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Oct 17, 2008Alberta's New Land-Use Framework at Critical PhaseAlberta’s new Land-Use Framework could become one of the government’s most important policy and legislative initiatives in several decades, but its success is not guaranteed. A new report released today by the Pembina Institute and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Northern Alberta provides the Government of Alberta with a proposed implementation roadmap for the LUF.
Oct 10, 2008Climate Action Team Moves Province One Step Closer to a Low Carbon FutureThe recommendations of British Columbia's Climate Action Team are a positive step forward in reducing the province's greenhouse gas emissions, says a coalition of environmental and sustainability organizations.
Oct 8, 2008Pembina Institute Scores Parties' Plans for Pricing PollutionThe Pembina Institute today released an in-depth assessment of each major federal party's proposal for putting a price on greenhouse gas pollution - widely agreed to be the most important element of any Canadian plan to fight global warming.
Oct 5, 2008No-Show from Harper on Climate QuestionsA coalition of 11 of Canada's largest environmental groups posted four out of five party leaders' responses to key campaign questions today - but unfortunately Stephen Harper's are not among them.
Sep 19, 2008Poll: Canadians Want to See Party Leaders Debate Environment IssuesWith the environment, and specifically climate change, emerging as a top campaign issue, Canadians want to see their political leaders take part in a televised environmental debate.
Oct 17, 2008 Canada's Election: Same Government, More Uncertainty for Carbon MarketsPrime Minister Stephen Harper took a weak climate plan into Canada's election and won himself a stronger minority government - but there's reason to doubt that his proposed greenhouse gas regulations will ever see the light of day.
Oct 11, 2008 Time to End the Phoney Battle and Fight the Real WarAt a time when we're flirting with climate disaster, Canada's political leaders have distracted us with a phoney war.
Oct 8, 2008 Which Party has the Strongest Plan to Put a Price on Pollution?Even if you're a casual election observer, you've probably heard something about "carbon pricing" in this campaign. Because it's such a crucial way to cut Canada's greenhouse gas pollution, we decided to take a closer look at the major parties' commitments on carbon pricing.

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