Thank You Sponsors Environment/Environnement Canada
Hewlett Packard
Waste Management
Waste Reduction Week

2006 Poster
Welcome to the Waste Reduction Week (WRW) in Canada web site. Here you will find resources and contacts to assist your community, school or business with waste minimization and conservation initiatives. The organizing partners are gearing up for an exciting year. Stay tuned for updates on this site as this year's events are organized.

Follow the applicable link from the menu on the left to register for your area. See how you can get involved locally. Bookmark the Events page so you can check back with us often. Help us make 2006 even more successful than previous years. In the meantime let's make every week Waste Reduction Week!

The Too Good to Waste Kits, created in 2004, for Municipalities, Schools and Businesses provide a wide array of organizing tips, facts and statistics to help you with your goals for Waste Reduction Week in Canada.

Proclaim Waste Reduction Week
Take a look at our list of Municipalities to see if yours has already declared October 16th to 22nd, 2006 Waste Reduction Week in Canada. Or why not make a community proclamation asking your municipal council to do so?

Need Ideas?
What should I do for Waste Reduction Week in Canada? One idea is to have Theme Days. For more ideas view the Resources section for a variety of activities (past and present) geared for Municipalities, Schools, Businesses, and Individuals/Not For Profts. Check out the List of Events for 2006 (being compiled now) and share your ideas by Registering your planned activities.

Thank you for your interest in the 2006 Waste Reduction Week in Canada. Register online now and let us know what activities you are planning. This will allow each participating provincial and territorial organizing body to keep track of all the events across the country.

Organizing partners across the country are planning special kick-off events and media campaigns. Please follow the link below and visit the organization nearest you to find out what is happening in your area.

Yukon Territory
Contact Us
Northwest Territories
Northwest Territory
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Nunavut Territory
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British Columbia
British Columbia
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New Brunswick
New Brunswick
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Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia
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Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island
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and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador
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