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       No. 2
     TEHIP in Action
     Research Approach
Nadine Robitaille

ID: 55574
Added: 2004-02-12 16:31
Modified: 2004-02-12 16:31
Refreshed: 2006-02-02 00:57

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Frequently Asked Questions about TEHIP
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What is TEHIP?

The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP) is a collaborative venture between Tanzania's Ministry of Health and Canada’s International Development Research Centre(IDRC). TEHIP was established to test innovations in planning, priority setting and resource allocation in the context of ongoing health reform. Funding is provided by both the government of Canada and Tanzania.

What does TEHIP do?

TEHIP examines the feasibility of institutionalizing a more evidence-based approach to planning in the specific context of decentralization at the District level in Morogoro Rural and Rufiji Districts.

What Questions does TEHIP address?

How and to what extent can district health plans be more evidence based (e.g. evidence from burden of disease, cost-effectiveness, community voice and system capacity); how and to what extent can such plans be implemented; and how, to what extent, and at what cost do such planning interventions have an impact on population health?

How was TEHIP conceived?

Over a period of three years following publication of the WDR 1993 Report “Investing in Health”, a series of broad consultative design conferences were held at international and national levels involving health development and research practitioners from a wide variety of multi-lateral, bilateral, government and academic institutions (World Bank, WHO, IDRC, CIDA, UNICEF, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation and the Government of Tanzania) to agree on the hypotheses to be tested and the approach to be taken.

What is the time frame of TEHIP?

Support to the project officially commenced in October 1996, while support to Districts and to the Tanzanian research community began in 1997. The project will unfold over 4 annual district health planning cycles ending in 2001.

Why does TEHIP include Research with Development?

Following the WDR ‘93, there has been growing interest in basing health systems development on a foundation of evidence. How to do this is unknown, especially at the District level where health reforms are delegating more responsibility and authority. Therefore TEHIP is about testing a new process of planning and priority setting. Tanzania has recognized that the health reform process includes research. All TEHIP research is conducted by consortia of Tanzanian research institutions.

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