviour research: Dr George Lwihula, Institute of Public Health, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences; Mr Charles Mayombana, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre; Mr Ahmed Makemba, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre; Dr Felician Tungaraza, Department of Sociology, University of Dar es Salaam; Ms Joyce Nyoni, Department of Sociology, University of Dar es Salaam.

Health impact research: Dr Eleuther Mwageni, Station Manager, Rufiji DSS, Ikwiriri; Mr Zaharani Juma, Data Manager, Rufiji DSS, Ikwiriri; Mr Mohamed Irema, Field Manager, Rufiji DSS, Ikwiriri; the TEHIP and AMMP teams

A final word of thanks to the dedicated TEHIP office and support staff, who have included, since 1996, Godfrey Munna, Robert Kilala, Steria Cosmas, Elimamba Tenga, Frida Zimamoto, the late Victor Lihendeko, Herieth Julius, Rose Lusinde, Faustina Daniel, Mohammed Njechele, Jamal Mkunguru, Bakari Ali, the late Alice Mmari, and Gladys Githaiga.

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