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 Program Guide for
 Students and Fellows
 Eligibility Criteria
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 Award Holder's Guide

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Eligibility Criteria

Students and Fellows Eligibility
Company Eligibility


What kind of scholarship and fellowship funding does NSERC offer?

NSERC supports the development of highly qualified Canadians in the natural sciences and engineering through a number of scholarships and fellowships programs.

These programs are intended to:

  • stimulate the interest of undergraduate students in research;
  • provide financial support to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows engaged in advanced studies and research; and
  • assist recent recipients of doctoral degrees in adding to their research experience.

NSERC scholarship support is limited to a maximum of four years full-time equivalent at the postgraduate level:

  • up to 24 months of support through CGS M, PGS M or IPS1 or a combination of these awards;
  • up to 36 months of support through CGS D, PGS D or IPS2 or a combination of these awards.

Frequently Asked Questions

For students and fellows

Are you eligible to apply?

To determine if you are eligible for a particular award, see the information about eligibility criteria at the beginning of each program description.

NSERC uses the date of degree completion to determine the eligibility of applicants. This is the date on which all the requirements of your degree have been met, including successful defence and submission of the corrected copy of your thesis (in accordance with your university's regulations).

Proof of citizenship

To be eligible for support for the majority of the programs (except for Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories), you must be a Canadian citizen, or a permanent resident of Canada, as of the deadline date for application. Please note that NSERC may ask for proof of citizenship or residency status before and while it provides funding.

Where can you hold these awards?

Scholarships and fellowships are generally tenable at institutions whose standing is recognized by NSERC. When you select a location for tenure, you should remember the importance of obtaining a diverse educational background and varied experience by studying at more than one institution.

Selecting the appropriate federal granting agency

There are two other federal granting agencies that offer support for which you may be eligible:

The agencies will collaborate and cooperate to prevent unnecessary duplication of effort. However, mutually exclusive guidelines are difficult to define and some research proposals will necessarily overlap the individual jurisdictions, priorities and interests of the three bodies. Applicants should consult the guidelines of each body to select the agency best suited to consider their application. You may only submit one application per academic year to NSERC or CIHR or SSHRC.

If you are seeking support for interdisciplinary research that bridges the areas covered by more than one of the three agencies (NSERC, CIHR and SSHRC) and are not certain about the eligibility of your proposed research, consult with one of the granting agencies well before any applicable deadlines.

Is your proposed research eligible for NSERC support?

To be eligible for support from NSERC, you must be undertaking a program of study or research in one of the fields that NSERC supports. The proposed research must clearly be intended to advance knowledge in one of the natural sciences or in engineering. In addition, for awards held in universities, the research must be supervised by a faculty member whose own research is in a field that NSERC supports.

Some eligibility conditions may apply if you intend to undertake research in such fields as:

  • anthropology/archaeology;
  • business and management studies;
  • geography;
  • optometry;
  • nutrition;
  • pharmacology;
  • physical education;
  • psychology; and
  • the basic health sciences.

These fields lie at the interface between the disciplines supported by NSERC, CIHR, or SSHRC.

If you intend to undertake clinically-oriented research, please note that these fields are not eligible for NSERC scholarship support. Contact CIHR for more information about funding for these fields.

If you are not certain about the eligibility of your proposed research, consult with one of the granting agencies well before any applicable deadlines.

In cases where the proposed research is deemed to fall within the mandate of either CIHR or SSHRC, NSERC will not accept the application. NSERC will make every effort to transfer your application to the appropriate agency. If this is not feasible, you may be required to submit a new application to the appropriate agency (subject to their deadlines and eligibility criteria).

If you receive an award from NSERC, but then change your field of study or research to a field that NSERC does not support, you will no longer be eligible. As a result, NSERC will cancel the award.

Is your proposed research in psychology?

The field of psychology is supported by the three granting agencies as follows.

NSERC considers applications that relate to fundamental psychological processes, their underlying neural mechanisms, their development within individuals, and their evolutionary and ecological context. Fundamental processes are understood to include:

  • sensation and perception;
  • sensorimotor integration;
  • motivation, emotion, and reward;
  • learning and memory;
  • cognition and language; and
  • sleep, arousal, and the chronobiological modulation of behaviour.

NSERC also considers applications concerning statistical methods for analysis of psychological data.

Clinical psychology programs are not normally eligible for NSERC support.

SSHRC considers applications in the broad area of social psychology. A detailed description of the areas that fall under the jurisdiction of SSHRC is published by that agency. These currently include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • experimental social psychology: social behaviour in an experimental setting including the dynamics and processes of interpersonal relations; behaviour in small and large groups; interpersonal influence;
  • communication: interpersonal communication; social aspects of psycholinguistics; socio-linguistics and ethnolinguistics; mass media effects;
  • social processes and social issues: the examination of social phenomena in a natural setting from a psychological perspective;
  • personality: human personality traits and processes and their behavioural manifestations, including emotions and non-pathological emotional reactions; defence mechanisms, cognitive style, creativity, self-concept, self-perception, and the measurement of these traits;
  • developmental psychology: children's social and personality development, social behaviour and personality in adulthood and aging;
  • educational psychology: educational research pertaining to both normal and special populations; school learning and prediction of achievement;
  • history and philosophy of psychology and psychological analysis of historical figures;
  • theory and method: studies of a theoretical or methodological nature; and
  • applied psychology: projects in the areas of organizational and industrial psychology, and environmental psychology.

CIHR considers applications for support of research on normal and abnormal psychological processes with clear and direct relevance to human health. This includes research on behavioural aspects of physical health and disease or mental health and disorders.

Are you eligible to hold an award?

To hold an award, you must:

  • accept the terms and conditions of the award, as set out in this Guide, in the Notice of Award and in the appropriate section of the Award Holder's Guide;

Note: Awards may be cancelled without notice if the conditions under which they are granted are violated.

Additional eligibility requirements may apply to specific programs and are described in the relevant sections.

Company Eligibility

To participate in the Industrial R&D Fellowships (IRDF) program, companies must be deemed eligible by NSERC. Eligible companies may also participate in the industrial component of the Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program.

To be eligible, a company must:

  • be either federally or provincially incorporated in Canada (companies that have not been incorporated may be considered if they are wholly Canadian-owned);
  • operate on a for-profit basis (government-owned companies will be considered provided they operate as regular for-profit enterprises, or on a cost-recovery basis; universities and other non-profit institutions that receive a significant portion of the operating budget from public funds are not eligible);
  • possess adequate and sound financial resources;
  • be engaged in R&D activities based, to a significant extent, on technology derived from the natural sciences or engineering (excluding clinical and health research);
  • maintain appropriate research facilities (e.g., laboratories, computing equipment) on the company premises; and
  • demonstrate that it can apply the results of its research by completing subsequent development work in Canada and by marketing or exploiting the products or processes from a Canadian base in the best interests of the company and the Canadian economy.

Also eligible are organizations that represent a group of Canadian enterprises or producers (such as agricultural or fishing cooperatives, or trade associations), consulting firms, engineering firms, and other enterprises that do not have production facilities. These types of organizations must demonstrate their ability to fund and apply the research through a Canadian company or association.

List of Eligible Companies (Alphabetically) (PDF format – 265 KB – 88 pages)

List of Eligible Companies (by Province)

Form 183B – Application for Eligibility of Organizations to Participate in NSERC’s IRF and Industrial USRA Programs

Updated:  2005-12-21

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